mirror of https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase.git synced 2025-03-30 17:28:18 +02:00
2023-08-21 12:58:18 +03:00

361 lines
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package daos
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
// SyncRecordTableSchema compares the two provided collections
// and applies the necessary related record table changes.
// If `oldCollection` is null, then only `newCollection` is used to create the record table.
func (dao *Dao) SyncRecordTableSchema(newCollection *models.Collection, oldCollection *models.Collection) error {
return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error {
// create
// -----------------------------------------------------------
if oldCollection == nil {
cols := map[string]string{
schema.FieldNameId: "TEXT PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT ('r'||lower(hex(randomblob(7)))) NOT NULL",
schema.FieldNameCreated: "TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL",
schema.FieldNameUpdated: "TEXT DEFAULT (strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%fZ')) NOT NULL",
if newCollection.IsAuth() {
cols[schema.FieldNameUsername] = "TEXT NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameEmail] = "TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameEmailVisibility] = "BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameVerified] = "BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameTokenKey] = "TEXT NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNamePasswordHash] = "TEXT NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameLastResetSentAt] = "TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
cols[schema.FieldNameLastVerificationSentAt] = "TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
// ensure that the new collection has an id
if !newCollection.HasId() {
tableName := newCollection.Name
// add schema field definitions
for _, field := range newCollection.Schema.Fields() {
cols[field.Name] = field.ColDefinition()
// create table
if _, err := txDao.DB().CreateTable(tableName, cols).Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// add named unique index on the email and tokenKey columns
if newCollection.IsAuth() {
_, err := txDao.DB().NewQuery(fmt.Sprintf(
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _%s_username_idx ON {{%s}} ([[username]]);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _%s_email_idx ON {{%s}} ([[email]]) WHERE [[email]] != '';
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX _%s_tokenKey_idx ON {{%s}} ([[tokenKey]]);
newCollection.Id, tableName,
newCollection.Id, tableName,
newCollection.Id, tableName,
if err != nil {
return err
return txDao.createCollectionIndexes(newCollection)
// update
// -----------------------------------------------------------
oldTableName := oldCollection.Name
newTableName := newCollection.Name
oldSchema := oldCollection.Schema
newSchema := newCollection.Schema
deletedFieldNames := []string{}
renamedFieldNames := map[string]string{}
// drop old indexes (if any)
if err := txDao.dropCollectionIndex(oldCollection); err != nil {
return err
// check for renamed table
if !strings.EqualFold(oldTableName, newTableName) {
_, err := txDao.DB().RenameTable("{{"+oldTableName+"}}", "{{"+newTableName+"}}").Execute()
if err != nil {
return err
// check for deleted columns
for _, oldField := range oldSchema.Fields() {
if f := newSchema.GetFieldById(oldField.Id); f != nil {
continue // exist
_, err := txDao.DB().DropColumn(newTableName, oldField.Name).Execute()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to drop column %s - %w", oldField.Name, err)
deletedFieldNames = append(deletedFieldNames, oldField.Name)
// check for new or renamed columns
toRename := map[string]string{}
for _, field := range newSchema.Fields() {
oldField := oldSchema.GetFieldById(field.Id)
// Note:
// We are using a temporary column name when adding or renaming columns
// to ensure that there are no name collisions in case there is
// names switch/reuse of existing columns (eg. name, title -> title, name).
// This way we are always doing 1 more rename operation but it provides better dev experience.
if oldField == nil {
tempName := field.Name + security.PseudorandomString(5)
toRename[tempName] = field.Name
// add
_, err := txDao.DB().AddColumn(newTableName, tempName, field.ColDefinition()).Execute()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add column %s - %w", field.Name, err)
} else if oldField.Name != field.Name {
tempName := field.Name + security.PseudorandomString(5)
toRename[tempName] = field.Name
// rename
_, err := txDao.DB().RenameColumn(newTableName, oldField.Name, tempName).Execute()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to rename column %s - %w", oldField.Name, err)
renamedFieldNames[oldField.Name] = field.Name
// set the actual columns name
for tempName, actualName := range toRename {
_, err := txDao.DB().RenameColumn(newTableName, tempName, actualName).Execute()
if err != nil {
return err
if err := txDao.normalizeSingleVsMultipleFieldChanges(newCollection, oldCollection); err != nil {
return err
return txDao.createCollectionIndexes(newCollection)
func (dao *Dao) normalizeSingleVsMultipleFieldChanges(newCollection, oldCollection *models.Collection) error {
if newCollection.IsView() || oldCollection == nil {
return nil // view or not an update
return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error {
// temporary disable the schema error checks to prevent view and trigger errors
// when "altering" (aka. deleting and recreating) the non-normalized columns
if _, err := txDao.DB().NewQuery("PRAGMA writable_schema = ON").Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// executed with defer to make sure that the pragma is always reverted
// in case of an error and when nested transactions are used
defer txDao.DB().NewQuery("PRAGMA writable_schema = RESET").Execute()
for _, newField := range newCollection.Schema.Fields() {
// allow to continue even if there is no old field for the cases
// when a new field is added and there are already inserted data
var isOldMultiple bool
if oldField := oldCollection.Schema.GetFieldById(newField.Id); oldField != nil {
if opt, ok := oldField.Options.(schema.MultiValuer); ok {
isOldMultiple = opt.IsMultiple()
var isNewMultiple bool
if opt, ok := newField.Options.(schema.MultiValuer); ok {
isNewMultiple = opt.IsMultiple()
if isOldMultiple == isNewMultiple {
continue // no change
// update the column definition by:
// 1. inserting a new column with the new definition
// 2. copy normalized values from the original column to the new one
// 3. drop the original column
// 4. rename the new column to the original column
// -------------------------------------------------------
originalName := newField.Name
tempName := "_" + newField.Name + security.PseudorandomString(5)
_, err := txDao.DB().AddColumn(newCollection.Name, tempName, newField.ColDefinition()).Execute()
if err != nil {
return err
var copyQuery *dbx.Query
if !isOldMultiple && isNewMultiple {
// single -> multiple (convert to array)
copyQuery = txDao.DB().NewQuery(fmt.Sprintf(
`UPDATE {{%s}} set [[%s]] = (
WHEN COALESCE([[%s]], '') = ''
THEN '[]'
WHEN json_valid([[%s]]) AND json_type([[%s]]) == 'array'
THEN [[%s]]
ELSE json_array([[%s]])
} else {
// multiple -> single (keep only the last element)
// note: for file fields the actual file objects are not
// deleted allowing additional custom handling via migration
copyQuery = txDao.DB().NewQuery(fmt.Sprintf(
`UPDATE {{%s}} set [[%s]] = (
WHEN COALESCE([[%s]], '[]') = '[]'
WHEN json_valid([[%s]]) AND json_type([[%s]]) == 'array'
THEN COALESCE(json_extract([[%s]], '$[#-1]'), '')
ELSE [[%s]]
// copy the normalized values
if _, err := copyQuery.Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// drop the original column
if _, err := txDao.DB().DropColumn(newCollection.Name, originalName).Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// rename the new column back to the original
if _, err := txDao.DB().RenameColumn(newCollection.Name, tempName, originalName).Execute(); err != nil {
return err
// revert the pragma and reload the schema
_, revertErr := txDao.DB().NewQuery("PRAGMA writable_schema = RESET").Execute()
return revertErr
func (dao *Dao) dropCollectionIndex(collection *models.Collection) error {
if collection.IsView() {
return nil // views don't have indexes
return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error {
for _, raw := range collection.Indexes {
parsed := dbutils.ParseIndex(raw)
if !parsed.IsValid() {
if _, err := txDao.DB().NewQuery(fmt.Sprintf("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS [[%s]]", parsed.IndexName)).Execute(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (dao *Dao) createCollectionIndexes(collection *models.Collection) error {
if collection.IsView() {
return nil // views don't have indexes
return dao.RunInTransaction(func(txDao *Dao) error {
// drop new indexes in case a duplicated index name is used
if err := txDao.dropCollectionIndex(collection); err != nil {
return err
// upsert new indexes
// note: we are returning validation errors because the indexes cannot be
// validated in a form, aka. before persisting the related collection
// record table changes
errs := validation.Errors{}
for i, idx := range collection.Indexes {
parsed := dbutils.ParseIndex(idx)
// ensure that the index is always for the current collection
parsed.TableName = collection.Name
if !parsed.IsValid() {
errs[strconv.Itoa(i)] = validation.NewError(
"Invalid CREATE INDEX expression.",
if _, err := txDao.DB().NewQuery(parsed.Build()).Execute(); err != nil {
errs[strconv.Itoa(i)] = validation.NewError(
fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create index %s - %v.", parsed.IndexName, err.Error()),
if len(errs) > 0 {
return validation.Errors{"indexes": errs}
return nil