package core

import (


var AppMigrations MigrationsList
var SystemMigrations MigrationsList

const DefaultMigrationsTable = "_migrations"

// MigrationsRunner defines a simple struct for managing the execution of db migrations.
type MigrationsRunner struct {
	app            App
	tableName      string
	migrationsList MigrationsList
	inited         bool

// NewMigrationsRunner creates and initializes a new db migrations MigrationsRunner instance.
func NewMigrationsRunner(app App, migrationsList MigrationsList) *MigrationsRunner {
	return &MigrationsRunner{
		app:            app,
		migrationsList: migrationsList,
		tableName:      DefaultMigrationsTable,

// Run interactively executes the current runner with the provided args.
// The following commands are supported:
// - up           - applies all migrations
// - down [n]     - reverts the last n (default 1) applied migrations
// - history-sync - syncs the migrations table with the runner's migrations list
func (r *MigrationsRunner) Run(args ...string) error {
	if err := r.initMigrationsTable(); err != nil {
		return err

	cmd := "up"
	if len(args) > 0 {
		cmd = args[0]

	switch cmd {
	case "up":
		applied, err := r.Up()
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if len(applied) == 0 {
			color.Green("No new migrations to apply.")
		} else {
			for _, file := range applied {
				color.Green("Applied %s", file)

		return nil
	case "down":
		toRevertCount := 1
		if len(args) > 1 {
			toRevertCount = cast.ToInt(args[1])
			if toRevertCount < 0 {
				// revert all applied migrations
				toRevertCount = len(r.migrationsList.Items())

		names, err := r.lastAppliedMigrations(toRevertCount)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		confirm := false
		prompt := &survey.Confirm{
			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
				"\n%v\nDo you really want to revert the last %d applied migration(s)?",
				strings.Join(names, "\n"),
		survey.AskOne(prompt, &confirm)
		if !confirm {
			fmt.Println("The command has been cancelled")
			return nil

		reverted, err := r.Down(toRevertCount)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if len(reverted) == 0 {
			color.Green("No migrations to revert.")
		} else {
			for _, file := range reverted {
				color.Green("Reverted %s", file)

		return nil
	case "history-sync":
		if err := r.RemoveMissingAppliedMigrations(); err != nil {
			return err

		color.Green("The %s table was synced with the available migrations.", r.tableName)
		return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("Unsupported command: %q\n", cmd)

// Up executes all unapplied migrations for the provided runner.
// On success returns list with the applied migrations file names.
func (r *MigrationsRunner) Up() ([]string, error) {
	if err := r.initMigrationsTable(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	applied := []string{}

	err := App) error {
		return txApp.RunInTransaction(func(txApp App) error {
			for _, m := range r.migrationsList.Items() {
				// applied migrations check
				if r.isMigrationApplied(txApp, m.File) {
					if m.ReapplyCondition == nil {
						continue // no need to reapply

					shouldReapply, err := m.ReapplyCondition(txApp, r, m.File)
					if err != nil {
						return err
					if !shouldReapply {

					// clear previous history stored entry
					// (it will be recreated after successful execution)
					r.saveRevertedMigration(txApp, m.File)

				// ignore empty Up action
				if m.Up != nil {
					if err := m.Up(txApp); err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to apply migration %s: %w", m.File, err)

				if err := r.saveAppliedMigration(txApp, m.File); err != nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("Failed to save applied migration info for %s: %w", m.File, err)

				applied = append(applied, m.File)

			return nil

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return applied, nil

// Down reverts the last `toRevertCount` applied migrations
// (in the order they were applied).
// On success returns list with the reverted migrations file names.
func (r *MigrationsRunner) Down(toRevertCount int) ([]string, error) {
	if err := r.initMigrationsTable(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	reverted := make([]string, 0, toRevertCount)

	names, appliedErr := r.lastAppliedMigrations(toRevertCount)
	if appliedErr != nil {
		return nil, appliedErr

	err := App) error {
		return txApp.RunInTransaction(func(txApp App) error {
			for _, name := range names {
				for _, m := range r.migrationsList.Items() {
					if m.File != name {

					// revert limit reached
					if toRevertCount-len(reverted) <= 0 {
						return nil

					// ignore empty Down action
					if m.Down != nil {
						if err := m.Down(txApp); err != nil {
							return fmt.Errorf("Failed to revert migration %s: %w", m.File, err)

					if err := r.saveRevertedMigration(txApp, m.File); err != nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("Failed to save reverted migration info for %s: %w", m.File, err)

					reverted = append(reverted, m.File)
			return nil

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return reverted, nil

// RemoveMissingAppliedMigrations removes the db entries of all applied migrations
// that are not listed in the runner's migrations list.
func (r *MigrationsRunner) RemoveMissingAppliedMigrations() error {
	loadedMigrations := r.migrationsList.Items()

	names := make([]any, len(loadedMigrations))
	for i, migration := range loadedMigrations {
		names[i] = migration.File

	_, err :=, dbx.Not(dbx.HashExp{
		"file": names,

	return err

func (r *MigrationsRunner) initMigrationsTable() error {
	if r.inited {
		return nil // already inited

	rawQuery := fmt.Sprintf(

	_, err :=

	if err == nil {
		r.inited = true

	return err

func (r *MigrationsRunner) isMigrationApplied(txApp App, file string) bool {
	var exists bool

	err := txApp.DB().Select("count(*)").
		Where(dbx.HashExp{"file": file}).

	return err == nil && exists

func (r *MigrationsRunner) saveAppliedMigration(txApp App, file string) error {
	_, err := txApp.DB().Insert(r.tableName, dbx.Params{
		"file":    file,
		"applied": time.Now().UnixMicro(),

	return err

func (r *MigrationsRunner) saveRevertedMigration(txApp App, file string) error {
	_, err := txApp.DB().Delete(r.tableName, dbx.HashExp{"file": file}).Execute()

	return err

func (r *MigrationsRunner) lastAppliedMigrations(limit int) ([]string, error) {
	var files = make([]string, 0, limit)

	loadedMigrations := r.migrationsList.Items()

	names := make([]any, len(loadedMigrations))
	for i, migration := range loadedMigrations {
		names[i] = migration.File

	err :="file").
		Where(dbx.Not(dbx.HashExp{"applied": nil})).
		AndWhere(dbx.HashExp{"file": names}).
		// unify microseconds and seconds applied time for backward compatibility
		OrderBy("substr(applied||'0000000000000000', 0, 17) DESC").
		AndOrderBy("file DESC").

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return files, nil