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package core
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
func init() {
Fields[FieldTypeText] = func() Field {
return &TextField{}
const FieldTypeText = "text"
const autogenerateModifier = ":autogenerate"
var (
_ Field = (*TextField)(nil)
_ SetterFinder = (*TextField)(nil)
_ RecordInterceptor = (*TextField)(nil)
// TextField defines "text" type field for storing any string value.
// The respective zero record field value is empty string.
// The following additional setter keys are available:
// - "fieldName:autogenerate" - autogenerate field value if AutogeneratePattern is set. For example:
// record.Set("slug:autogenerate", "") // [random value]
// record.Set("slug:autogenerate", "abc-") // abc-[random value]
type TextField struct {
// Name (required) is the unique name of the field.
Name string `form:"name" json:"name"`
// Id is the unique stable field identifier.
// It is automatically generated from the name when adding to a collection FieldsList.
Id string `form:"id" json:"id"`
// System prevents the renaming and removal of the field.
System bool `form:"system" json:"system"`
// Hidden hides the field from the API response.
Hidden bool `form:"hidden" json:"hidden"`
// Presentable hints the Dashboard UI to use the underlying
// field record value in the relation preview label.
Presentable bool `form:"presentable" json:"presentable"`
// ---
// Min specifies the minimum required string characters.
// if zero value, no min limit is applied.
Min int `form:"min" json:"min"`
// Max specifies the maximum allowed string characters.
// If zero, a default limit of 5000 is applied.
Max int `form:"max" json:"max"`
// Pattern specifies an optional regex pattern to match against the field value.
// Leave it empty to skip the pattern check.
Pattern string `form:"pattern" json:"pattern"`
// AutogeneratePattern specifies an optional regex pattern that could
// be used to generate random string from it and set it automatically
// on record create if no explicit value is set or when the `:autogenerate` modifier is used.
// Note: the generated value still needs to satisfy min, max, pattern (if set)
AutogeneratePattern string `form:"autogeneratePattern" json:"autogeneratePattern"`
// Required will require the field value to be non-empty string.
Required bool `form:"required" json:"required"`
// PrimaryKey will mark the field as primary key.
// A single collection can have only 1 field marked as primary key.
PrimaryKey bool `form:"primaryKey" json:"primaryKey"`
// Type implements [Field.Type] interface method.
func (f *TextField) Type() string {
return FieldTypeText
// GetId implements [Field.GetId] interface method.
func (f *TextField) GetId() string {
return f.Id
// SetId implements [Field.SetId] interface method.
func (f *TextField) SetId(id string) {
f.Id = id
// GetName implements [Field.GetName] interface method.
func (f *TextField) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// SetName implements [Field.SetName] interface method.
func (f *TextField) SetName(name string) {
f.Name = name
// GetSystem implements [Field.GetSystem] interface method.
func (f *TextField) GetSystem() bool {
return f.System
// SetSystem implements [Field.SetSystem] interface method.
func (f *TextField) SetSystem(system bool) {
f.System = system
// GetHidden implements [Field.GetHidden] interface method.
func (f *TextField) GetHidden() bool {
return f.Hidden
// SetHidden implements [Field.SetHidden] interface method.
func (f *TextField) SetHidden(hidden bool) {
f.Hidden = hidden
// ColumnType implements [Field.ColumnType] interface method.
func (f *TextField) ColumnType(app App) string {
if f.PrimaryKey {
// note: the default is just a last resort fallback to avoid empty
// string values in case the record was inserted with raw sql and
// it is not actually used when operating with the db abstraction
return "TEXT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT ('r'||lower(hex(randomblob(7)))) NOT NULL"
// PrepareValue implements [Field.PrepareValue] interface method.
func (f *TextField) PrepareValue(record *Record, raw any) (any, error) {
return cast.ToString(raw), nil
// ValidateValue implements [Field.ValidateValue] interface method.
func (f *TextField) ValidateValue(ctx context.Context, app App, record *Record) error {
newVal, ok := record.GetRaw(f.Name).(string)
if !ok {
return validators.ErrUnsupportedValueType
// disallow PK change
if f.PrimaryKey && !record.IsNew() {
oldVal := record.LastSavedPK()
if oldVal != newVal {
return validation.NewError("validation_pk_change", "The record primary key cannot be changed.")
if oldVal != "" {
return nil // no need to further validate since the id can't be updated anyway
return f.ValidatePlainValue(newVal)
// ValidatePlainValue validates the provided string against the field options.
func (f *TextField) ValidatePlainValue(value string) error {
if f.Required || f.PrimaryKey {
if err := validation.Required.Validate(value); err != nil {
return err
if value == "" {
return nil // nothing to check
// note: casted to []rune to count multi-byte chars as one
length := len([]rune(value))
if f.Min > 0 && length < f.Min {
return validation.NewError("validation_min_text_constraint", fmt.Sprintf("Must be at least %d character(s)", f.Min)).
SetParams(map[string]any{"min": f.Min})
max := f.Max
if max == 0 {
max = 5000
if max > 0 && length > max {
return validation.NewError("validation_max_text_constraint", fmt.Sprintf("Must be less than %d character(s)", max)).
SetParams(map[string]any{"max": f.Max})
if f.Pattern != "" {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString(f.Pattern, value)
if !match {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_format", "Invalid value format")
return nil
// ValidateSettings implements [Field.ValidateSettings] interface method.
func (f *TextField) ValidateSettings(ctx context.Context, app App, collection *Collection) error {
return validation.ValidateStruct(f,
validation.Field(&f.Id, validation.By(DefaultFieldIdValidationRule)),
validation.When(f.PrimaryKey, validation.In(idColumn).Error(`The primary key must be named "id".`)),
validation.Field(&f.PrimaryKey, validation.By(f.checkOtherFieldsForPK(collection))),
validation.Field(&f.Min, validation.Min(0)),
validation.Field(&f.Max, validation.Min(f.Min)),
validation.Field(&f.Pattern, validation.By(validators.IsRegex)),
validation.Field(&f.Hidden, validation.When(f.PrimaryKey, validation.Empty)),
validation.Field(&f.Required, validation.When(f.PrimaryKey, validation.Required)),
validation.Field(&f.AutogeneratePattern, validation.By(validators.IsRegex), validation.By(f.checkAutogeneratePattern)),
func (f *TextField) checkOtherFieldsForPK(collection *Collection) validation.RuleFunc {
return func(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(bool)
if !v {
return nil // not a pk
totalPrimaryKeys := 0
for _, field := range collection.Fields {
if text, ok := field.(*TextField); ok && text.PrimaryKey {
if totalPrimaryKeys > 1 {
return validation.NewError("validation_unsupported_composite_pk", "Composite PKs are not supported and the collection must have only 1 PK.")
return nil
func (f *TextField) checkAutogeneratePattern(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(string)
if v == "" {
return nil // nothing to check
// run 10 tests to check for conflicts with the other field validators
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
generated, err := security.RandomStringByRegex(v)
if err != nil {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_autogenerate_pattern", err.Error())
// (loosely) check whether the generated pattern satisfies the current field settings
if err := f.ValidatePlainValue(generated); err != nil {
return validation.NewError(
fmt.Sprintf("The provided autogenerate pattern could produce invalid field values, ex.: %q", generated),
return nil
// Intercept implements the [RecordInterceptor] interface.
func (f *TextField) Intercept(
ctx context.Context,
app App,
record *Record,
actionName string,
actionFunc func() error,
) error {
// set autogenerated value if missing for new records
switch actionName {
case InterceptorActionValidate, InterceptorActionCreate:
if f.AutogeneratePattern != "" && f.hasZeroValue(record) && record.IsNew() {
v, err := security.RandomStringByRegex(f.AutogeneratePattern)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to autogenerate %q value: %w", f.Name, err)
record.SetRaw(f.Name, v)
return actionFunc()
func (f *TextField) hasZeroValue(record *Record) bool {
v, _ := record.GetRaw(f.Name).(string)
return v == ""
// FindSetter implements the [SetterFinder] interface.
func (f *TextField) FindSetter(key string) SetterFunc {
switch key {
case f.Name:
return func(record *Record, raw any) {
record.SetRaw(f.Name, cast.ToString(raw))
case f.Name + autogenerateModifier:
return func(record *Record, raw any) {
v := cast.ToString(raw)
if f.AutogeneratePattern != "" {
generated, _ := security.RandomStringByRegex(f.AutogeneratePattern)
v += generated
record.SetRaw(f.Name, v)
return nil