mirror of https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase.git synced 2025-03-22 06:51:56 +02:00
Gani Georgiev 6d08a5f36f [#1377] added Authentik OAuth2 provider
Co-authored-by: Marc Singer <ms@pr0.tech>
2023-01-16 11:50:45 +02:00

860 lines
23 KiB

package forms
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
// username value regex pattern
var usernameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^[\w][\w\.]*$`)
// RecordUpsert is a [models.Record] upsert (create/update) form.
type RecordUpsert struct {
app core.App
dao *daos.Dao
manageAccess bool
record *models.Record
filesToUpload map[string][]*filesystem.File
filesToDelete []string // names list
// base model fields
Id string `json:"id"`
// auth collection fields
// ---
Username string `json:"username"`
Email string `json:"email"`
EmailVisibility bool `json:"emailVisibility"`
Verified bool `json:"verified"`
Password string `json:"password"`
PasswordConfirm string `json:"passwordConfirm"`
OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword"`
// ---
data map[string]any
// NewRecordUpsert creates a new [RecordUpsert] form with initializer
// config created from the provided [core.App] and [models.Record] instances
// (for create you could pass a pointer to an empty Record - models.NewRecord(collection)).
// If you want to submit the form as part of a transaction,
// you can change the default Dao via [SetDao()].
func NewRecordUpsert(app core.App, record *models.Record) *RecordUpsert {
form := &RecordUpsert{
app: app,
dao: app.Dao(),
record: record,
filesToDelete: []string{},
filesToUpload: map[string][]*filesystem.File{},
return form
// Data returns the loaded form's data.
func (form *RecordUpsert) Data() map[string]any {
return form.data
// SetFullManageAccess sets the manageAccess bool flag of the current
// form to enable/disable directly changing some system record fields
// (often used with auth collection records).
func (form *RecordUpsert) SetFullManageAccess(fullManageAccess bool) {
form.manageAccess = fullManageAccess
// SetDao replaces the default form Dao instance with the provided one.
func (form *RecordUpsert) SetDao(dao *daos.Dao) {
form.dao = dao
func (form *RecordUpsert) loadFormDefaults() {
form.Id = form.record.Id
if form.record.Collection().IsAuth() {
form.Username = form.record.Username()
form.Email = form.record.Email()
form.EmailVisibility = form.record.EmailVisibility()
form.Verified = form.record.Verified()
form.data = map[string]any{}
for _, field := range form.record.Collection().Schema.Fields() {
form.data[field.Name] = form.record.Get(field.Name)
func (form *RecordUpsert) getContentType(r *http.Request) string {
t := r.Header.Get("Content-Type")
for i, c := range t {
if c == ' ' || c == ';' {
return t[:i]
return t
func (form *RecordUpsert) extractRequestData(
r *http.Request,
keyPrefix string,
) (map[string]any, map[string][]*filesystem.File, error) {
switch form.getContentType(r) {
case "application/json":
return form.extractJsonData(r, keyPrefix)
case "multipart/form-data":
return form.extractMultipartFormData(r, keyPrefix)
return nil, nil, errors.New("unsupported request content-type")
func (form *RecordUpsert) extractJsonData(
r *http.Request,
keyPrefix string,
) (map[string]any, map[string][]*filesystem.File, error) {
data := map[string]any{}
err := rest.CopyJsonBody(r, &data)
if keyPrefix != "" {
parts := strings.Split(keyPrefix, ".")
for _, part := range parts {
if data[part] == nil {
if v, ok := data[part].(map[string]any); ok {
data = v
return data, nil, err
func (form *RecordUpsert) extractMultipartFormData(
r *http.Request,
keyPrefix string,
) (map[string]any, map[string][]*filesystem.File, error) {
// parse form data (if not already)
if err := r.ParseMultipartForm(rest.DefaultMaxMemory); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
data := map[string]any{}
filesToUpload := map[string][]*filesystem.File{}
arrayValueSupportTypes := schema.ArraybleFieldTypes()
for fullKey, values := range r.PostForm {
key := fullKey
if keyPrefix != "" {
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, keyPrefix+".")
if len(values) == 0 {
data[key] = nil
field := form.record.Collection().Schema.GetFieldByName(key)
if field != nil && list.ExistInSlice(field.Type, arrayValueSupportTypes) {
data[key] = values
} else {
data[key] = values[0]
// load uploaded files (if any)
for _, field := range form.record.Collection().Schema.Fields() {
if field.Type != schema.FieldTypeFile {
continue // not a file field
key := field.Name
fullKey := key
if keyPrefix != "" {
fullKey = keyPrefix + "." + key
files, err := rest.FindUploadedFiles(r, fullKey)
if err != nil || len(files) == 0 {
if err != nil && err != http.ErrMissingFile && form.app.IsDebug() {
log.Printf("%q uploaded file error: %v\n", fullKey, err)
// skip invalid or missing file(s)
filesToUpload[key] = append(filesToUpload[key], files...)
return data, filesToUpload, nil
// LoadRequest extracts the json or multipart/form-data request data
// and lods it into the form.
// File upload is supported only via multipart/form-data.
func (form *RecordUpsert) LoadRequest(r *http.Request, keyPrefix string) error {
requestData, uploadedFiles, err := form.extractRequestData(r, keyPrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := form.LoadData(requestData); err != nil {
return err
for key, files := range uploadedFiles {
form.AddFiles(key, files...)
return nil
// AddFiles adds the provided file(s) to the specified file field.
// If the file field is a SINGLE-value file field (aka. "Max Select = 1"),
// then the newly added file will REPLACE the existing one.
// In this case if you pass more than 1 files only the first one will be assigned.
// If the file field is a MULTI-value file field (aka. "Max Select > 1"),
// then the newly added file(s) will be APPENDED to the existing one(s).
// Example
// f1, _ := filesystem.NewFileFromPath("/path/to/file1.txt")
// f2, _ := filesystem.NewFileFromPath("/path/to/file2.txt")
// form.AddFiles("documents", f1, f2)
func (form *RecordUpsert) AddFiles(key string, files ...*filesystem.File) error {
field := form.record.Collection().Schema.GetFieldByName(key)
if field == nil || field.Type != schema.FieldTypeFile {
return errors.New("invalid field key")
options, ok := field.Options.(*schema.FileOptions)
if !ok {
return errors.New("failed to initilize field options")
if len(files) == 0 {
return nil // nothing to upload
if form.filesToUpload == nil {
form.filesToUpload = map[string][]*filesystem.File{}
oldNames := list.ToUniqueStringSlice(form.data[key])
if options.MaxSelect == 1 {
// mark previous file(s) for deletion before replacing
if len(oldNames) > 0 {
form.filesToDelete = list.ToUniqueStringSlice(append(form.filesToDelete, oldNames...))
// replace
form.filesToUpload[key] = []*filesystem.File{files[0]}
form.data[key] = field.PrepareValue(files[0].Name)
} else {
// append
form.filesToUpload[key] = append(form.filesToUpload[key], files...)
for _, f := range files {
oldNames = append(oldNames, f.Name)
form.data[key] = field.PrepareValue(oldNames)
return nil
// RemoveFiles removes a single or multiple file from the specified file field.
// NB! If filesToDelete is not set it will remove all existing files
// assigned to the file field (including those assigned with AddFiles)!
// Example
// // mark only only 2 files for removal
// form.AddFiles("documents", "file1_aw4bdrvws6.txt", "file2_xwbs36bafv.txt")
// // mark all "documents" files for removal
// form.AddFiles("documents")
func (form *RecordUpsert) RemoveFiles(key string, toDelete ...string) error {
field := form.record.Collection().Schema.GetFieldByName(key)
if field == nil || field.Type != schema.FieldTypeFile {
return errors.New("invalid field key")
existing := list.ToUniqueStringSlice(form.data[key])
// mark all files for deletion
if len(toDelete) == 0 {
toDelete = make([]string, len(existing))
copy(toDelete, existing)
// check for existing files
for i := len(existing) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if list.ExistInSlice(existing[i], toDelete) {
form.filesToDelete = append(form.filesToDelete, existing[i])
existing = append(existing[:i], existing[i+1:]...)
// check for newly uploaded files
for i := len(form.filesToUpload[key]) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
f := form.filesToUpload[key][i]
if list.ExistInSlice(f.Name, toDelete) {
form.filesToUpload[key] = append(form.filesToUpload[key][:i], form.filesToUpload[key][i+1:]...)
form.data[key] = field.PrepareValue(existing)
return nil
// LoadData loads and normalizes the provided regular record data fields into the form.
func (form *RecordUpsert) LoadData(requestData map[string]any) error {
// load base system fields
if v, ok := requestData[schema.FieldNameId]; ok {
form.Id = cast.ToString(v)
// load auth system fields
if form.record.Collection().IsAuth() {
if v, ok := requestData[schema.FieldNameUsername]; ok {
form.Username = cast.ToString(v)
if v, ok := requestData[schema.FieldNameEmail]; ok {
form.Email = cast.ToString(v)
if v, ok := requestData[schema.FieldNameEmailVisibility]; ok {
form.EmailVisibility = cast.ToBool(v)
if v, ok := requestData[schema.FieldNameVerified]; ok {
form.Verified = cast.ToBool(v)
if v, ok := requestData["password"]; ok {
form.Password = cast.ToString(v)
if v, ok := requestData["passwordConfirm"]; ok {
form.PasswordConfirm = cast.ToString(v)
if v, ok := requestData["oldPassword"]; ok {
form.OldPassword = cast.ToString(v)
// replace modifiers (if any)
requestData = form.record.ReplaceModifers(requestData)
// create a shallow copy of form.data
var extendedData = make(map[string]any, len(form.data))
for k, v := range form.data {
extendedData[k] = v
// extend form.data with the request data
rawData, err := json.Marshal(requestData)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := json.Unmarshal(rawData, &extendedData); err != nil {
return err
for _, field := range form.record.Collection().Schema.Fields() {
key := field.Name
value := field.PrepareValue(extendedData[key])
if field.Type != schema.FieldTypeFile {
form.data[key] = value
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Delete previously uploaded file(s)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
oldNames := form.record.GetStringSlice(key)
submittedNames := list.ToUniqueStringSlice(value)
// ensure that all submitted names are existing to prevent accidental files deletions
if len(submittedNames) > len(oldNames) || len(list.SubtractSlice(submittedNames, oldNames)) != 0 {
return validation.Errors{
key: validation.NewError(
"The field contains unknown filenames.",
// if empty value was set, mark all previously uploaded files for deletion
// otherwise check for "deleted" (aka. unsubmitted) file names
if len(submittedNames) == 0 && len(oldNames) > 0 {
} else if len(oldNames) > 0 {
toDelete := []string{}
for _, name := range oldNames {
// submitted as a modifier or a new array
if !list.ExistInSlice(name, submittedNames) {
toDelete = append(toDelete, name)
if len(toDelete) > 0 {
form.RemoveFiles(key, toDelete...)
// allow file key reasignments for file names sorting
// (only if all submitted values already exists)
if len(submittedNames) > 0 && len(list.SubtractSlice(submittedNames, oldNames)) == 0 {
form.data[key] = submittedNames
return nil
// Validate makes the form validatable by implementing [validation.Validatable] interface.
func (form *RecordUpsert) Validate() error {
// base form fields validator
baseFieldsRules := []*validation.FieldRules{
validation.Length(models.DefaultIdLength, models.DefaultIdLength),
validation.By(validators.UniqueId(form.dao, form.record.TableName())),
// auth fields validators
if form.record.Collection().IsAuth() {
baseFieldsRules = append(baseFieldsRules,
// require only on update, because on create we fallback to auto generated username
validation.When(!form.record.IsNew(), validation.Required),
validation.Length(3, 150),
// don't allow direct email change (or unset) if the form doesn't have manage access permissions
// (aka. allow only admin or authorized auth models to directly update the field)
!form.record.IsNew() && !form.manageAccess,
validation.Length(1, 255),
// don't allow changing verified if the form doesn't have manage access permissions
// (aka. allow only admin or authorized auth models to directly change the field)
(form.record.IsNew() || form.PasswordConfirm != "" || form.OldPassword != ""),
validation.Length(form.record.Collection().AuthOptions().MinPasswordLength, 72),
(form.record.IsNew() || form.Password != "" || form.OldPassword != ""),
// require old password only on update when:
// - form.manageAccess is not set
// - changing the existing password
!form.record.IsNew() && !form.manageAccess && (form.Password != "" || form.PasswordConfirm != ""),
if err := validation.ValidateStruct(form, baseFieldsRules...); err != nil {
return err
// record data validator
return validators.NewRecordDataValidator(
func (form *RecordUpsert) checkUniqueUsername(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(string)
if v == "" {
return nil
isUnique := form.dao.IsRecordValueUnique(
if !isUnique {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_username", "The username is invalid or already in use.")
return nil
func (form *RecordUpsert) checkUniqueEmail(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(string)
if v == "" {
return nil
isUnique := form.dao.IsRecordValueUnique(
if !isUnique {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_email", "The email is invalid or already in use.")
return nil
func (form *RecordUpsert) checkEmailDomain(value any) error {
val, _ := value.(string)
if val == "" {
return nil // nothing to check
domain := val[strings.LastIndex(val, "@")+1:]
only := form.record.Collection().AuthOptions().OnlyEmailDomains
except := form.record.Collection().AuthOptions().ExceptEmailDomains
// only domains check
if len(only) > 0 && !list.ExistInSlice(domain, only) {
return validation.NewError("validation_email_domain_not_allowed", "Email domain is not allowed.")
// except domains check
if len(except) > 0 && list.ExistInSlice(domain, except) {
return validation.NewError("validation_email_domain_not_allowed", "Email domain is not allowed.")
return nil
func (form *RecordUpsert) checkOldPassword(value any) error {
v, _ := value.(string)
if v == "" {
return nil // nothing to check
if !form.record.ValidatePassword(v) {
return validation.NewError("validation_invalid_old_password", "Missing or invalid old password.")
return nil
func (form *RecordUpsert) ValidateAndFill() error {
if err := form.Validate(); err != nil {
return err
isNew := form.record.IsNew()
// custom insertion id can be set only on create
if isNew && form.Id != "" {
// set auth fields
if form.record.Collection().IsAuth() {
// generate a default username during create (if missing)
if form.record.IsNew() && form.Username == "" {
baseUsername := form.record.Collection().Name + security.RandomStringWithAlphabet(5, "123456789")
form.Username = form.dao.SuggestUniqueAuthRecordUsername(form.record.Collection().Id, baseUsername)
if form.Username != "" {
if err := form.record.SetUsername(form.Username); err != nil {
return err
if isNew || form.manageAccess {
if err := form.record.SetEmail(form.Email); err != nil {
return err
if err := form.record.SetEmailVisibility(form.EmailVisibility); err != nil {
return err
if form.manageAccess {
if err := form.record.SetVerified(form.Verified); err != nil {
return err
if form.Password != "" && form.Password == form.PasswordConfirm {
if err := form.record.SetPassword(form.Password); err != nil {
return err
// bulk load the remaining form data
return nil
// DrySubmit performs a form submit within a transaction and reverts it.
// For actual record persistence, check the `form.Submit()` method.
// This method doesn't handle file uploads/deletes or trigger any app events!
func (form *RecordUpsert) DrySubmit(callback func(txDao *daos.Dao) error) error {
isNew := form.record.IsNew()
if err := form.ValidateAndFill(); err != nil {
return err
var dryDao *daos.Dao
if form.dao.ConcurrentDB() == form.dao.NonconcurrentDB() {
// it is already in a transaction and therefore use the app concurrent db pool
// to prevent "transaction has already been committed or rolled back" error
dryDao = daos.New(form.app.Dao().ConcurrentDB())
} else {
// otherwise use the form noncurrent dao db pool
dryDao = daos.New(form.dao.NonconcurrentDB())
return dryDao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *daos.Dao) error {
tx, ok := txDao.DB().(*dbx.Tx)
if !ok {
return errors.New("failed to get transaction db")
defer tx.Rollback()
if err := txDao.SaveRecord(form.record); err != nil {
return err
// restore record isNew state
if isNew {
if callback != nil {
return callback(txDao)
return nil
// Submit validates the form and upserts the form Record model.
// You can optionally provide a list of InterceptorFunc to further
// modify the form behavior before persisting it.
func (form *RecordUpsert) Submit(interceptors ...InterceptorFunc[*models.Record]) error {
if err := form.ValidateAndFill(); err != nil {
return err
return runInterceptors(form.record, func(record *models.Record) error {
form.record = record
if !form.record.HasId() {
// upload new files (if any)
if err := form.processFilesToUpload(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to process the uploaded files: %w", err)
// persist the record model
if saveErr := form.dao.SaveRecord(form.record); saveErr != nil {
// try to cleanup the successfully uploaded files
if _, err := form.deleteFilesByNamesList(form.getFilesToUploadNames()); err != nil && form.app.IsDebug() {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to save the record: %w", saveErr)
// delete old files (if any)
// for now fail silently to avoid reupload when `form.Submit()`
// is called manually (aka. not from an api request)...
if err := form.processFilesToDelete(); err != nil && form.app.IsDebug() {
return nil
}, interceptors...)
func (form *RecordUpsert) getFilesToUploadNames() []string {
names := []string{}
for fieldKey := range form.filesToUpload {
for _, file := range form.filesToUpload[fieldKey] {
names = append(names, file.Name)
return names
func (form *RecordUpsert) processFilesToUpload() error {
if len(form.filesToUpload) == 0 {
return nil // no parsed file fields
if !form.record.HasId() {
return errors.New("the record is not persisted yet")
fs, err := form.app.NewFilesystem()
if err != nil {
return err
defer fs.Close()
var uploadErrors []error // list of upload errors
var uploaded []string // list of uploaded file paths
for fieldKey := range form.filesToUpload {
for i, file := range form.filesToUpload[fieldKey] {
path := form.record.BaseFilesPath() + "/" + file.Name
if err := fs.UploadFile(file, path); err == nil {
// keep track of the already uploaded file
uploaded = append(uploaded, path)
} else {
// store the upload error
uploadErrors = append(uploadErrors, fmt.Errorf("file %d: %v", i, err))
if len(uploadErrors) > 0 {
// cleanup - try to delete the successfully uploaded files (if any)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to upload all files: %v", uploadErrors)
return nil
func (form *RecordUpsert) processFilesToDelete() (err error) {
form.filesToDelete, err = form.deleteFilesByNamesList(form.filesToDelete)
// deleteFiles deletes a list of record files by their names.
// Returns the failed/remaining files.
func (form *RecordUpsert) deleteFilesByNamesList(filenames []string) ([]string, error) {
if len(filenames) == 0 {
return filenames, nil // nothing to delete
if !form.record.HasId() {
return filenames, errors.New("the record doesn't have a unique ID")
fs, err := form.app.NewFilesystem()
if err != nil {
return filenames, err
defer fs.Close()
var deleteErrors []error
for i := len(filenames) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
filename := filenames[i]
path := form.record.BaseFilesPath() + "/" + filename
if err := fs.Delete(path); err == nil {
// remove the deleted file from the list
filenames = append(filenames[:i], filenames[i+1:]...)
// try to delete the related file thumbs (if any)
fs.DeletePrefix(form.record.BaseFilesPath() + "/thumbs_" + filename + "/")
} else {
// store the delete error
deleteErrors = append(deleteErrors, fmt.Errorf("file %d: %v", i, err))
if len(deleteErrors) > 0 {
return filenames, fmt.Errorf("failed to delete all files: %v", deleteErrors)
return filenames, nil