package core_test import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestSettingsDelete(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() app, _ := tests.NewTestApp() defer app.Cleanup() err := app.Delete(app.Settings()) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Exected settings delete to fail") } } func TestSettingsMerge(t *testing.T) { s1 := &core.Settings{} s1.Meta.AppURL = "app_url" // should be unset s2 := &core.Settings{} s2.Meta.AppName = "test" s2.Logs.MaxDays = 123 s2.SMTP.Host = "test" s2.SMTP.Enabled = true s2.S3.Enabled = true s2.S3.Endpoint = "test" s2.Backups.Cron = "* * * * *" s2.Batch.Timeout = 15 if err := s1.Merge(s2); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s1Encoded, err := json.Marshal(s1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s2Encoded, err := json.Marshal(s2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(s1Encoded) != string(s2Encoded) { t.Fatalf("Expected the same serialization, got\n%v\nVS\n%v", string(s1Encoded), string(s2Encoded)) } } func TestSettingsClone(t *testing.T) { s1 := &core.Settings{} s1.Meta.AppName = "test_name" s2, err := s1.Clone() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s1Bytes, err := json.Marshal(s1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } s2Bytes, err := json.Marshal(s2) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if string(s1Bytes) != string(s2Bytes) { t.Fatalf("Expected equivalent serialization, got %v VS %v", string(s1Bytes), string(s2Bytes)) } // verify that it is a deep copy s2.Meta.AppName = "new_test_name" if s1.Meta.AppName == s2.Meta.AppName { t.Fatalf("Expected s1 and s2 to have different Meta.AppName, got %s", s1.Meta.AppName) } } func TestSettingsMarshalJSON(t *testing.T) { settings := &core.Settings{} // control fields settings.Meta.AppName = "test123" settings.SMTP.Username = "abc" // secrets testSecret := "test_secret" settings.SMTP.Password = testSecret settings.S3.Secret = testSecret settings.Backups.S3.Secret = testSecret raw, err := json.Marshal(settings) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } rawStr := string(raw) expected := `{"smtp":{"enabled":false,"port":0,"host":"","username":"abc","authMethod":"","tls":false,"localName":""},"backups":{"cron":"","cronMaxKeep":0,"s3":{"enabled":false,"bucket":"","region":"","endpoint":"","accessKey":"","forcePathStyle":false}},"s3":{"enabled":false,"bucket":"","region":"","endpoint":"","accessKey":"","forcePathStyle":false},"meta":{"appName":"test123","appURL":"","senderName":"","senderAddress":"","hideControls":false},"logs":{"maxDays":0,"minLevel":0,"logIP":false,"logAuthId":false},"batch":{"enabled":false,"maxRequests":0,"timeout":0,"maxBodySize":0},"rateLimits":{"rules":[],"enabled":false},"trustedProxy":{"headers":[],"useLeftmostIP":false}}` if rawStr != expected { t.Fatalf("Expected\n%v\ngot\n%v", expected, rawStr) } } func TestSettingsValidate(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() app, _ := tests.NewTestApp() defer app.Cleanup() s := app.Settings() // set invalid settings data s.Meta.AppName = "" s.Logs.MaxDays = -10 s.SMTP.Enabled = true s.SMTP.Host = "" s.S3.Enabled = true s.S3.Endpoint = "invalid" s.Backups.Cron = "invalid" s.Backups.CronMaxKeep = -10 s.Batch.Enabled = true s.Batch.MaxRequests = -1 s.Batch.Timeout = -1 s.RateLimits.Enabled = true s.RateLimits.Rules = nil // check if Validate() is triggering the members validate methods. err := app.Validate(s) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error, got nil") } expectations := []string{ `"meta":{`, `"logs":{`, `"smtp":{`, `"s3":{`, `"backups":{`, `"batch":{`, `"rateLimits":{`, } errBytes, _ := json.Marshal(err) jsonErr := string(errBytes) for _, expected := range expectations { if !strings.Contains(jsonErr, expected) { t.Errorf("Expected error key %s in %v", expected, jsonErr) } } } func TestMetaConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.MetaConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero values", core.MetaConfig{}, []string{ "appName", "appURL", "senderName", "senderAddress", }, }, { "invalid data", core.MetaConfig{ AppName: strings.Repeat("a", 300), AppURL: "test", SenderName: strings.Repeat("a", 300), SenderAddress: "invalid_email", }, []string{ "appName", "appURL", "senderName", "senderAddress", }, }, { "valid data", core.MetaConfig{ AppName: "test", AppURL: "", SenderName: "test", SenderAddress: "", }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestLogsConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.LogsConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero values", core.LogsConfig{}, []string{}, }, { "invalid data", core.LogsConfig{MaxDays: -1}, []string{"maxDays"}, }, { "valid data", core.LogsConfig{MaxDays: 2}, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestSMTPConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.SMTPConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero values (disabled)", core.SMTPConfig{}, []string{}, }, { "zero values (enabled)", core.SMTPConfig{Enabled: true}, []string{"host", "port"}, }, { "invalid data", core.SMTPConfig{ Enabled: true, Host: "test:test:test", Port: -10, LocalName: "invalid!", AuthMethod: "invalid", }, []string{"host", "port", "authMethod", "localName"}, }, { "valid data (no explicit auth method and localName)", core.SMTPConfig{ Enabled: true, Host: "", Port: 100, TLS: true, }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (explicit auth method and localName)", core.SMTPConfig{ Enabled: true, Host: "", Port: 100, AuthMethod: mailer.SMTPAuthLogin, LocalName: "", }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestS3ConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.S3Config expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero values (disabled)", core.S3Config{}, []string{}, }, { "zero values (enabled)", core.S3Config{Enabled: true}, []string{ "bucket", "region", "endpoint", "accessKey", "secret", }, }, { "invalid data", core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "test:test:test", }, []string{ "bucket", "region", "endpoint", "accessKey", "secret", }, }, { "valid data (url endpoint)", core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "https://localhost:8090", Bucket: "test", Region: "test", AccessKey: "test", Secret: "test", }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (hostname endpoint)", core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "", Bucket: "test", Region: "test", AccessKey: "test", Secret: "test", }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestBackupsConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.BackupsConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero value", core.BackupsConfig{}, []string{}, }, { "invalid cron", core.BackupsConfig{ Cron: "invalid", CronMaxKeep: 0, }, []string{"cron", "cronMaxKeep"}, }, { "invalid enabled S3", core.BackupsConfig{ S3: core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, }, }, []string{"s3"}, }, { "valid data", core.BackupsConfig{ S3: core.S3Config{ Enabled: true, Endpoint: "", Bucket: "test", Region: "test", AccessKey: "test", Secret: "test", }, Cron: "*/10 * * * *", CronMaxKeep: 1, }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestBatchConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.BatchConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero value", core.BatchConfig{}, []string{}, }, { "zero value (enabled)", core.BatchConfig{Enabled: true}, []string{"maxRequests", "timeout"}, }, { "invalid data (negative values)", core.BatchConfig{ MaxRequests: -1, Timeout: -1, MaxBodySize: -1, }, []string{"maxRequests", "timeout", "maxBodySize"}, }, { "min fields valid data", core.BatchConfig{ Enabled: true, MaxRequests: 1, Timeout: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "all fields valid data", core.BatchConfig{ Enabled: true, MaxRequests: 10, Timeout: 1, MaxBodySize: 1, }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestRateLimitsConfigValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.RateLimitsConfig expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero value (disabled)", core.RateLimitsConfig{}, []string{}, }, { "zero value (enabled)", core.RateLimitsConfig{Enabled: true}, []string{"rules"}, }, { "invalid data", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "/123abc/", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, { Label: "!abc", Duration: -1, MaxRequests: -1, }, }, }, []string{"rules"}, }, { "valid data", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "123_abc", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, { Label: "/456-abc", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, }, }, []string{}, }, { "duplicated rules with the same audience", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, { Label: "/a", Duration: 2, MaxRequests: 3, }, }, }, []string{"rules"}, }, { "duplicated rule with conflicting audience (A)", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceGuest, }, }, }, []string{"rules"}, }, { "duplicated rule with conflicting audience (B)", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceAuth, }, { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, }, }, }, []string{"rules"}, }, { "duplicated rule with non-conflicting audience", core.RateLimitsConfig{ Enabled: true, Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceAuth, }, { Label: "/a", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 2, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceGuest, }, }, }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestRateLimitsFindRateLimitRule(t *testing.T) { limits := core.RateLimitsConfig{ Rules: []core.RateLimitRule{ {Label: "abc"}, {Label: "POST /test/a/"}, {Label: "/test/a/"}, {Label: "POST /test/a"}, {Label: "/test/a"}, }, } scenarios := []struct { labels []string expected string }{ {[]string{}, ""}, {[]string{"missing"}, ""}, {[]string{"abc"}, "abc"}, {[]string{"/test"}, ""}, {[]string{"/test/a"}, "/test/a"}, {[]string{"GET /test/a"}, ""}, {[]string{"POST /test/a"}, "POST /test/a"}, {[]string{"/test/a/b/c"}, "/test/a/"}, {[]string{"GET /test/a/b/c"}, ""}, {[]string{"POST /test/a/b/c"}, "POST /test/a/"}, {[]string{"/test/a", "abc"}, "/test/a"}, // priority checks } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(strings.Join(s.labels, ""), func(t *testing.T) { rule, ok := limits.FindRateLimitRule(s.labels) hasLabel := rule.Label != "" if hasLabel != ok { t.Fatalf("Expected hasLabel %v, got %v", hasLabel, ok) } if rule.Label != s.expected { t.Fatalf("Expected rule with label %q, got %q", s.expected, rule.Label) } }) } } func TestRateLimitRuleValidate(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { name string config core.RateLimitRule expectedErrors []string }{ { "zero value", core.RateLimitRule{}, []string{"label", "duration", "maxRequests"}, }, { "invalid data", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "@abc", Duration: -1, MaxRequests: -1, Audience: "invalid", }, []string{"label", "duration", "maxRequests", "audience"}, }, { "valid data (name)", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "abc:123", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (name:action)", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "abc:123", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (*:action)", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "*:123", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (path /a/b)", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "/a/b", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "valid data (path POST /a/b)", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "POST /a/b/", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, }, []string{}, }, { "invalid audience", core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "/a/b/", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, Audience: "invalid", }, []string{"audience"}, }, { "valid audience - " + core.RateLimitRuleAudienceGuest, core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "POST /a/b/", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceGuest, }, []string{}, }, { "valid audience - " + core.RateLimitRuleAudienceAuth, core.RateLimitRule{ Label: "POST /a/b/", Duration: 1, MaxRequests: 1, Audience: core.RateLimitRuleAudienceAuth, }, []string{}, }, } for _, s := range scenarios { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.Validate() tests.TestValidationErrors(t, result, s.expectedErrors) }) } } func TestRateLimitRuleDurationTime(t *testing.T) { scenarios := []struct { config core.RateLimitRule expected time.Duration }{ {core.RateLimitRule{}, 0 * time.Second}, {core.RateLimitRule{Duration: 1234}, 1234 * time.Second}, } for i, s := range scenarios { t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", i, s.config.Duration), func(t *testing.T) { result := s.config.DurationTime() if result != s.expected { t.Fatalf("Expected duration %d, got %d", s.expected, result) } }) } }