package pocketbase

import (


	_ ""

var _ core.App = (*PocketBase)(nil)

// Version of PocketBase
var Version = "(untracked)"

// PocketBase defines a PocketBase app launcher.
// It implements [core.App] via embedding and all of the app interface methods
// could be accessed directly through the instance (eg. PocketBase.DataDir()).
type PocketBase struct {

	devFlag           bool
	dataDirFlag       string
	encryptionEnvFlag string
	queryTimeout      int
	hideStartBanner   bool

	// RootCmd is the main console command
	RootCmd *cobra.Command

// Config is the PocketBase initialization config struct.
type Config struct {
	// hide the default console server info on app startup
	HideStartBanner bool

	// optional default values for the console flags
	DefaultDev           bool
	DefaultDataDir       string // if not set, it will fallback to "./pb_data"
	DefaultEncryptionEnv string
	DefaultQueryTimeout  time.Duration // default to core.DefaultQueryTimeout (in seconds)

	// optional DB configurations
	DataMaxOpenConns int                // default to core.DefaultDataMaxOpenConns
	DataMaxIdleConns int                // default to core.DefaultDataMaxIdleConns
	AuxMaxOpenConns  int                // default to core.DefaultAuxMaxOpenConns
	AuxMaxIdleConns  int                // default to core.DefaultAuxMaxIdleConns
	DBConnect        core.DBConnectFunc // default to core.dbConnect

// New creates a new PocketBase instance with the default configuration.
// Use [NewWithConfig] if you want to provide a custom configuration.
// Note that the application will not be initialized/bootstrapped yet,
// aka. DB connections, migrations, app settings, etc. will not be accessible.
// Everything will be initialized when [PocketBase.Start] is executed.
// If you want to initialize the application before calling [PocketBase.Start],
// then you'll have to manually call [PocketBase.Bootstrap].
func New() *PocketBase {
	_, isUsingGoRun := inspectRuntime()

	return NewWithConfig(Config{
		DefaultDev: isUsingGoRun,

// NewWithConfig creates a new PocketBase instance with the provided config.
// Note that the application will not be initialized/bootstrapped yet,
// aka. DB connections, migrations, app settings, etc. will not be accessible.
// Everything will be initialized when [PocketBase.Start] is executed.
// If you want to initialize the application before calling [PocketBase.Start],
// then you'll have to manually call [PocketBase.Bootstrap].
func NewWithConfig(config Config) *PocketBase {
	// initialize a default data directory based on the executable baseDir
	if config.DefaultDataDir == "" {
		baseDir, _ := inspectRuntime()
		config.DefaultDataDir = filepath.Join(baseDir, "pb_data")

	if config.DefaultQueryTimeout == 0 {
		config.DefaultQueryTimeout = core.DefaultQueryTimeout

	executableName := filepath.Base(os.Args[0])

	pb := &PocketBase{
		RootCmd: &cobra.Command{
			Use:     executableName,
			Short:   executableName + " CLI",
			Version: Version,
			FParseErrWhitelist: cobra.FParseErrWhitelist{
				UnknownFlags: true,
			// no need to provide the default cobra completion command
			CompletionOptions: cobra.CompletionOptions{
				DisableDefaultCmd: true,
		devFlag:           config.DefaultDev,
		dataDirFlag:       config.DefaultDataDir,
		encryptionEnvFlag: config.DefaultEncryptionEnv,
		hideStartBanner:   config.HideStartBanner,

	// replace with a colored stderr writer

	// parse base flags
	// (errors are ignored, since the full flags parsing happens on Execute())

	// initialize the app instance
	pb.App = core.NewBaseApp(core.BaseAppConfig{
		IsDev:            pb.devFlag,
		DataDir:          pb.dataDirFlag,
		EncryptionEnv:    pb.encryptionEnvFlag,
		QueryTimeout:     time.Duration(pb.queryTimeout) * time.Second,
		DataMaxOpenConns: config.DataMaxOpenConns,
		DataMaxIdleConns: config.DataMaxIdleConns,
		AuxMaxOpenConns:  config.AuxMaxOpenConns,
		AuxMaxIdleConns:  config.AuxMaxIdleConns,
		DBConnect:        config.DBConnect,

	// hide the default help command (allow only `--help` flag)
	pb.RootCmd.SetHelpCommand(&cobra.Command{Hidden: true})

	return pb

// Start starts the application, aka. registers the default system
// commands (serve, superuser, version) and executes pb.RootCmd.
func (pb *PocketBase) Start() error {
	// register system commands
	pb.RootCmd.AddCommand(cmd.NewServeCommand(pb, !pb.hideStartBanner))

	return pb.Execute()

// Execute initializes the application (if not already) and executes
// the pb.RootCmd with graceful shutdown support.
// This method differs from pb.Start() by not registering the default
// system commands!
func (pb *PocketBase) Execute() error {
	if !pb.skipBootstrap() {
		if err := pb.Bootstrap(); err != nil {
			return err

	done := make(chan bool, 1)

	// listen for interrupt signal to gracefully shutdown the application
	go func() {
		sigch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(sigch, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

		done <- true

	// execute the root command
	go func() {
		// note: leave to the commands to decide whether to print their error

		done <- true


	// trigger cleanups
	event := new(core.TerminateEvent)
	event.App = pb
	return pb.OnTerminate().Trigger(event, func(e *core.TerminateEvent) error {
		return e.App.ResetBootstrapState()

// eagerParseFlags parses the global app flags before calling pb.RootCmd.Execute().
// so we can have all PocketBase flags ready for use on initialization.
func (pb *PocketBase) eagerParseFlags(config *Config) error {
		"the PocketBase data directory",

		"the env variable whose value of 32 characters will be used \nas encryption key for the app settings (default none)",

		"enable dev mode, aka. printing logs and sql statements to the console",

		"the default SELECT queries timeout in seconds",

	return pb.RootCmd.ParseFlags(os.Args[1:])

// skipBootstrap eagerly checks if the app should skip the bootstrap process:
// - already bootstrapped
// - is unknown command
// - is the default help command
// - is the default version command
func (pb *PocketBase) skipBootstrap() bool {
	flags := []string{

	if pb.IsBootstrapped() {
		return true // already bootstrapped

	cmd, _, err := pb.RootCmd.Find(os.Args[1:])
	if err != nil {
		return true // unknown command

	for _, arg := range os.Args {
		if !list.ExistInSlice(arg, flags) {

		// ensure that there is no user defined flag with the same name/shorthand
		trimmed := strings.TrimLeft(arg, "-")
		if len(trimmed) > 1 && cmd.Flags().Lookup(trimmed) == nil {
			return true
		if len(trimmed) == 1 && cmd.Flags().ShorthandLookup(trimmed) == nil {
			return true

	return false

// inspectRuntime tries to find the base executable directory and how it was run.
// note: we are using os.Args[0] and not os.Executable() since it could
// break existing aliased binaries (eg. the community maintained homebrew package)
func inspectRuntime() (baseDir string, withGoRun bool) {
	if strings.HasPrefix(os.Args[0], os.TempDir()) {
		// probably ran with go run
		withGoRun = true
		baseDir, _ = os.Getwd()
	} else {
		// probably ran with go build
		withGoRun = false
		baseDir = filepath.Dir(os.Args[0])

// newErrWriter returns a red colored stderr writter.
func newErrWriter() *coloredWriter {
	return &coloredWriter{
		w: os.Stderr,
		c: color.New(color.FgRed),

// coloredWriter is a small wrapper struct to construct a [color.Color] writter.
type coloredWriter struct {
	w io.Writer
	c *color.Color

// Write writes the p bytes using the colored writer.
func (colored *coloredWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	defer colored.c.UnsetWriter(colored.w)

	return colored.c.Print(string(p))