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package apis
import (
// Common request context keys used by the middlewares and api handlers.
const (
ContextAdminKey string = "admin"
ContextAuthRecordKey string = "authRecord"
ContextCollectionKey string = "collection"
// RequireGuestOnly middleware requires a request to NOT have a valid
// Authorization header.
// This middleware is the opposite of [apis.RequireAdminOrRecordAuth()].
func RequireGuestOnly() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
err := NewBadRequestError("The request can be accessed only by guests.", nil)
record, _ := c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey).(*models.Record)
if record != nil {
return err
admin, _ := c.Get(ContextAdminKey).(*models.Admin)
if admin != nil {
return err
return next(c)
// RequireRecordAuth middleware requires a request to have
// a valid record auth Authorization header.
// The auth record could be from any collection.
// You can further filter the allowed record auth collections by
// specifying their names.
// Example:
// apis.RequireRecordAuth()
// Or:
// apis.RequireRecordAuth("users", "supervisors")
// To restrict the auth record only to the loaded context collection,
// use [apis.RequireSameContextRecordAuth()] instead.
func RequireRecordAuth(optCollectionNames ...string) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
record, _ := c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey).(*models.Record)
if record == nil {
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires valid record authorization token to be set.", nil)
// check record collection name
if len(optCollectionNames) > 0 && !list.ExistInSlice(record.Collection().Name, optCollectionNames) {
return NewForbiddenError("The authorized record model is not allowed to perform this action.", nil)
return next(c)
// RequireSameContextRecordAuth middleware requires a request to have
// a valid record Authorization header.
// The auth record must be from the same collection already loaded in the context.
func RequireSameContextRecordAuth() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
record, _ := c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey).(*models.Record)
if record == nil {
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires valid record authorization token to be set.", nil)
collection, _ := c.Get(ContextCollectionKey).(*models.Collection)
if collection == nil || record.Collection().Id != collection.Id {
return NewForbiddenError(fmt.Sprintf("The request requires auth record from %s collection.", record.Collection().Name), nil)
return next(c)
// RequireAdminAuth middleware requires a request to have
// a valid admin Authorization header.
func RequireAdminAuth() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
admin, _ := c.Get(ContextAdminKey).(*models.Admin)
if admin == nil {
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires valid admin authorization token to be set.", nil)
return next(c)
// RequireAdminAuthOnlyIfAny middleware requires a request to have
// a valid admin Authorization header ONLY if the application has
// at least 1 existing Admin model.
func RequireAdminAuthOnlyIfAny(app core.App) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
totalAdmins, err := app.Dao().TotalAdmins()
if err != nil {
return NewBadRequestError("Failed to fetch admins info.", err)
admin, _ := c.Get(ContextAdminKey).(*models.Admin)
if admin != nil || totalAdmins == 0 {
return next(c)
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires valid admin authorization token to be set.", nil)
// RequireAdminOrRecordAuth middleware requires a request to have
// a valid admin or record Authorization header set.
// You can further filter the allowed auth record collections by providing their names.
// This middleware is the opposite of [apis.RequireGuestOnly()].
func RequireAdminOrRecordAuth(optCollectionNames ...string) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
admin, _ := c.Get(ContextAdminKey).(*models.Admin)
record, _ := c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey).(*models.Record)
if admin == nil && record == nil {
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires admin or record authorization token to be set.", nil)
if record != nil && len(optCollectionNames) > 0 && !list.ExistInSlice(record.Collection().Name, optCollectionNames) {
return NewForbiddenError("The authorized record model is not allowed to perform this action.", nil)
return next(c)
// RequireAdminOrOwnerAuth middleware requires a request to have
// a valid admin or auth record owner Authorization header set.
// This middleware is similar to [apis.RequireAdminOrRecordAuth()] but
// for the auth record token expects to have the same id as the path
// parameter ownerIdParam (default to "id" if empty).
func RequireAdminOrOwnerAuth(ownerIdParam string) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
admin, _ := c.Get(ContextAdminKey).(*models.Admin)
if admin != nil {
return next(c)
record, _ := c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey).(*models.Record)
if record == nil {
return NewUnauthorizedError("The request requires admin or record authorization token to be set.", nil)
if ownerIdParam == "" {
ownerIdParam = "id"
ownerId := c.PathParam(ownerIdParam)
// note: it is "safe" to compare only the record id since the auth
// record ids are treated as unique across all auth collections
if record.Id != ownerId {
return NewForbiddenError("You are not allowed to perform this request.", nil)
return next(c)
// LoadAuthContext middleware reads the Authorization request header
// and loads the token related record or admin instance into the
// request's context.
// This middleware is expected to be already registered by default for all routes.
func LoadAuthContext(app core.App) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
token := c.Request().Header.Get("Authorization")
if token == "" {
return next(c)
// the schema is not required and it is only for
// compatibility with the defaults of some HTTP clients
token = strings.TrimPrefix(token, "Bearer ")
claims, _ := security.ParseUnverifiedJWT(token)
tokenType := cast.ToString(claims["type"])
switch tokenType {
case tokens.TypeAdmin:
admin, err := app.Dao().FindAdminByToken(
if err == nil && admin != nil {
c.Set(ContextAdminKey, admin)
case tokens.TypeAuthRecord:
record, err := app.Dao().FindAuthRecordByToken(
if err == nil && record != nil {
c.Set(ContextAuthRecordKey, record)
return next(c)
// LoadCollectionContext middleware finds the collection with related
// path identifier and loads it into the request context.
// Set optCollectionTypes to further filter the found collection by its type.
func LoadCollectionContext(app core.App, optCollectionTypes ...string) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
if param := c.PathParam("collection"); param != "" {
collection, err := app.Dao().FindCollectionByNameOrId(param)
if err != nil || collection == nil {
return NewNotFoundError("", err)
if len(optCollectionTypes) > 0 && !list.ExistInSlice(collection.Type, optCollectionTypes) {
return NewBadRequestError("Invalid collection type.", nil)
c.Set(ContextCollectionKey, collection)
return next(c)
// ActivityLogger middleware takes care to save the request information
// into the logs database.
// The middleware does nothing if the app logs retention period is zero
// (aka. app.Settings().Logs.MaxDays = 0).
func ActivityLogger(app core.App) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
err := next(c)
// no logs retention
if app.Settings().Logs.MaxDays == 0 {
return err
httpRequest := c.Request()
httpResponse := c.Response()
status := httpResponse.Status
meta := types.JsonMap{}
if err != nil {
switch v := err.(type) {
case *echo.HTTPError:
status = v.Code
meta["errorMessage"] = v.Message
meta["errorDetails"] = fmt.Sprint(v.Internal)
case *ApiError:
status = v.Code
meta["errorMessage"] = v.Message
meta["errorDetails"] = fmt.Sprint(v.RawData())
status = http.StatusBadRequest
meta["errorMessage"] = v.Error()
requestAuth := models.RequestAuthGuest
if c.Get(ContextAuthRecordKey) != nil {
requestAuth = models.RequestAuthRecord
} else if c.Get(ContextAdminKey) != nil {
requestAuth = models.RequestAuthAdmin
ip, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(httpRequest.RemoteAddr)
model := &models.Request{
Url: httpRequest.URL.RequestURI(),
Method: strings.ToLower(httpRequest.Method),
Status: status,
Auth: requestAuth,
UserIp: realUserIp(httpRequest, ip),
RemoteIp: ip,
Referer: httpRequest.Referer(),
UserAgent: httpRequest.UserAgent(),
Meta: meta,
// set timestamp fields before firing a new go routine
routine.FireAndForget(func() {
attempts := 1
logErr := app.LogsDao().SaveRequest(model)
if logErr != nil {
// try one more time after 10s in case of SQLITE_BUSY or "database is locked" error
if attempts <= 2 {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
goto BeginSave
} else if app.IsDebug() {
log.Println("Log save failed:", logErr)
// Delete old request logs
// ---
now := time.Now()
lastLogsDeletedAt := cast.ToTime(app.Cache().Get("lastLogsDeletedAt"))
daysDiff := now.Sub(lastLogsDeletedAt).Hours() * 24
if daysDiff > float64(app.Settings().Logs.MaxDays) {
deleteErr := app.LogsDao().DeleteOldRequests(now.AddDate(0, 0, -1*app.Settings().Logs.MaxDays))
if deleteErr == nil {
app.Cache().Set("lastLogsDeletedAt", now)
} else if app.IsDebug() {
log.Println("Logs delete failed:", deleteErr)
return err
// Returns the "real" user IP from common proxy headers (or fallbackIp if none is found).
// The returned IP value shouldn't be trusted if not behind a trusted reverse proxy!
func realUserIp(r *http.Request, fallbackIp string) string {
if ip := r.Header.Get("CF-Connecting-IP"); ip != "" {
return ip
if ip := r.Header.Get("X-Real-IP"); ip != "" {
return ip
if ipsList := r.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For"); ipsList != "" {
ips := strings.Split(ipsList, ",")
// extract the rightmost ip
for i := len(ips) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ip := strings.TrimSpace(ips[i])
if ip != "" {
return ip
return fallbackIp