package core

import (


var (
	_ Model        = (*Collection)(nil)
	_ DBExporter   = (*Collection)(nil)
	_ FilesManager = (*Collection)(nil)

const (
	CollectionTypeBase = "base"
	CollectionTypeAuth = "auth"
	CollectionTypeView = "view"

const systemHookIdCollection = "__pbCollectionSystemHook__"

func (app *BaseApp) registerCollectionHooks() {
		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionValidate().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionCreate().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionCreateExecute().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterCreateSuccess().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelErrorEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionErrorEventFromModelErrorEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterCreateError().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionErrorEvent) error {
					syncModelErrorEventWithCollectionErrorEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionUpdate().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionUpdateExecute().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterUpdateSuccess().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelErrorEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionErrorEventFromModelErrorEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterUpdateError().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionErrorEvent) error {
					syncModelErrorEventWithCollectionErrorEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionDelete().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionDeleteExecute().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionEventFromModelEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterDeleteSuccess().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionEvent) error {
					syncModelEventWithCollectionEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(me *ModelErrorEvent) error {
			if ce, ok := newCollectionErrorEventFromModelErrorEvent(me); ok {
				return me.App.OnCollectionAfterDeleteError().Trigger(ce, func(ce *CollectionErrorEvent) error {
					syncModelErrorEventWithCollectionErrorEvent(me, ce)
					return me.Next()

			return me.Next()
		Priority: -99,

	//  --------------------------------------------------------------

		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onCollectionValidate,
		Priority: 99,

		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onCollectionSave,
		Priority: -99,

		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onCollectionSave,
		Priority: -99,

		Id:   systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: onCollectionSaveExecute,
		// execute as latest as possible, aka. closer to the db action to minimize the transactions lock time
		Priority: 99,

		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onCollectionSaveExecute,
		Priority: 99, // execute as latest as possible, aka. closer to the db action to minimize the transactions lock time

		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onCollectionDeleteExecute,
		Priority: 99, // execute as latest as possible, aka. closer to the db action to minimize the transactions lock time

	// reload cache on failure
	// ---
	onErrorReloadCachedCollections := func(ce *CollectionErrorEvent) error {
		if err := ce.App.ReloadCachedCollections(); err != nil {
			ce.App.Logger().Warn("Failed to reload collections cache after collection change error", "error", err)

		return ce.Next()
		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onErrorReloadCachedCollections,
		Priority: -99,
		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onErrorReloadCachedCollections,
		Priority: -99,
		Id:       systemHookIdCollection,
		Func:     onErrorReloadCachedCollections,
		Priority: -99,
	// ---

		Id: systemHookIdCollection,
		Func: func(e *BootstrapEvent) error {
			if err := e.Next(); err != nil {
				return err

			if err := e.App.ReloadCachedCollections(); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to load collections cache: %w", err)

			return nil
		Priority: 99, // execute as latest as possible

// @todo experiment eventually replacing the rules *string with a struct?
type baseCollection struct {

	disableIntegrityChecks bool

	ListRule   *string `db:"listRule" json:"listRule" form:"listRule"`
	ViewRule   *string `db:"viewRule" json:"viewRule" form:"viewRule"`
	CreateRule *string `db:"createRule" json:"createRule" form:"createRule"`
	UpdateRule *string `db:"updateRule" json:"updateRule" form:"updateRule"`
	DeleteRule *string `db:"deleteRule" json:"deleteRule" form:"deleteRule"`

	// RawOptions represents the raw serialized collection option loaded from the DB.
	// NB! This field shouldn't be modified manually. It is automatically updated
	// with the collection type specific option before save.
	RawOptions types.JSONRaw `db:"options" json:"-" xml:"-" form:"-"`

	Name    string                  `db:"name" json:"name" form:"name"`
	Type    string                  `db:"type" json:"type" form:"type"`
	Fields  FieldsList              `db:"fields" json:"fields" form:"fields"`
	Indexes types.JSONArray[string] `db:"indexes" json:"indexes" form:"indexes"`
	Created types.DateTime          `db:"created" json:"created"`
	Updated types.DateTime          `db:"updated" json:"updated"`

	// System prevents the collection rename, deletion and rules change.
	// It is used primarily for internal purposes for collections like "_superusers", "_externalAuths", etc.
	System bool `db:"system" json:"system" form:"system"`

// Collection defines the table, fields and various options related to a set of records.
type Collection struct {

// NewCollection initializes and returns a new Collection model with the specified type and name.
func NewCollection(typ, name string) *Collection {
	switch typ {
	case CollectionTypeAuth:
		return NewAuthCollection(name)
	case CollectionTypeView:
		return NewViewCollection(name)
		return NewBaseCollection(name)

// NewBaseCollection initializes and returns a new "base" Collection model.
func NewBaseCollection(name string) *Collection {
	m := &Collection{}
	m.Name = name
	m.Type = CollectionTypeBase
	return m

// NewViewCollection initializes and returns a new "view" Collection model.
func NewViewCollection(name string) *Collection {
	m := &Collection{}
	m.Name = name
	m.Type = CollectionTypeView
	return m

// NewAuthCollection initializes and returns a new "auth" Collection model.
func NewAuthCollection(name string) *Collection {
	m := &Collection{}
	m.Name = name
	m.Type = CollectionTypeAuth
	return m

// TableName returns the Collection model SQL table name.
func (m *Collection) TableName() string {
	return "_collections"

// BaseFilesPath returns the storage dir path used by the collection.
func (m *Collection) BaseFilesPath() string {
	return m.Id

// IsBase checks if the current collection has "base" type.
func (m *Collection) IsBase() bool {
	return m.Type == CollectionTypeBase

// IsAuth checks if the current collection has "auth" type.
func (m *Collection) IsAuth() bool {
	return m.Type == CollectionTypeAuth

// IsView checks if the current collection has "view" type.
func (m *Collection) IsView() bool {
	return m.Type == CollectionTypeView

// IntegrityChecks toggles the current collection integrity checks (ex. checking references on delete).
func (m *Collection) IntegrityChecks(enable bool) {
	m.disableIntegrityChecks = !enable

// PostScan implements the [dbx.PostScanner] interface to auto unmarshal
// the raw serialized options into the concrete type specific fields.
func (m *Collection) PostScan() error {
	if err := m.BaseModel.PostScan(); err != nil {
		return err

	return m.unmarshalRawOptions()

func (m *Collection) unmarshalRawOptions() error {
	raw, err := m.RawOptions.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	switch m.Type {
	case CollectionTypeView:
		return json.Unmarshal(raw, &m.collectionViewOptions)
	case CollectionTypeAuth:
		return json.Unmarshal(raw, &m.collectionAuthOptions)

	return nil

// UnmarshalJSON implements the [json.Unmarshaler] interface.
// For new/"blank" Collection models it replaces the model with a factory
// instance and then unmarshal the provided data one on top of it.
func (m *Collection) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
	type alias *Collection

	// initialize the default fields
	// (e.g. in case the collection was NOT created using the designated factories)
	if m.IsNew() && m.Type == "" {
		minimal := &struct {
			Type string `json:"type"`
			Name string `json:"name"`
		if err := json.Unmarshal(b, minimal); err != nil {
			return err

		blank := NewCollection(minimal.Type, minimal.Name)
		*m = *blank

	return json.Unmarshal(b, alias(m))

// MarshalJSON implements the [json.Marshaler] interface.
// Note that non-type related fields are ignored from the serialization
// (ex. for "view" colections the "auth" fields are skipped).
func (m Collection) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	switch m.Type {
	case CollectionTypeView:
		return json.Marshal(struct {
		}{m.baseCollection, m.collectionViewOptions})
	case CollectionTypeAuth:
		alias := struct {
		}{m.baseCollection, m.collectionAuthOptions}

		// ensure that it is always returned as array
		if alias.OAuth2.Providers == nil {
			alias.OAuth2.Providers = []OAuth2ProviderConfig{}

		// hide secret keys from the serialization
		alias.AuthToken.Secret = ""
		alias.FileToken.Secret = ""
		alias.PasswordResetToken.Secret = ""
		alias.EmailChangeToken.Secret = ""
		alias.VerificationToken.Secret = ""
		for i := range alias.OAuth2.Providers {
			alias.OAuth2.Providers[i].ClientSecret = ""

		return json.Marshal(alias)
		return json.Marshal(m.baseCollection)

// String returns a string representation of the current collection.
func (m Collection) String() string {
	raw, _ := json.Marshal(m)
	return string(raw)

// DBExport prepares and exports the current collection data for db persistence.
func (m *Collection) DBExport(app App) (map[string]any, error) {
	result := map[string]any{
		"id":         m.Id,
		"type":       m.Type,
		"listRule":   m.ListRule,
		"viewRule":   m.ViewRule,
		"createRule": m.CreateRule,
		"updateRule": m.UpdateRule,
		"deleteRule": m.DeleteRule,
		"name":       m.Name,
		"fields":     m.Fields,
		"indexes":    m.Indexes,
		"system":     m.System,
		"created":    m.Created,
		"updated":    m.Updated,
		"options":    `{}`,

	switch m.Type {
	case CollectionTypeView:
		if raw, err := types.ParseJSONRaw(m.collectionViewOptions); err == nil {
			result["options"] = raw
		} else {
			return nil, err
	case CollectionTypeAuth:
		if raw, err := types.ParseJSONRaw(m.collectionAuthOptions); err == nil {
			result["options"] = raw
		} else {
			return nil, err

	return result, nil

// GetIndex returns s single Collection index expression by its name.
func (m *Collection) GetIndex(name string) string {
	for _, idx := range m.Indexes {
		if strings.EqualFold(dbutils.ParseIndex(idx).IndexName, name) {
			return idx

	return ""

// AddIndex adds a new index into the current collection.
// If the collection has an existing index matching the new name it will be replaced with the new one.
func (m *Collection) AddIndex(name string, unique bool, columnsExpr string, optWhereExpr string) {

	var idx strings.Builder

	idx.WriteString("CREATE ")
	if unique {
		idx.WriteString("UNIQUE ")
	idx.WriteString("INDEX `")
	idx.WriteString("` ")
	idx.WriteString("ON `")
	idx.WriteString("` (")
	if optWhereExpr != "" {
		idx.WriteString(" WHERE ")

	m.Indexes = append(m.Indexes, idx.String())

// RemoveIndex removes a single index with the specified name from the current collection.
func (m *Collection) RemoveIndex(name string) {
	for i, idx := range m.Indexes {
		if strings.EqualFold(dbutils.ParseIndex(idx).IndexName, name) {
			m.Indexes = append(m.Indexes[:i], m.Indexes[i+1:]...)

// delete hook
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

func onCollectionDeleteExecute(e *CollectionEvent) error {
	if e.Collection.System {
		return fmt.Errorf("[%s] system collections cannot be deleted", e.Collection.Name)

	defer func() {
		if err := e.App.ReloadCachedCollections(); err != nil {
			e.App.Logger().Warn("Failed to reload collections cache", "error", err)

	if !e.Collection.disableIntegrityChecks {
		// ensure that there aren't any existing references.
		// note: the select is outside of the transaction to prevent SQLITE_LOCKED error when mixing read&write in a single transaction
		references, err := e.App.FindCollectionReferences(e.Collection, e.Collection.Id)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("[%s] failed to check collection references: %w", e.Collection.Name, err)
		if total := len(references); total > 0 {
			names := make([]string, 0, len(references))
			for ref := range references {
				names = append(names, ref.Name)
			return fmt.Errorf("[%s] failed to delete due to existing relation references: %s", e.Collection.Name, strings.Join(names, ", "))

	originalApp := e.App

	txErr := e.App.RunInTransaction(func(txApp App) error {
		e.App = txApp

		// delete the related view or records table
		if e.Collection.IsView() {
			if err := txApp.DeleteView(e.Collection.Name); err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			if err := txApp.DeleteTable(e.Collection.Name); err != nil {
				return err

		if !e.Collection.disableIntegrityChecks {
			// trigger views resave to check for dependencies
			if err := resaveViewsWithChangedFields(txApp, e.Collection.Id); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("[%s] failed to delete due to existing view dependency: %w", e.Collection.Name, err)

		// delete
		return e.Next()

	e.App = originalApp

	return txErr

// save hook
// -------------------------------------------------------------------

func (c *Collection) initDefaultId() {
	if c.Id != "" {
		return // already set

	if c.System && c.Name != "" {
		// for system collections we use crc32 checksum for consistency because they cannot be renamed
		c.Id = "_pbc_" + crc32Checksum(c.Name)
	} else {
		c.Id = "_pbc_" + security.RandomStringWithAlphabet(10, DefaultIdAlphabet)

func (c *Collection) savePrepare() error {
	if c.Type == "" {
		c.Type = CollectionTypeBase

	if c.IsNew() {
		c.Created = types.NowDateTime()

	c.Updated = types.NowDateTime()

	// recreate the fields list to ensure that all normalizations
	// like default field id are applied
	c.Fields = NewFieldsList(c.Fields...)


	if c.IsAuth() {

	return nil

func onCollectionSave(e *CollectionEvent) error {
	if err := e.Collection.savePrepare(); err != nil {
		return err

	return e.Next()

func onCollectionSaveExecute(e *CollectionEvent) error {
	defer func() {
		if err := e.App.ReloadCachedCollections(); err != nil {
			e.App.Logger().Warn("Failed to reload collections cache", "error", err)

	var oldCollection *Collection
	if !e.Collection.IsNew() {
		var err error
		oldCollection, err = e.App.FindCachedCollectionByNameOrId(e.Collection.Id)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// invalidate previously issued auth tokens on auth rule change
		if oldCollection.AuthRule != e.Collection.AuthRule &&
			cast.ToString(oldCollection.AuthRule) != cast.ToString(e.Collection.AuthRule) {
			e.Collection.AuthToken.Secret = security.RandomString(50)

	originalApp := e.App
	txErr := e.App.RunInTransaction(func(txApp App) error {
		e.App = txApp

		isView := e.Collection.IsView()

		// ensures that the view collection shema is properly loaded
		if isView {
			query := e.Collection.ViewQuery

			// generate collection fields list from the query
			viewFields, err := e.App.CreateViewFields(query)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// delete old renamed view
			if oldCollection != nil {
				if err := e.App.DeleteView(oldCollection.Name); err != nil {
					return err

			// wrap view query if necessary
			query, err = normalizeViewQueryId(e.App, query)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to normalize view query id: %w", err)

			// (re)create the view
			if err := e.App.SaveView(e.Collection.Name, query); err != nil {
				return err

			// updates newCollection.Fields based on the generated view table info and query
			e.Collection.Fields = viewFields

		// save the Collection model
		if err := e.Next(); err != nil {
			return err

		// sync the changes with the related records table
		if !isView {
			if err := e.App.SyncRecordTableSchema(e.Collection, oldCollection); err != nil {
				// note: don't wrap to allow propagating indexes validation.Errors
				return err

		return nil
	e.App = originalApp

	if txErr != nil {
		return txErr

	// trigger an update for all views with changed fields as a result of the current collection save
	// (ignoring view errors to allow users to update the query from the UI)
	resaveViewsWithChangedFields(e.App, e.Collection.Id)

	return nil

func (c *Collection) initDefaultFields() {
	switch c.Type {
	case CollectionTypeBase:
	case CollectionTypeAuth:
	case CollectionTypeView:
		// view fields are autogenerated

func (c *Collection) initIdField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNameId).(*TextField)
	if field == nil {
		// create default field
		field = &TextField{
			Name:                FieldNameId,
			System:              true,
			PrimaryKey:          true,
			Required:            true,
			Min:                 15,
			Max:                 15,
			Pattern:             `^[a-z0-9]+$`,
			AutogeneratePattern: `[a-z0-9]{15}`,

		// prepend it
		c.Fields = NewFieldsList(append([]Field{field}, c.Fields...)...)
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true
		field.Required = true
		field.PrimaryKey = true
		field.Hidden = false

func (c *Collection) initPasswordField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNamePassword).(*PasswordField)
	if field == nil {
		// load default field
			Name:     FieldNamePassword,
			System:   true,
			Hidden:   true,
			Required: true,
			Min:      8,
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true
		field.Hidden = true
		field.Required = true

func (c *Collection) initTokenKeyField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNameTokenKey).(*TextField)
	if field == nil {
		// load default field
			Name:                FieldNameTokenKey,
			System:              true,
			Hidden:              true,
			Min:                 30,
			Max:                 60,
			Required:            true,
			AutogeneratePattern: `[a-zA-Z0-9]{50}`,
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true
		field.Hidden = true
		field.Required = true

	// ensure that there is a unique index for the field
	if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(FieldNameTokenKey, c.Indexes) {
		c.Indexes = append(c.Indexes, fmt.Sprintf(
			"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (`%s`)",

func (c *Collection) initEmailField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNameEmail).(*EmailField)
	if field == nil {
		// load default field
			Name:     FieldNameEmail,
			System:   true,
			Required: true,
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true
		field.Hidden = false // managed by the emailVisibility flag

	// ensure that there is a unique index for the email field
	if !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(FieldNameEmail, c.Indexes) {
		c.Indexes = append(c.Indexes, fmt.Sprintf(
			"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `%s` ON `%s` (`%s`) WHERE `%s` != ''",

func (c *Collection) initEmailVisibilityField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNameEmailVisibility).(*BoolField)
	if field == nil {
		// load default field
			Name:   FieldNameEmailVisibility,
			System: true,
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true

func (c *Collection) initVerifiedField() {
	field, _ := c.Fields.GetByName(FieldNameVerified).(*BoolField)
	if field == nil {
		// load default field
			Name:   FieldNameVerified,
			System: true,
	} else {
		// enforce system defaults
		field.System = true

func (c *Collection) fieldIndexName(field string) string {
	name := "idx_" + field + "_"

	if c.Id != "" {
		name += c.Id
	} else if c.Name != "" {
		name += c.Name
	} else {
		name += security.PseudorandomString(10)

	if len(name) > 64 {
		return name[:64]

	return name