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package resolvers
import (
// ensure that `search.FieldResolver` interface is implemented
var _ search.FieldResolver = (*RecordFieldResolver)(nil)
type join struct {
id string
table string
on dbx.Expression
// RecordFieldResolver defines a custom search resolver struct for
// managing Record model search fields.
// Usually used together with `search.Provider`. Example:
// resolver := resolvers.NewRecordFieldResolver(app.Dao(), myCollection, map[string]any{"test": 123})
// provider := search.NewProvider(resolver)
// ...
type RecordFieldResolver struct {
dao *daos.Dao
baseCollection *models.Collection
allowedFields []string
requestData map[string]any
joins []join // we cannot use a map because the insertion order is not preserved
loadedCollections []*models.Collection
// NewRecordFieldResolver creates and initializes a new `RecordFieldResolver`.
func NewRecordFieldResolver(
dao *daos.Dao,
baseCollection *models.Collection,
requestData map[string]any,
) *RecordFieldResolver {
return &RecordFieldResolver{
dao: dao,
baseCollection: baseCollection,
requestData: requestData,
joins: []join{},
loadedCollections: []*models.Collection{baseCollection},
allowedFields: []string{
// UpdateQuery implements `search.FieldResolver` interface.
// Conditionally updates the provided search query based on the
// resolved fields (eg. dynamically joining relations).
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) UpdateQuery(query *dbx.SelectQuery) error {
if len(r.joins) > 0 {
for _, join := range r.joins {
query.LeftJoin(join.table, join.on)
return nil
// Resolve implements `search.FieldResolver` interface.
// Example of resolvable field formats:
// id
// project.screen.status
// @request.status
// @request.user.profile.someRelation.name
// @collection.product.name
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) Resolve(fieldName string) (resultName string, placeholderParams dbx.Params, err error) {
if len(r.allowedFields) > 0 && !list.ExistInSliceWithRegex(fieldName, r.allowedFields) {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve field %q", fieldName)
props := strings.Split(fieldName, ".")
currentCollectionName := r.baseCollection.Name
currentTableAlias := currentCollectionName
// check for @collection field (aka. non-relational join)
// must be in the format "@collection.COLLECTION_NAME.FIELD[.FIELD2....]"
if props[0] == "@collection" {
if len(props) < 3 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid @collection field path in %q.", fieldName)
currentCollectionName = props[1]
currentTableAlias = "__collection_" + currentCollectionName
collection, err := r.loadCollection(currentCollectionName)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load collection %q from field path %q.", currentCollectionName, fieldName)
r.addJoin(collection.Name, currentTableAlias, nil)
props = props[2:] // leave only the collection fields
} else if props[0] == "@request" {
// check for @request field
if len(props) == 1 {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid @request data field path in %q.", fieldName)
// not a profile relational field
if len(props) <= 4 || !strings.HasPrefix(fieldName, "@request.user.profile.") {
return r.resolveStaticRequestField(props[1:]...)
// resolve the profile collection fields
currentCollectionName = models.ProfileCollectionName
currentTableAlias = "__user_" + currentCollectionName
collection, err := r.loadCollection(currentCollectionName)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load collection %q from field path %q.", currentCollectionName, fieldName)
profileIdPlaceholder, profileIdPlaceholderParam, err := r.resolveStaticRequestField("user", "profile", "id")
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve @request.user.profile.id path in %q.", fieldName)
if strings.ToLower(profileIdPlaceholder) == "null" {
// the user doesn't have an associated profile
return "NULL", nil, nil
// join the profile collection
r.addJoin(collection.Name, currentTableAlias, dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf(
// aka. profiles.id = profileId
"[[%s.id]] = %s",
), profileIdPlaceholderParam))
props = props[3:] // leave only the profile fields
baseModelFields := schema.ReservedFieldNames()
totalProps := len(props)
for i, prop := range props {
collection, err := r.loadCollection(currentCollectionName)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve field %q.", prop)
// base model prop (always available but not part of the collection schema)
if list.ExistInSlice(prop, baseModelFields) {
return fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]]", inflector.Columnify(currentTableAlias), inflector.Columnify(prop)), nil, nil
field := collection.Schema.GetFieldByName(prop)
if field == nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized field %q.", prop)
// last prop
if i == totalProps-1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]]", inflector.Columnify(currentTableAlias), inflector.Columnify(prop)), nil, nil
// check if it is a relation field
if field.Type != schema.FieldTypeRelation {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Field %q is not a valid relation.", prop)
// auto join the relation
// ---
options, ok := field.Options.(*schema.RelationOptions)
if !ok {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to initialize field %q options.", prop)
relCollection, relErr := r.loadCollection(options.CollectionId)
if relErr != nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find field %q collection.", prop)
newCollectionName := relCollection.Name
newTableAlias := currentTableAlias + "_" + field.Name
// 'LIKE' expr is used to handle the case when the reference field supports multiple values (aka. is json array)
"[[%s.%s]] LIKE ('%%' || [[%s.%s]] || '%%')",
currentCollectionName = newCollectionName
currentTableAlias = newTableAlias
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to resolve field %q.", fieldName)
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) resolveStaticRequestField(path ...string) (resultName string, placeholderParams dbx.Params, err error) {
// ignore error because requestData is dynamic and some of the
// lookup keys may not be defined for the request
resultVal, _ := extractNestedMapVal(r.requestData, path...)
switch v := resultVal.(type) {
case nil:
return "NULL", nil, nil
case string, bool, int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64:
// no further processing is needed...
// non-plain value
// try casting to string (in case for exampe fmt.Stringer is implemented)
val, castErr := cast.ToStringE(v)
// if that doesn't work, try encoding it
if castErr != nil {
encoded, jsonErr := json.Marshal(v)
if jsonErr == nil {
val = string(encoded)
resultVal = val
placeholder := "f" + security.RandomString(7)
name := fmt.Sprintf("{:%s}", placeholder)
params := dbx.Params{placeholder: resultVal}
return name, params, nil
func extractNestedMapVal(m map[string]any, keys ...string) (result any, err error) {
var ok bool
if len(keys) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("At least one key should be provided.")
if result, ok = m[keys[0]]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid key path - missing key %q.", keys[0])
// end key reached
if len(keys) == 1 {
return result, nil
if m, ok = result.(map[string]any); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Expected map structure, got %#v.", result)
return extractNestedMapVal(m, keys[1:]...)
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) loadCollection(collectionNameOrId string) (*models.Collection, error) {
// return already loaded
for _, collection := range r.loadedCollections {
if collection.Name == collectionNameOrId || collection.Id == collectionNameOrId {
return collection, nil
// load collection
collection, err := r.dao.FindCollectionByNameOrId(collectionNameOrId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r.loadedCollections = append(r.loadedCollections, collection)
return collection, nil
func (r *RecordFieldResolver) addJoin(tableName string, tableAlias string, on dbx.Expression) {
tableExpr := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s %s",
join := join{
id: tableAlias,
table: tableExpr,
on: on,
// replace existing join
for i, j := range r.joins {
if j.id == join.id {
r.joins[i] = join
// register new join
r.joins = append(r.joins, join)