package daos import ( "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" ) // CollectionQuery returns a new Collection select query. func (dao *Dao) CollectionQuery() *dbx.SelectQuery { return dao.ModelQuery(&models.Collection{}) } // FindCollectionByNameOrId finds the first collection by its name or id. func (dao *Dao) FindCollectionByNameOrId(nameOrId string) (*models.Collection, error) { model := &models.Collection{} err := dao.CollectionQuery(). AndWhere(dbx.Or( dbx.HashExp{"id": nameOrId}, dbx.HashExp{"name": nameOrId}, )). Limit(1). One(model) if err != nil { return nil, err } return model, nil } // IsCollectionNameUnique checks that there is no existing collection // with the provided name (case insensitive!). // // Note: case sensitive check because the name is used also as a table name for the records. func (dao *Dao) IsCollectionNameUnique(name string, excludeId string) bool { if name == "" { return false } var exists bool err := dao.CollectionQuery(). Select("count(*)"). AndWhere(dbx.Not(dbx.HashExp{"id": excludeId})). AndWhere(dbx.NewExp("LOWER([[name]])={:name}", dbx.Params{"name": strings.ToLower(name)})). Limit(1). Row(&exists) return err == nil && !exists } // FindCollectionsWithUserFields finds all collections that has // at least one user schema field. func (dao *Dao) FindCollectionsWithUserFields() ([]*models.Collection, error) { result := []*models.Collection{} err := dao.CollectionQuery(). InnerJoin( "json_each(schema) as jsonField", dbx.NewExp( "json_extract(jsonField.value, '$.type') = {:type}", dbx.Params{"type": schema.FieldTypeUser}, ), ). All(&result) return result, err } // FindCollectionReferences returns information for all // relation schema fields referencing the provided collection. // // If the provided collection has reference to itself then it will be // also included in the result. To exlude it, pass the collection id // as the excludeId argument. func (dao *Dao) FindCollectionReferences(collection *models.Collection, excludeId string) (map[*models.Collection][]*schema.SchemaField, error) { collections := []*models.Collection{} err := dao.CollectionQuery(). AndWhere(dbx.Not(dbx.HashExp{"id": excludeId})). All(&collections) if err != nil { return nil, err } result := map[*models.Collection][]*schema.SchemaField{} for _, c := range collections { for _, f := range c.Schema.Fields() { if f.Type != schema.FieldTypeRelation { continue } f.InitOptions() options, _ := f.Options.(*schema.RelationOptions) if options != nil && options.CollectionId == collection.Id { result[c] = append(result[c], f) } } } return result, nil } // DeleteCollection deletes the provided Collection model. // This method automatically deletes the related collection records table. // // NB! The collection cannot be deleted, if: // - is system collection (aka. collection.System is true) // - is referenced as part of a relation field in another collection func (dao *Dao) DeleteCollection(collection *models.Collection) error { if collection.System { return fmt.Errorf("System collection %q cannot be deleted.", collection.Name) } // ensure that there aren't any existing references. // note: the select is outside of the transaction to prevent SQLITE_LOCKED error when mixing read&write in a single transaction result, err := dao.FindCollectionReferences(collection, collection.Id) if err != nil { return err } if total := len(result); total > 0 { return fmt.Errorf("The collection %q has external relation field references (%d).", collection.Name, total) } return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error { // delete the related records table if err := txDao.DeleteTable(collection.Name); err != nil { return err } return txDao.Delete(collection) }) } // SaveCollection upserts the provided Collection model and updates // its related records table schema. func (dao *Dao) SaveCollection(collection *models.Collection) error { var oldCollection *models.Collection if !collection.IsNew() { // get the existing collection state to compare with the new one // note: the select is outside of the transaction to prevent SQLITE_LOCKED error when mixing read&write in a single transaction var findErr error oldCollection, findErr = dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(collection.Id) if findErr != nil { return findErr } } return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error { // persist the collection model if err := txDao.Save(collection); err != nil { return err } // sync the changes with the related records table return txDao.SyncRecordTableSchema(collection, oldCollection) }) } // ImportCollections imports the provided collections list in a single transaction. // // If deleteMissing is set, all existing collections that are not present in the // imported configuration will be deleted (including their related records table). // // NB! This method doesn't perform validations on the imported collections data! // If you need validations, use [forms.CollectionsImport]. func (dao *Dao) ImportCollections( importedCollections []*models.Collection, deleteMissing bool, beforeRecordsSync func(txDao *Dao, mappedImported, mappedExisting map[string]*models.Collection) error, ) error { if len(importedCollections) == 0 { return errors.New("No collections to import") } return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error { existingCollections := []*models.Collection{} if err := txDao.CollectionQuery().OrderBy("created ASC").All(&existingCollections); err != nil { return err } mappedExisting := make(map[string]*models.Collection, len(existingCollections)) for _, existing := range existingCollections { mappedExisting[existing.GetId()] = existing } mappedImported := make(map[string]*models.Collection, len(importedCollections)) for _, imported := range importedCollections { // normalize if !imported.HasId() { // generate id if not set imported.MarkAsNew() imported.RefreshId() } else if _, ok := mappedExisting[imported.GetId()]; !ok { imported.MarkAsNew() } mappedImported[imported.GetId()] = imported } // delete old collections not available in the new configuration // (before saving the imports in case a deleted collection name is being reused) if deleteMissing { for _, existing := range existingCollections { if mappedImported[existing.GetId()] != nil { continue // exist } if existing.System { return fmt.Errorf("System collection %q cannot be deleted.", existing.Name) } // delete the collection if err := txDao.Delete(existing); err != nil { return err } } } // upsert imported collections for _, imported := range importedCollections { if err := txDao.Save(imported); err != nil { return err } } if beforeRecordsSync != nil { if err := beforeRecordsSync(txDao, mappedImported, mappedExisting); err != nil { return err } } // delete the record tables of the deleted collections if deleteMissing { for _, existing := range existingCollections { if mappedImported[existing.GetId()] != nil { continue // exist } if err := txDao.DeleteTable(existing.Name); err != nil { return err } } } // sync the upserted collections with the related records table for _, imported := range importedCollections { existing := mappedExisting[imported.GetId()] if err := txDao.SyncRecordTableSchema(imported, existing); err != nil { return err } } return nil }) }