// Package migratecmd adds a new "migrate" command support to a PocketBase instance.
// It also comes with automigrations support and templates generation
// (both for JS and GO migration files).
// Example usage:
//	migratecmd.MustRegister(app, app.RootCmd, migratecmd.Config{
//		TemplateLang: migratecmd.TemplateLangJS, // default to migratecmd.TemplateLangGo
//		Automigrate:  true,
//		Dir:          "/custom/migrations/dir", // optional template migrations path; default to "pb_migrations" (for JS) and "migrations" (for Go)
//	})
//	Note: To allow running JS migrations you'll need to enable first
//	[jsvm.MustRegister()].
package migratecmd

import (


// Config defines the config options of the migratecmd plugin.
type Config struct {
	// Dir specifies the directory with the user defined migrations.
	// If not set it fallbacks to a relative "pb_data/../pb_migrations" (for js)
	// or "pb_data/../migrations" (for go) directory.
	Dir string

	// Automigrate specifies whether to enable automigrations.
	Automigrate bool

	// TemplateLang specifies the template language to use when
	// generating migrations - js or go (default).
	TemplateLang string

// MustRegister registers the migratecmd plugin to the provided app instance
// and panic if it fails.
// Example usage:
//	migratecmd.MustRegister(app, app.RootCmd, migratecmd.Config{})
func MustRegister(app core.App, rootCmd *cobra.Command, config Config) {
	if err := Register(app, rootCmd, config); err != nil {

// Register registers the migratecmd plugin to the provided app instance.
func Register(app core.App, rootCmd *cobra.Command, config Config) error {
	p := &plugin{app: app, config: config}

	if p.config.TemplateLang == "" {
		p.config.TemplateLang = TemplateLangGo

	if p.config.Dir == "" {
		if p.config.TemplateLang == TemplateLangJS {
			p.config.Dir = filepath.Join(p.app.DataDir(), "../pb_migrations")
		} else {
			p.config.Dir = filepath.Join(p.app.DataDir(), "../migrations")

	// attach the migrate command
	if rootCmd != nil {

	// watch for collection changes
	if p.config.Automigrate {
		// refresh the cache right after app bootstap
		p.app.OnAfterBootstrap().Add(func(e *core.BootstrapEvent) error {
			return nil

		// refresh the cache to ensure that it constains the latest changes
		// when migrations are applied on server start
		p.app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
			return nil


	return nil

type plugin struct {
	app    core.App
	config Config

func (p *plugin) createCommand() *cobra.Command {
	const cmdDesc = `Supported arguments are:
- up            - runs all available migrations
- down [number] - reverts the last [number] applied migrations
- create name   - creates new blank migration template file
- collections   - creates new migration file with snapshot of the local collections configuration
- history-sync  - ensures that the _migrations history table doesn't have references to deleted migration files

	command := &cobra.Command{
		Use:          "migrate",
		Short:        "Executes app DB migration scripts",
		Long:         cmdDesc,
		ValidArgs:    []string{"up", "down", "create", "collections"},
		SilenceUsage: true,
		RunE: func(command *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			cmd := ""
			if len(args) > 0 {
				cmd = args[0]

			switch cmd {
			case "create":
				if _, err := p.migrateCreateHandler("", args[1:], true); err != nil {
					return err
			case "collections":
				if _, err := p.migrateCollectionsHandler(args[1:], true); err != nil {
					return err
				runner, err := migrate.NewRunner(p.app.DB(), migrations.AppMigrations)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				if err := runner.Run(args...); err != nil {
					return err

			return nil

	return command

func (p *plugin) migrateCreateHandler(template string, args []string, interactive bool) (string, error) {
	if len(args) < 1 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Missing migration file name")

	name := args[0]
	dir := p.config.Dir

	filename := fmt.Sprintf("%d_%s.%s", time.Now().Unix(), inflector.Snakecase(name), p.config.TemplateLang)

	resultFilePath := path.Join(dir, filename)

	if interactive {
		confirm := false
		prompt := &survey.Confirm{
			Message: fmt.Sprintf("Do you really want to create migration %q?", resultFilePath),
		survey.AskOne(prompt, &confirm)
		if !confirm {
			fmt.Println("The command has been cancelled")
			return "", nil

	// get default create template
	if template == "" {
		var templateErr error
		if p.config.TemplateLang == TemplateLangJS {
			template, templateErr = p.jsBlankTemplate()
		} else {
			template, templateErr = p.goBlankTemplate()
		if templateErr != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve create template: %v\n", templateErr)

	// ensure that the migrations dir exist
	if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
		return "", err

	// save the migration file
	if err := os.WriteFile(resultFilePath, []byte(template), 0644); err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to save migration file %q: %v\n", resultFilePath, err)

	if interactive {
		fmt.Printf("Successfully created file %q\n", resultFilePath)

	return filename, nil

func (p *plugin) migrateCollectionsHandler(args []string, interactive bool) (string, error) {
	createArgs := []string{"collections_snapshot"}
	createArgs = append(createArgs, args...)

	collections := []*models.Collection{}
	if err := p.app.Dao().CollectionQuery().OrderBy("created ASC").All(&collections); err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to fetch migrations list: %v", err)

	var template string
	var templateErr error
	if p.config.TemplateLang == TemplateLangJS {
		template, templateErr = p.jsSnapshotTemplate(collections)
	} else {
		template, templateErr = p.goSnapshotTemplate(collections)
	if templateErr != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve template: %v", templateErr)

	return p.migrateCreateHandler(template, createArgs, interactive)