package jsvm

import (

	validation ""

// hooksBinds adds wrapped "on*" hook methods by reflecting on core.App.
func hooksBinds(app core.App, loader *goja.Runtime, executors *vmsPool) {
	fm := FieldMapper{}

	appType := reflect.TypeOf(app)
	appValue := reflect.ValueOf(app)
	totalMethods := appType.NumMethod()
	excludeHooks := []string{"OnBeforeServe"}

	for i := 0; i < totalMethods; i++ {
		method := appType.Method(i)
		if !strings.HasPrefix(method.Name, "On") || list.ExistInSlice(method.Name, excludeHooks) {
			continue // not a hook or excluded

		jsName := fm.MethodName(appType, method)

		// register the hook to the loader
		loader.Set(jsName, func(callback string, tags ...string) {
			pr := goja.MustCompile("", "{("+callback+").apply(undefined, __args)}", true)

			tagsAsValues := make([]reflect.Value, len(tags))
			for i, tag := range tags {
				tagsAsValues[i] = reflect.ValueOf(tag)

			hookInstance := appValue.MethodByName(method.Name).Call(tagsAsValues)[0]
			addFunc := hookInstance.MethodByName("Add")

			handlerType := addFunc.Type().In(0)

			handler := reflect.MakeFunc(handlerType, func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
				handlerArgs := make([]any, len(args))
				for i, arg := range args {
					handlerArgs[i] = arg.Interface()

				err := *goja.Runtime) error {
					executor.Set("__args", handlerArgs)
					res, err := executor.RunProgram(pr)
					executor.Set("__args", goja.Undefined())

					// check for returned error or false
					if res != nil {
						switch v := res.Export().(type) {
						case error:
							return v
						case bool:
							if !v {
								return hook.StopPropagation

					return err

				return []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(&err).Elem()}

			// register the wrapped hook handler

func cronBinds(app core.App, loader *goja.Runtime, executors *vmsPool) {
	scheduler := cron.New()

	var hasServeInited bool

	loader.Set("cronAdd", func(jobId, cronExpr, handler string) {
		pr := goja.MustCompile("", "{("+handler+").apply(undefined)}", true)

		err := scheduler.Add(jobId, cronExpr, func() { *goja.Runtime) error {
				_, err := executor.RunProgram(pr)
				return err
		if err != nil {
			panic("[cronAdd] failed to register cron job " + jobId + ": " + err.Error())

		// start the ticker (if not already)
		if hasServeInited && scheduler.Total() > 0 && !scheduler.HasStarted() {

	loader.Set("cronRemove", func(jobId string) {

		// stop the ticker if there are no other jobs
		if scheduler.Total() == 0 {

	app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
		// start the ticker (if not already)
		if scheduler.Total() > 0 && !scheduler.HasStarted() {

		hasServeInited = true

		return nil

func routerBinds(app core.App, loader *goja.Runtime, executors *vmsPool) {
	loader.Set("routerAdd", func(method string, path string, handler goja.Value, middlewares ...goja.Value) {
		wrappedMiddlewares, err := wrapMiddlewares(executors, middlewares...)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[routerAdd] failed to wrap middlewares: " + err.Error())

		wrappedHandler, err := wrapHandler(executors, handler)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[routerAdd] failed to wrap handler: " + err.Error())

		app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
			e.Router.Add(strings.ToUpper(method), path, wrappedHandler, wrappedMiddlewares...)

			return nil

	loader.Set("routerUse", func(middlewares ...goja.Value) {
		wrappedMiddlewares, err := wrapMiddlewares(executors, middlewares...)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[routerUse] failed to wrap middlewares: " + err.Error())

		app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
			return nil

	loader.Set("routerPre", func(middlewares ...goja.Value) {
		wrappedMiddlewares, err := wrapMiddlewares(executors, middlewares...)
		if err != nil {
			panic("[routerPre] failed to wrap middlewares: " + err.Error())

		app.OnBeforeServe().Add(func(e *core.ServeEvent) error {
			return nil

func wrapHandler(executors *vmsPool, handler goja.Value) (echo.HandlerFunc, error) {
	if handler == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("handler must be non-nil")

	switch h := handler.Export().(type) {
	case echo.HandlerFunc:
		// "native" handler - no need to wrap
		return h, nil
	case func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value, string:
		pr := goja.MustCompile("", "{("+handler.String()+").apply(undefined, __args)}", true)

		wrappedHandler := func(c echo.Context) error {
			return *goja.Runtime) error {
				executor.Set("__args", []any{c})
				res, err := executor.RunProgram(pr)
				executor.Set("__args", goja.Undefined())

				// check for returned error
				if res != nil {
					if v, ok := res.Export().(error); ok {
						return v

				return err

		return wrappedHandler, nil
		return nil, errors.New("unsupported goja handler type")

func wrapMiddlewares(executors *vmsPool, rawMiddlewares ...goja.Value) ([]echo.MiddlewareFunc, error) {
	wrappedMiddlewares := make([]echo.MiddlewareFunc, len(rawMiddlewares))

	for i, m := range rawMiddlewares {
		if m == nil {
			return nil, errors.New("middleware func must be non-nil")

		switch v := m.Export().(type) {
		case echo.MiddlewareFunc:
			// "native" middleware - no need to wrap
			wrappedMiddlewares[i] = v
		case func(goja.FunctionCall) goja.Value, string:
			pr := goja.MustCompile("", "{(("+m.String()+").apply(undefined, __args)).apply(undefined, __args2)}", true)

			wrappedMiddlewares[i] = func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
				return func(c echo.Context) error {
					return *goja.Runtime) error {
						executor.Set("__args", []any{next})
						executor.Set("__args2", []any{c})
						res, err := executor.RunProgram(pr)
						executor.Set("__args", goja.Undefined())
						executor.Set("__args2", goja.Undefined())

						// check for returned error
						if res != nil {
							if v, ok := res.Export().(error); ok {
								return v

						return err
			return nil, errors.New("unsupported goja middleware type")

	return wrappedMiddlewares, nil

func baseBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {

	vm.Set("arrayOf", func(model any) any {
		mt := reflect.TypeOf(model)
		st := reflect.SliceOf(mt)
		elem := reflect.New(st).Elem()

		return elem.Addr().Interface()

	vm.Set("DynamicModel", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		shape, ok := call.Argument(0).Export().(map[string]any)
		if !ok || len(shape) == 0 {
			panic("[DynamicModel] missing shape data")

		instance := newDynamicModel(shape)
		instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

		return instanceValue

	vm.Set("Record", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		var instance *models.Record

		collection, ok := call.Argument(0).Export().(*models.Collection)
		if ok {
			instance = models.NewRecord(collection)
			data, ok := call.Argument(1).Export().(map[string]any)
			if ok {
		} else {
			instance = &models.Record{}

		instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

		return instanceValue

	vm.Set("Collection", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &models.Collection{}
		return structConstructorUnmarshal(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("Admin", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &models.Admin{}
		return structConstructorUnmarshal(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("Schema", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &schema.Schema{}
		return structConstructorUnmarshal(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("SchemaField", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &schema.SchemaField{}
		return structConstructorUnmarshal(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("MailerMessage", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &mailer.Message{}
		return structConstructor(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("Command", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &cobra.Command{}
		return structConstructor(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("RequestInfo", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := &models.RequestInfo{}
		return structConstructor(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("DateTime", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		instance := types.NowDateTime()

		val, _ := call.Argument(0).Export().(string)
		if val != "" {
			instance, _ = types.ParseDateTime(val)

		instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

		return structConstructor(vm, call, instance)

	vm.Set("ValidationError", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		code, _ := call.Argument(0).Export().(string)
		message, _ := call.Argument(1).Export().(string)

		instance := validation.NewError(code, message)
		instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

		return instanceValue

	vm.Set("Dao", func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		concurrentDB, _ := call.Argument(0).Export().(dbx.Builder)
		if concurrentDB == nil {
			panic("[Dao] missing required Dao(concurrentDB, [nonconcurrentDB]) argument")

		nonConcurrentDB, _ := call.Argument(1).Export().(dbx.Builder)
		if nonConcurrentDB == nil {
			nonConcurrentDB = concurrentDB

		instance := daos.NewMultiDB(concurrentDB, nonConcurrentDB)
		instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

		return instanceValue

func dbxBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$dbx", obj)

	obj.Set("exp", dbx.NewExp)
	obj.Set("hashExp", func(data map[string]any) dbx.HashExp {
		return dbx.HashExp(data)
	obj.Set("not", dbx.Not)
	obj.Set("and", dbx.And)
	obj.Set("or", dbx.Or)
	obj.Set("in", dbx.In)
	obj.Set("notIn", dbx.NotIn)
	obj.Set("like", dbx.Like)
	obj.Set("orLike", dbx.OrLike)
	obj.Set("notLike", dbx.NotLike)
	obj.Set("orNotLike", dbx.OrNotLike)
	obj.Set("exists", dbx.Exists)
	obj.Set("notExists", dbx.NotExists)
	obj.Set("between", dbx.Between)
	obj.Set("notBetween", dbx.NotBetween)

func tokensBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$tokens", obj)

	// admin
	obj.Set("adminAuthToken", tokens.NewAdminAuthToken)
	obj.Set("adminResetPasswordToken", tokens.NewAdminResetPasswordToken)
	obj.Set("adminFileToken", tokens.NewAdminFileToken)

	// record
	obj.Set("recordAuthToken", tokens.NewRecordAuthToken)
	obj.Set("recordVerifyToken", tokens.NewRecordVerifyToken)
	obj.Set("recordResetPasswordToken", tokens.NewRecordResetPasswordToken)
	obj.Set("recordChangeEmailToken", tokens.NewRecordChangeEmailToken)
	obj.Set("recordFileToken", tokens.NewRecordFileToken)

func securityBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$security", obj)

	// random
	obj.Set("randomString", security.RandomString)
	obj.Set("randomStringWithAlphabet", security.RandomStringWithAlphabet)
	obj.Set("pseudorandomString", security.PseudorandomString)
	obj.Set("pseudorandomStringWithAlphabet", security.PseudorandomStringWithAlphabet)

	// jwt
	obj.Set("parseUnverifiedJWT", security.ParseUnverifiedJWT)
	obj.Set("parseJWT", security.ParseJWT)
	obj.Set("createJWT", security.NewJWT)

	// encryption
	obj.Set("encrypt", security.Encrypt)
	obj.Set("decrypt", func(cipherText, key string) (string, error) {
		result, err := security.Decrypt(cipherText, key)

		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		return string(result), err

func filesystemBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$filesystem", obj)

	obj.Set("fileFromPath", filesystem.NewFileFromPath)
	obj.Set("fileFromBytes", filesystem.NewFileFromBytes)
	obj.Set("fileFromMultipart", filesystem.NewFileFromMultipart)

func filepathBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$filepath", obj)

	obj.Set("base", filepath.Base)
	obj.Set("clean", filepath.Clean)
	obj.Set("dir", filepath.Dir)
	obj.Set("ext", filepath.Ext)
	obj.Set("fromSlash", filepath.FromSlash)
	obj.Set("glob", filepath.Glob)
	obj.Set("isAbs", filepath.IsAbs)
	obj.Set("join", filepath.Join)
	obj.Set("match", filepath.Match)
	obj.Set("rel", filepath.Rel)
	obj.Set("split", filepath.Split)
	obj.Set("splitList", filepath.SplitList)
	obj.Set("toSlash", filepath.ToSlash)
	obj.Set("walk", filepath.Walk)
	obj.Set("walkDir", filepath.WalkDir)

func osBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$os", obj)

	obj.Set("args", os.Args)
	obj.Set("exec", exec.Command)
	obj.Set("exit", os.Exit)
	obj.Set("getenv", os.Getenv)
	obj.Set("dirFS", os.DirFS)
	obj.Set("readFile", os.ReadFile)
	obj.Set("writeFile", os.WriteFile)
	obj.Set("readDir", os.ReadDir)
	obj.Set("tempDir", os.TempDir)
	obj.Set("truncate", os.Truncate)
	obj.Set("getwd", os.Getwd)
	obj.Set("mkdir", os.Mkdir)
	obj.Set("mkdirAll", os.MkdirAll)
	obj.Set("rename", os.Rename)
	obj.Set("remove", os.Remove)
	obj.Set("removeAll", os.RemoveAll)

func formsBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "AdminLoginForm", forms.NewAdminLogin)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "AdminPasswordResetConfirmForm", forms.NewAdminPasswordResetConfirm)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "AdminPasswordResetRequestForm", forms.NewAdminPasswordResetRequest)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "AdminUpsertForm", forms.NewAdminUpsert)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "AppleClientSecretCreateForm", forms.NewAppleClientSecretCreate)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "CollectionUpsertForm", forms.NewCollectionUpsert)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "CollectionsImportForm", forms.NewCollectionsImport)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RealtimeSubscribeForm", forms.NewRealtimeSubscribe)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordEmailChangeConfirmForm", forms.NewRecordEmailChangeConfirm)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordEmailChangeRequestForm", forms.NewRecordEmailChangeRequest)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordOAuth2LoginForm", forms.NewRecordOAuth2Login)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordPasswordLoginForm", forms.NewRecordPasswordLogin)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordPasswordResetConfirmForm", forms.NewRecordPasswordResetConfirm)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordPasswordResetRequestForm", forms.NewRecordPasswordResetRequest)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordUpsertForm", forms.NewRecordUpsert)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordVerificationConfirmForm", forms.NewRecordVerificationConfirm)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "RecordVerificationRequestForm", forms.NewRecordVerificationRequest)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "SettingsUpsertForm", forms.NewSettingsUpsert)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "TestEmailSendForm", forms.NewTestEmailSend)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "TestS3FilesystemForm", forms.NewTestS3Filesystem)

func apisBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$apis", obj)

	obj.Set("staticDirectoryHandler", func(dir string, indexFallback bool) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return apis.StaticDirectoryHandler(os.DirFS(dir), indexFallback)

	// middlewares
	obj.Set("requireRecordAuth", apis.RequireRecordAuth)
	obj.Set("requireAdminAuth", apis.RequireAdminAuth)
	obj.Set("requireAdminAuthOnlyIfAny", apis.RequireAdminAuthOnlyIfAny)
	obj.Set("requireAdminOrRecordAuth", apis.RequireAdminOrRecordAuth)
	obj.Set("requireAdminOrOwnerAuth", apis.RequireAdminOrOwnerAuth)
	obj.Set("activityLogger", apis.ActivityLogger)

	// record helpers
	obj.Set("requestInfo", apis.RequestInfo)
	obj.Set("recordAuthResponse", apis.RecordAuthResponse)
	obj.Set("enrichRecord", apis.EnrichRecord)
	obj.Set("enrichRecords", apis.EnrichRecords)

	// api errors
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "ApiError", apis.NewApiError)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "NotFoundError", apis.NewNotFoundError)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "BadRequestError", apis.NewBadRequestError)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "ForbiddenError", apis.NewForbiddenError)
	registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm, "UnauthorizedError", apis.NewUnauthorizedError)

func httpClientBinds(vm *goja.Runtime) {
	obj := vm.NewObject()
	vm.Set("$http", obj)

	type sendResult struct {
		StatusCode int
		Raw        string
		Json       any

	type sendConfig struct {
		Method  string
		Url     string
		Data    map[string]any
		Headers map[string]string
		Timeout int // seconds (default to 120)

	obj.Set("send", func(params map[string]any) (*sendResult, error) {
		rawParams, err := json.Marshal(params)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		config := sendConfig{
			Method: "GET",
		if err := json.Unmarshal(rawParams, &config); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if config.Timeout <= 0 {
			config.Timeout = 120

		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(config.Timeout)*time.Second)
		defer cancel()

		var reqBody io.Reader
		if len(config.Data) != 0 {
			encoded, err := json.Marshal(config.Data)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			reqBody = bytes.NewReader(encoded)

		req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, strings.ToUpper(config.Method), config.Url, reqBody)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for k, v := range config.Headers {
			req.Header.Add(k, v)

		// set default content-type header (if missing)
		if req.Header.Get("content-type") == "" {
			req.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")

		res, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer res.Body.Close()

		bodyRaw, _ := io.ReadAll(res.Body)

		result := &sendResult{
			StatusCode: res.StatusCode,
			Raw:        string(bodyRaw),

		if len(result.Raw) != 0 {
			// try as map
			result.Json = map[string]any{}
			if err := json.Unmarshal(bodyRaw, &result.Json); err != nil {
				// try as slice
				result.Json = []any{}
				if err := json.Unmarshal(bodyRaw, &result.Json); err != nil {
					result.Json = nil

		return result, nil

// -------------------------------------------------------------------

// registerFactoryAsConstructor registers the factory function as native JS constructor.
// If there is missing or nil arguments, their type zero value is used.
func registerFactoryAsConstructor(vm *goja.Runtime, constructorName string, factoryFunc any) {
	rv := reflect.ValueOf(factoryFunc)
	rt := reflect.TypeOf(factoryFunc)
	totalArgs := rt.NumIn()

	vm.Set(constructorName, func(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
		args := make([]reflect.Value, totalArgs)

		for i := 0; i < totalArgs; i++ {
			v := call.Argument(i).Export()

			// use the arg type zero value
			if v == nil {
				args[i] = reflect.New(rt.In(i)).Elem()
			} else if number, ok := v.(int64); ok {
				// goja uses int64 for "int"-like numbers but we rarely do that and use int most of the times
				// (at later stage we can use reflection on the arguments to validate the types in case this is not sufficient anymore)
				args[i] = reflect.ValueOf(int(number))
			} else {
				args[i] = reflect.ValueOf(v)

		result := rv.Call(args)

		if len(result) != 1 {
			panic("the factory function should return only 1 item")

		value := vm.ToValue(result[0].Interface()).(*goja.Object)

		return value

// structConstructor wraps the provided struct with a native JS constructor.
// If the constructor argument is a map, each entry of the map will be loaded into the wrapped goja.Object.
func structConstructor(vm *goja.Runtime, call goja.ConstructorCall, instance any) *goja.Object {
	data, _ := call.Argument(0).Export().(map[string]any)

	instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)
	for k, v := range data {
		instanceValue.Set(k, v)


	return instanceValue

// structConstructorUnmarshal wraps the provided struct with a native JS constructor.
// The constructor first argument will be loaded via json.Unmarshal into the instance.
func structConstructorUnmarshal(vm *goja.Runtime, call goja.ConstructorCall, instance any) *goja.Object {
	if data := call.Argument(0).Export(); data != nil {
		if raw, err := json.Marshal(data); err == nil {
			json.Unmarshal(raw, instance)

	instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*goja.Object)

	return instanceValue

// newDynamicModel creates a new dynamic struct with fields based
// on the specified "shape".
// Example:
//	m := newDynamicModel(map[string]any{
//		"title": "",
//		"total": 0,
//	})
func newDynamicModel(shape map[string]any) any {
	shapeValues := make([]reflect.Value, 0, len(shape))
	structFields := make([]reflect.StructField, 0, len(shape))

	for k, v := range shape {
		vt := reflect.TypeOf(v)

		switch kind := vt.Kind(); kind {
		case reflect.Map:
			raw, _ := json.Marshal(v)
			newV := types.JsonMap{}
			v = newV
			vt = reflect.TypeOf(v)
		case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
			raw, _ := json.Marshal(v)
			newV := types.JsonArray[any]{}
			v = newV
			vt = reflect.TypeOf(newV)

		shapeValues = append(shapeValues, reflect.ValueOf(v))

		structFields = append(structFields, reflect.StructField{
			Name: inflector.UcFirst(k), // ensures that the field is exportable
			Type: vt,
			Tag:  reflect.StructTag(`db:"` + k + `" json:"` + k + `" form:"` + k + `"`),

	st := reflect.StructOf(structFields)
	elem := reflect.New(st).Elem()

	for i, v := range shapeValues {

	return elem.Addr().Interface()