mirror of https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase.git synced 2025-03-19 14:17:48 +02:00
2024-09-29 21:09:46 +03:00

569 lines
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package core_test
import (
func TestPasswordFieldBaseMethods(t *testing.T) {
testFieldBaseMethods(t, core.FieldTypePassword)
func TestPasswordFieldColumnType(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
f := &core.PasswordField{}
expected := "TEXT DEFAULT '' NOT NULL"
if v := f.ColumnType(app); v != expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected\n%q\ngot\n%q", expected, v)
func TestPasswordFieldPrepareValue(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
f := &core.PasswordField{}
record := core.NewRecord(core.NewBaseCollection("test"))
scenarios := []struct {
raw any
expected string
{"", ""},
{"test", "test"},
{false, "false"},
{true, "true"},
{123.456, "123.456"},
for i, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d_%#v", i, s.raw), func(t *testing.T) {
v, err := f.PrepareValue(record, s.raw)
if err != nil {
pv, ok := v.(*core.PasswordFieldValue)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected PasswordFieldValue instance, got %T", v)
if pv.Hash != s.expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected %q, got %q", s.expected, v)
func TestPasswordFieldDriverValue(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
f := &core.PasswordField{Name: "test"}
err := errors.New("example_err")
scenarios := []struct {
raw any
expected *core.PasswordFieldValue
{123, &core.PasswordFieldValue{}},
{"abc", &core.PasswordFieldValue{}},
{"$2abc", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Hash: "$2abc"}},
{&core.PasswordFieldValue{Hash: "test", LastError: err}, &core.PasswordFieldValue{Hash: "test", LastError: err}},
for i, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d_%v", i, s.raw), func(t *testing.T) {
record := core.NewRecord(core.NewBaseCollection("test"))
record.SetRaw(f.GetName(), s.raw)
v, err := f.DriverValue(record)
vStr, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected string instance, got %T", v)
var errStr string
if err != nil {
errStr = err.Error()
var expectedErrStr string
if s.expected.LastError != nil {
expectedErrStr = s.expected.LastError.Error()
if errStr != expectedErrStr {
t.Fatalf("Expected error %q, got %q", expectedErrStr, errStr)
if vStr != s.expected.Hash {
t.Fatalf("Expected hash %q, got %q", s.expected.Hash, vStr)
func TestPasswordFieldValidateValue(t *testing.T) {
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
collection := core.NewBaseCollection("test_collection")
scenarios := []struct {
name string
field *core.PasswordField
record func() *core.Record
expectError bool
"invalid raw value",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", "123")
return record
"zero field value (not required)",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{})
return record
"zero field value (required)",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Required: true},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{})
return record
"empty hash but non-empty plain password (required)",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Required: true},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "test"})
return record
"non-empty hash (required)",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Required: true},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Hash: "test"})
return record
"with LastError",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{LastError: errors.New("test")})
return record
"< Min",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Min: 3},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "аб"}) // multi-byte chars test
return record
">= Min",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Min: 3},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "абв"}) // multi-byte chars test
return record
"> default Max",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: strings.Repeat("a", 72)})
return record
"<= default Max",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: strings.Repeat("a", 71)})
return record
"> Max",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Max: 2},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "абв"}) // multi-byte chars test
return record
"<= Max",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Max: 2},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "аб"}) // multi-byte chars test
return record
"non-matching pattern",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Pattern: `\d+`},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "abc"})
return record
"matching pattern",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test", Pattern: `\d+`},
func() *core.Record {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw("test", &core.PasswordFieldValue{Plain: "123"})
return record
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
err := s.field.ValidateValue(context.Background(), app, s.record())
hasErr := err != nil
if hasErr != s.expectError {
t.Fatalf("Expected hasErr %v, got %v (%v)", s.expectError, hasErr, err)
func TestPasswordFieldValidateSettings(t *testing.T) {
testDefaultFieldIdValidation(t, core.FieldTypePassword)
testDefaultFieldNameValidation(t, core.FieldTypePassword)
app, _ := tests.NewTestApp()
defer app.Cleanup()
scenarios := []struct {
name string
field func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField
expectErrors []string
"zero minimal",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
"invalid pattern",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Pattern: "(invalid",
"valid pattern",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Pattern: `\d+`,
"Min < 0",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Min: -1,
"Min > 71",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Min: 72,
"valid Min",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Min: 5,
"Max < Min",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Min: 2,
Max: 1,
"Min > Min",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Min: 2,
Max: 3,
"Max > 71",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Max: 72,
"cost < bcrypt.MinCost",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Cost: bcrypt.MinCost - 1,
"cost > bcrypt.MaxCost",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Cost: bcrypt.MaxCost + 1,
"valid cost",
func(col *core.Collection) *core.PasswordField {
return &core.PasswordField{
Id: "test",
Name: "test",
Cost: 12,
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
collection := core.NewBaseCollection("test_collection")
collection.Fields.GetByName("id").SetId("test") // set a dummy known id so that it can be replaced
field := s.field(collection)
errs := field.ValidateSettings(context.Background(), app, collection)
tests.TestValidationErrors(t, errs, s.expectErrors)
func TestPasswordFieldFindSetter(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
name string
key string
value any
field *core.PasswordField
hasSetter bool
expected string
"no match",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
"exact match",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
collection := core.NewBaseCollection("test_collection")
setter := s.field.FindSetter(s.key)
hasSetter := setter != nil
if hasSetter != s.hasSetter {
t.Fatalf("Expected hasSetter %v, got %v", s.hasSetter, hasSetter)
if !hasSetter {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw(s.field.GetName(), []string{"c", "d"})
setter(record, s.value)
raw, err := json.Marshal(record.Get(s.field.GetName()))
if err != nil {
rawStr := string(raw)
if rawStr != s.expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected %q, got %q", s.expected, rawStr)
func TestPasswordFieldFindGetter(t *testing.T) {
scenarios := []struct {
name string
key string
field *core.PasswordField
hasGetter bool
expected string
"no match",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
"field name match",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
"field name hash modifier",
&core.PasswordField{Name: "test"},
for _, s := range scenarios {
t.Run(s.name, func(t *testing.T) {
collection := core.NewBaseCollection("test_collection")
getter := s.field.FindGetter(s.key)
hasGetter := getter != nil
if hasGetter != s.hasGetter {
t.Fatalf("Expected hasGetter %v, got %v", s.hasGetter, hasGetter)
if !hasGetter {
record := core.NewRecord(collection)
record.SetRaw(s.field.GetName(), &core.PasswordFieldValue{Hash: "test_hash", Plain: "test_plain"})
result := getter(record)
if result != s.expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected %q, got %#v", s.expected, result)