mirror of https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase.git synced 2025-03-22 23:05:20 +02:00

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package core
import (
validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation/v4"
func init() {
Fields[FieldTypeAutodate] = func() Field {
return &AutodateField{}
const FieldTypeAutodate = "autodate"
var (
_ Field = (*AutodateField)(nil)
_ SetterFinder = (*AutodateField)(nil)
_ RecordInterceptor = (*AutodateField)(nil)
// AutodateField defines an "autodate" type field, aka.
// field which datetime value could be auto set on record create/update.
// This field is usually used for defining timestamp fields like "created" and "updated".
// Requires either both or at least one of the OnCreate or OnUpdate options to be set.
type AutodateField struct {
// Name (required) is the unique name of the field.
Name string `form:"name" json:"name"`
// Id is the unique stable field identifier.
// It is automatically generated from the name when adding to a collection FieldsList.
Id string `form:"id" json:"id"`
// System prevents the renaming and removal of the field.
System bool `form:"system" json:"system"`
// Hidden hides the field from the API response.
Hidden bool `form:"hidden" json:"hidden"`
// Presentable hints the Dashboard UI to use the underlying
// field record value in the relation preview label.
Presentable bool `form:"presentable" json:"presentable"`
// ---
// OnCreate auto sets the current datetime as field value on record create.
OnCreate bool `form:"onCreate" json:"onCreate"`
// OnUpdate auto sets the current datetime as field value on record update.
OnUpdate bool `form:"onUpdate" json:"onUpdate"`
// Type implements [Field.Type] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) Type() string {
return FieldTypeAutodate
// GetId implements [Field.GetId] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) GetId() string {
return f.Id
// SetId implements [Field.SetId] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) SetId(id string) {
f.Id = id
// GetName implements [Field.GetName] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) GetName() string {
return f.Name
// SetName implements [Field.SetName] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) SetName(name string) {
f.Name = name
// GetSystem implements [Field.GetSystem] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) GetSystem() bool {
return f.System
// SetSystem implements [Field.SetSystem] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) SetSystem(system bool) {
f.System = system
// GetHidden implements [Field.GetHidden] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) GetHidden() bool {
return f.Hidden
// SetHidden implements [Field.SetHidden] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) SetHidden(hidden bool) {
f.Hidden = hidden
// ColumnType implements [Field.ColumnType] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) ColumnType(app App) string {
return "TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL" // note: sqlite doesn't allow adding new columns with non-constant defaults
// PrepareValue implements [Field.PrepareValue] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) PrepareValue(record *Record, raw any) (any, error) {
val, _ := types.ParseDateTime(raw)
return val, nil
// ValidateValue implements [Field.ValidateValue] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) ValidateValue(ctx context.Context, app App, record *Record) error {
return nil
// ValidateSettings implements [Field.ValidateSettings] interface method.
func (f *AutodateField) ValidateSettings(ctx context.Context, app App, collection *Collection) error {
oldOnCreate := f.OnCreate
oldOnUpdate := f.OnUpdate
oldCollection, _ := app.FindCollectionByNameOrId(collection.Id)
if oldCollection != nil {
oldField, ok := oldCollection.Fields.GetById(f.Id).(*AutodateField)
if ok && oldField != nil {
oldOnCreate = oldField.OnCreate
oldOnUpdate = oldField.OnUpdate
return validation.ValidateStruct(f,
validation.Field(&f.Id, validation.By(DefaultFieldIdValidationRule)),
validation.Field(&f.Name, validation.By(DefaultFieldNameValidationRule)),
validation.When(f.System, validation.By(validators.Equal(oldOnCreate))),
validation.Required.Error("either onCreate or onUpdate must be enabled").When(!f.OnUpdate),
validation.When(f.System, validation.By(validators.Equal(oldOnUpdate))),
validation.Required.Error("either onCreate or onUpdate must be enabled").When(!f.OnCreate),
// FindSetter implements the [SetterFinder] interface.
func (f *AutodateField) FindSetter(key string) SetterFunc {
switch key {
case f.Name:
// return noopSetter to disallow updating the value with record.Set()
return noopSetter
return nil
// Intercept implements the [RecordInterceptor] interface.
func (f *AutodateField) Intercept(
ctx context.Context,
app App,
record *Record,
actionName string,
actionFunc func() error,
) error {
switch actionName {
case InterceptorActionCreate:
// ignore for custom date manually set with record.SetRaw()
if f.OnCreate && !f.hasBeenManuallyChanged(record) {
record.SetRaw(f.Name, types.NowDateTime())
case InterceptorActionUpdate:
// ignore for custom date manually set with record.SetRaw()
if f.OnUpdate && !f.hasBeenManuallyChanged(record) {
record.SetRaw(f.Name, types.NowDateTime())
return actionFunc()
func (f *AutodateField) hasBeenManuallyChanged(record *Record) bool {
vNew, _ := record.GetRaw(f.Name).(types.DateTime)
vOld, _ := record.Original().GetRaw(f.Name).(types.DateTime)
return vNew.String() != vOld.String()