package apis_test import ( "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "strings" "testing" "" "" "" "" ) func Test404(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{ { Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/api/missing", ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, }, { Method: http.MethodPost, Url: "/api/missing", ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, }, { Method: http.MethodPatch, Url: "/api/missing", ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, }, { Method: http.MethodDelete, Url: "/api/missing", ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, }, { Method: http.MethodHead, Url: "/api/missing", ExpectedStatus: 404, }, } for _, scenario := range scenarios { scenario.Test(t) } } func TestCustomRoutesAndErrorsHandling(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{ { Name: "custom route", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/custom", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "test123") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, ExpectedContent: []string{"test123"}, }, { Name: "custom route with url encoded parameter", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/a%2Bb%2Bc", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/:param", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, c.PathParam("param")) }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, ExpectedContent: []string{"a+b+c"}, }, { Name: "route with HTTPError", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/http-error", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/http-error", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return echo.ErrBadRequest }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 400, ExpectedContent: []string{`{"code":400,"message":"Bad Request.","data":{}}`}, }, { Name: "route with api error", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/api-error", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/api-error", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return apis.NewApiError(500, "test message", errors.New("internal_test")) }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 500, ExpectedContent: []string{`{"code":500,"message":"Test message.","data":{}}`}, }, { Name: "route with plain error", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/plain-error", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/plain-error", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return errors.New("Test error") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 400, ExpectedContent: []string{`{"code":400,"message":"Something went wrong while processing your request.","data":{}}`}, }, } for _, scenario := range scenarios { scenario.Test(t) } } func TestRemoveTrailingSlashMiddleware(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{ { Name: "non /api/* route (exact match)", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/custom", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "test123") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, ExpectedContent: []string{"test123"}, }, { Name: "non /api/* route (with trailing slash)", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/custom/", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "test123") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, }, { Name: "/api/* route (exact match)", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/api/custom", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/api/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "test123") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, ExpectedContent: []string{"test123"}, }, { Name: "/api/* route (with trailing slash)", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/api/custom/", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/api/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { return c.String(200, "test123") }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, ExpectedContent: []string{"test123"}, }, } for _, scenario := range scenarios { scenario.Test(t) } } func TestEagerRequestInfoCache(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{ { Name: "custom non-api group route", Method: "POST", Url: "/custom", Body: strings.NewReader(`{"name":"test123"}`), BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.AddRoute(echo.Route{ Method: "POST", Path: "/custom", Handler: func(c echo.Context) error { data := &struct { Name string `json:"name"` }{} if err := c.Bind(data); err != nil { return err } // since the unknown method is not eager cache support // it should fail reading the json body twice r := apis.RequestInfo(c) if v := cast.ToString(r.Data["name"]); v != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected empty request data body, got, %v", r.Data) } return c.NoContent(200) }, }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, }, { Name: "api group route with unsupported eager cache request method", Method: "GET", Url: "/api/admins", Body: strings.NewReader(`{"name":"test123"}`), BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { // it is not important whether the route handler return an error since // we just need to ensure that the eagerRequestInfoCache was registered next(c) // ensure that the body was read at least once data := &struct { Name string `json:"name"` }{} c.Bind(data) // since the unknown method is not eager cache support // it should fail reading the json body twice r := apis.RequestInfo(c) if v := cast.ToString(r.Data["name"]); v != "" { t.Fatalf("Expected empty request data body, got, %v", r.Data) } return nil } }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, }, { Name: "api group route with supported eager cache request method", Method: "POST", Url: "/api/admins", Body: strings.NewReader(`{"name":"test123"}`), BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.Use(func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc { return func(c echo.Context) error { // it is not important whether the route handler return an error since // we just need to ensure that the eagerRequestInfoCache was registered next(c) // ensure that the body was read at least once data := &struct { Name string `json:"name"` }{} c.Bind(data) // try to read the body again r := apis.RequestInfo(c) if v := cast.ToString(r.Data["name"]); v != "test123" { t.Fatalf("Expected request data with name %q, got, %q", "test123", v) } return nil } }) }, ExpectedStatus: 200, }, } for _, scenario := range scenarios { scenario.Test(t) } } func TestErrorHandler(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() scenarios := []tests.ApiScenario{ { Name: "apis.ApiError", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return apis.NewApiError(418, "test", nil) }) }, ExpectedStatus: 418, ExpectedContent: []string{`"message":"Test."`}, }, { Name: "wrapped apis.ApiError", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("example 123: %w", apis.NewApiError(418, "test", nil)) }) }, ExpectedStatus: 418, ExpectedContent: []string{`"message":"Test."`}, NotExpectedContent: []string{"example", "123"}, }, { Name: "echo.HTTPError", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return echo.NewHTTPError(418, "test") }) }, ExpectedStatus: 418, ExpectedContent: []string{`"message":"Test."`}, }, { Name: "wrapped echo.HTTPError", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("example 123: %w", echo.NewHTTPError(418, "test")) }) }, ExpectedStatus: 418, ExpectedContent: []string{`"message":"Test."`}, NotExpectedContent: []string{"example", "123"}, }, { Name: "wrapped sql.ErrNoRows", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("example 123: %w", sql.ErrNoRows) }) }, ExpectedStatus: 404, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, NotExpectedContent: []string{"example", "123"}, }, { Name: "custom error", Method: http.MethodGet, Url: "/test", BeforeTestFunc: func(t *testing.T, app *tests.TestApp, e *echo.Echo) { e.GET("/test", func(c echo.Context) error { return fmt.Errorf("example 123") }) }, ExpectedStatus: 400, ExpectedContent: []string{`"data":{}`}, NotExpectedContent: []string{"example", "123"}, }, } for _, scenario := range scenarios { scenario.Test(t) } }