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499 lines
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package forms_test
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
func TestNewRecordUpsert(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo")
record := models.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetDataValue("title", "test_value")
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
val := form.Data["title"]
if val != "test_value" {
t.Errorf("Expected record data to be load, got %v", form.Data)
func TestRecordUpsertLoadDataUnsupported(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
record, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
testData := "title=test123"
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", strings.NewReader(testData))
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationForm)
if err := form.LoadData(req); err == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected LoadData to fail, got nil")
func TestRecordUpsertLoadDataJson(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
record, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
testData := map[string]any{
"title": "test123",
"unknown": "test456",
// file fields unset/delete
"onefile": nil,
"manyfiles.0": "",
"manyfiles.1": "test.png", // should be ignored
"onlyimages": nil, // should be ignored
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
jsonBody, _ := json.Marshal(testData)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", bytes.NewReader(jsonBody))
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, echo.MIMEApplicationJSON)
loadErr := form.LoadData(req)
if loadErr != nil {
if v, ok := form.Data["title"]; !ok || v != "test123" {
t.Fatalf("Expect title field to be %q, got %q", "test123", v)
if v, ok := form.Data["unknown"]; ok {
t.Fatalf("Didn't expect unknown field to be set, got %v", v)
onefile, ok := form.Data["onefile"]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("Expect onefile field to be set")
if onefile != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expect onefile field to be nil, got %v", onefile)
manyfiles, ok := form.Data["manyfiles"]
if !ok || manyfiles == nil {
t.Fatal("Expect manyfiles field to be set")
manyfilesRemains := len(list.ToUniqueStringSlice(manyfiles))
if manyfilesRemains != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expect only 1 manyfiles to remain, got %v", manyfiles)
// cannot reset multiple file upload field with just using the field name
onlyimages, ok := form.Data["onlyimages"]
if !ok || onlyimages == nil {
t.Fatal("Expect onlyimages field to be set and not be altered")
onlyimagesRemains := len(list.ToUniqueStringSlice(onlyimages))
expectedRemains := 2 // 2 existing
if onlyimagesRemains != expectedRemains {
t.Fatalf("Expect onlyimages to be %d, got %d (%v)", expectedRemains, onlyimagesRemains, onlyimages)
func TestRecordUpsertLoadDataMultipart(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
record, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"title": "test123",
"unknown": "test456",
// file fields unset/delete
"onefile": "",
"manyfiles.0": "",
"manyfiles.1": "test.png", // should be ignored
"onlyimages": "", // should be ignored
}, "onlyimages")
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
loadErr := form.LoadData(req)
if loadErr != nil {
if v, ok := form.Data["title"]; !ok || v != "test123" {
t.Fatalf("Expect title field to be %q, got %q", "test123", v)
if v, ok := form.Data["unknown"]; ok {
t.Fatalf("Didn't expect unknown field to be set, got %v", v)
onefile, ok := form.Data["onefile"]
if !ok {
t.Fatal("Expect onefile field to be set")
if onefile != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expect onefile field to be nil, got %v", onefile)
manyfiles, ok := form.Data["manyfiles"]
if !ok || manyfiles == nil {
t.Fatal("Expect manyfiles field to be set")
manyfilesRemains := len(list.ToUniqueStringSlice(manyfiles))
if manyfilesRemains != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expect only 1 manyfiles to remain, got %v", manyfiles)
onlyimages, ok := form.Data["onlyimages"]
if !ok || onlyimages == nil {
t.Fatal("Expect onlyimages field to be set and not be altered")
onlyimagesRemains := len(list.ToUniqueStringSlice(onlyimages))
expectedRemains := 3 // 2 existing + 1 new upload
if onlyimagesRemains != expectedRemains {
t.Fatalf("Expect onlyimages to be %d, got %d (%v)", expectedRemains, onlyimagesRemains, onlyimages)
func TestRecordUpsertValidateFailure(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
record, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
// try with invalid test data to check whether the RecordDataValidator is triggered
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"unknown": "test456", // should be ignored
"title": "a",
"onerel": "00000000-84ab-4057-a592-4604a731f78f",
}, "manyfiles", "manyfiles")
if err != nil {
expectedErrors := []string{"title", "onerel", "manyfiles"}
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
result := form.Validate()
// parse errors
errs, ok := result.(validation.Errors)
if !ok && result != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to parse errors %v", result)
// check errors
if len(errs) > len(expectedErrors) {
t.Fatalf("Expected error keys %v, got %v", expectedErrors, errs)
for _, k := range expectedErrors {
if _, ok := errs[k]; !ok {
t.Errorf("Missing expected error key %q in %v", k, errs)
func TestRecordUpsertValidateSuccess(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
record, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"unknown": "test456", // should be ignored
"title": "abc",
"onerel": "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2",
}, "manyfiles", "onefile")
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, record)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
result := form.Validate()
if result != nil {
func TestRecordUpsertDrySubmitFailure(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
recordBefore, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"title": "a",
"onerel": "00000000-84ab-4057-a592-4604a731f78f",
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, recordBefore)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
callbackCalls := 0
// ensure that validate is triggered
// ---
result := form.DrySubmit(func(txDao *daos.Dao) error {
return nil
if result == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected error, got nil")
if callbackCalls != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected callbackCalls to be 0, got %d", callbackCalls)
// ensure that the record changes weren't persisted
// ---
recordAfter, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", recordBefore.Id)
if err != nil {
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title") == "a" {
t.Fatalf("Expected record.title to be %v, got %v", recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title"), "a")
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onerel") == "00000000-84ab-4057-a592-4604a731f78f" {
t.Fatalf("Expected record.onerel to be %s, got %s", recordBefore.GetStringDataValue("onerel"), recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onerel"))
func TestRecordUpsertDrySubmitSuccess(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
recordBefore, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"title": "dry_test",
"onefile": "",
}, "manyfiles")
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, recordBefore)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
callbackCalls := 0
result := form.DrySubmit(func(txDao *daos.Dao) error {
return nil
if result != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected nil, got error %v", result)
// ensure callback was called
if callbackCalls != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected callbackCalls to be 1, got %d", callbackCalls)
// ensure that the record changes weren't persisted
// ---
recordAfter, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", recordBefore.Id)
if err != nil {
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title") == "dry_test" {
t.Fatalf("Expected record.title to be %v, got %v", recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title"), "dry_test")
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onefile") == "" {
t.Fatal("Expected record.onefile to be set, got empty string")
// file wasn't removed
if !hasRecordFile(app, recordAfter, recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onefile")) {
t.Fatal("onefile file should not have been deleted")
func TestRecordUpsertSubmitFailure(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
recordBefore, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"title": "a",
"onefile": "",
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, recordBefore)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
// ensure that validate is triggered
// ---
result := form.Submit()
if result == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected error, got nil")
// ensure that the record changes weren't persisted
// ---
recordAfter, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", recordBefore.Id)
if err != nil {
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title") == "a" {
t.Fatalf("Expected record.title to be %v, got %v", recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title"), "a")
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onefile") == "" {
t.Fatal("Expected record.onefile to be set, got empty string")
// file wasn't removed
if !hasRecordFile(app, recordAfter, recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onefile")) {
t.Fatal("onefile file should not have been deleted")
func TestRecordUpsertSubmitSuccess(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection, _ := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId("demo4")
recordBefore, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", "054f9f24-0a0a-4e09-87b1-bc7ff2b336a2")
if err != nil {
formData, mp, err := tests.MockMultipartData(map[string]string{
"title": "test_save",
"onefile": "",
}, "manyfiles.1", "manyfiles") // replace + new file
if err != nil {
form := forms.NewRecordUpsert(app, recordBefore)
req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/", formData)
req.Header.Set(echo.HeaderContentType, mp.FormDataContentType())
result := form.Submit()
if result != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected nil, got error %v", result)
// ensure that the record changes were persisted
// ---
recordAfter, err := app.Dao().FindFirstRecordByData(collection, "id", recordBefore.Id)
if err != nil {
if recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title") != "test_save" {
t.Fatalf("Expected record.title to be %v, got %v", recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("title"), "test_save")
if hasRecordFile(app, recordAfter, recordAfter.GetStringDataValue("onefile")) {
t.Fatal("Expected record.onefile to be deleted")
manyfiles := (recordAfter.GetStringSliceDataValue("manyfiles"))
if len(manyfiles) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 3 manyfiles, got %d (%v)", len(manyfiles), manyfiles)
for _, f := range manyfiles {
if !hasRecordFile(app, recordAfter, f) {
t.Fatalf("Expected file %q to exist", f)
func hasRecordFile(app core.App, record *models.Record, filename string) bool {
fs, _ := app.NewFilesystem()
defer fs.Close()
fileKey := filepath.Join(
exists, _ := fs.Exists(fileKey)
return exists