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748 lines
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package core
import (
// maxNestedRels defines the max allowed nested relations depth.
const maxNestedRels = 6
// list of auth filter fields that don't require join with the auth
// collection or any other extra checks to be resolved.
var plainRequestAuthFields = map[string]struct{}{
"@request.auth." + FieldNameId: {},
"@request.auth." + FieldNameCollectionId: {},
"@request.auth." + FieldNameCollectionName: {},
"@request.auth." + FieldNameEmail: {},
"@request.auth." + FieldNameEmailVisibility: {},
"@request.auth." + FieldNameVerified: {},
// parseAndRun starts a new one-off RecordFieldResolver.Resolve execution.
func parseAndRun(fieldName string, resolver *RecordFieldResolver) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
r := &runner{
fieldName: fieldName,
resolver: resolver,
return r.run()
type runner struct {
used bool // indicates whether the runner was already executed
resolver *RecordFieldResolver // resolver is the shared expression fields resolver
fieldName string // the name of the single field expression the runner is responsible for
// shared processing state
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
activeProps []string // holds the active props that remains to be processed
activeCollectionName string // the last used collection name
activeTableAlias string // the last used table alias
allowHiddenFields bool // indicates whether hidden fields (eg. email) should be allowed without extra conditions
nullifyMisingField bool // indicating whether to return null on missing field or return an error
withMultiMatch bool // indicates whether to attach a multiMatchSubquery condition to the ResolverResult
multiMatchActiveTableAlias string // the last used multi-match table alias
multiMatch *multiMatchSubquery // the multi-match subquery expression generated from the fieldName
func (r *runner) run() (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
if r.used {
return nil, errors.New("the runner was already used")
if len(r.resolver.allowedFields) > 0 && !list.ExistInSliceWithRegex(r.fieldName, r.resolver.allowedFields) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve field %q", r.fieldName)
defer func() {
r.used = true
// check for @collection field (aka. non-relational join)
// must be in the format "@collection.COLLECTION_NAME.FIELD[.FIELD2....]"
if r.activeProps[0] == "@collection" {
return r.processCollectionField()
if r.activeProps[0] == "@request" {
if r.resolver.requestInfo == nil {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
if strings.HasPrefix(r.fieldName, "@request.auth.") {
return r.processRequestAuthField()
if strings.HasPrefix(r.fieldName, "@request.body.") && len(r.activeProps) > 2 {
name, modifier, err := splitModifier(r.activeProps[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bodyField := r.resolver.baseCollection.Fields.GetByName(name)
if bodyField == nil {
return r.resolver.resolveStaticRequestField(r.activeProps[1:]...)
// check for body relation field
if bodyField.Type() == FieldTypeRelation && len(r.activeProps) > 3 {
return r.processRequestInfoRelationField(bodyField)
// check for body arrayble fields ":each" modifier
if modifier == eachModifier && len(r.activeProps) == 3 {
return r.processRequestInfoEachModifier(bodyField)
// check for body arrayble fields ":length" modifier
if modifier == lengthModifier && len(r.activeProps) == 3 {
return r.processRequestInfoLengthModifier(bodyField)
// some other @request.* static field
return r.resolver.resolveStaticRequestField(r.activeProps[1:]...)
// regular field
return r.processActiveProps()
func (r *runner) prepare() {
r.activeProps = strings.Split(r.fieldName, ".")
r.activeCollectionName = r.resolver.baseCollection.Name
r.activeTableAlias = inflector.Columnify(r.activeCollectionName)
r.allowHiddenFields = r.resolver.allowHiddenFields
// always allow hidden fields since the @.* filter is a system one
if r.activeProps[0] == "@collection" || r.activeProps[0] == "@request" {
r.allowHiddenFields = true
// enable the ignore flag for missing @request.* fields for backward
// compatibility and consistency with all @request.* filter fields and types
r.nullifyMisingField = r.activeProps[0] == "@request"
// prepare a multi-match subquery
r.multiMatch = &multiMatchSubquery{
baseTableAlias: r.activeTableAlias,
params: dbx.Params{},
r.multiMatch.fromTableName = inflector.Columnify(r.activeCollectionName)
r.multiMatch.fromTableAlias = "__mm_" + r.activeTableAlias
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = r.multiMatch.fromTableAlias
r.withMultiMatch = false
func (r *runner) processCollectionField() (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
if len(r.activeProps) < 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid @collection field path in %q", r.fieldName)
// nameOrId or nameOrId:alias
collectionParts := strings.SplitN(r.activeProps[1], ":", 2)
collection, err := r.resolver.loadCollection(collectionParts[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load collection %q from field path %q", r.activeProps[1], r.fieldName)
r.activeCollectionName = collection.Name
if len(collectionParts) == 2 && collectionParts[1] != "" {
r.activeTableAlias = inflector.Columnify("__collection_alias_" + collectionParts[1])
} else {
r.activeTableAlias = inflector.Columnify("__collection_" + r.activeCollectionName)
r.withMultiMatch = true
// join the collection to the main query
r.resolver.registerJoin(inflector.Columnify(collection.Name), r.activeTableAlias, nil)
// join the collection to the multi-match subquery
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = "__mm" + r.activeTableAlias
r.multiMatch.joins = append(r.multiMatch.joins, &join{
tableName: inflector.Columnify(collection.Name),
tableAlias: r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias,
// leave only the collection fields
// aka. @collection.someCollection.fieldA.fieldB -> fieldA.fieldB
r.activeProps = r.activeProps[2:]
return r.processActiveProps()
func (r *runner) processRequestAuthField() (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
// plain auth field
// ---
if _, ok := plainRequestAuthFields[r.fieldName]; ok {
return r.resolver.resolveStaticRequestField(r.activeProps[1:]...)
// resolve the auth collection field
// ---
if r.resolver.requestInfo == nil || r.resolver.requestInfo.Auth == nil || r.resolver.requestInfo.Auth.Collection() == nil {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
collection := r.resolver.requestInfo.Auth.Collection()
r.activeCollectionName = collection.Name
r.activeTableAlias = "__auth_" + inflector.Columnify(r.activeCollectionName)
// join the auth collection to the main query
// aka. __auth_users.id = :userId
(r.activeTableAlias + ".id"): r.resolver.requestInfo.Auth.Id,
// join the auth collection to the multi-match subquery
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = "__mm_" + r.activeTableAlias
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: inflector.Columnify(r.activeCollectionName),
tableAlias: r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias,
on: dbx.HashExp{
(r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + ".id"): r.resolver.requestInfo.Auth.Id,
// leave only the auth relation fields
// aka. @request.auth.fieldA.fieldB -> fieldA.fieldB
r.activeProps = r.activeProps[2:]
return r.processActiveProps()
// note: nil value is returned as empty slice
func toSlice(value any) []any {
if value == nil {
return []any{}
rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
kind := rv.Kind()
if kind != reflect.Slice && kind != reflect.Array {
return []any{value}
rvLen := rv.Len()
result := make([]interface{}, rvLen)
for i := 0; i < rvLen; i++ {
result[i] = rv.Index(i).Interface()
return result
func (r *runner) processRequestInfoLengthModifier(bodyField Field) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
if _, ok := bodyField.(MultiValuer); !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field %q doesn't support multivalue operations", bodyField.GetName())
bodyItems := toSlice(r.resolver.requestInfo.Body[bodyField.GetName()])
result := &search.ResolverResult{
Identifier: strconv.Itoa(len(bodyItems)),
return result, nil
func (r *runner) processRequestInfoEachModifier(bodyField Field) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
multiValuer, ok := bodyField.(MultiValuer)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field %q doesn't support multivalue operations", bodyField.GetName())
bodyItems := toSlice(r.resolver.requestInfo.Body[bodyField.GetName()])
bodyItemsRaw, err := json.Marshal(bodyItems)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot serialize the data for field %q", r.activeProps[2])
placeholder := "dataEach" + security.PseudorandomString(6)
cleanFieldName := inflector.Columnify(bodyField.GetName())
jeTable := fmt.Sprintf("json_each({:%s})", placeholder)
jeAlias := "__dataEach_" + cleanFieldName + "_je"
r.resolver.registerJoin(jeTable, jeAlias, nil)
result := &search.ResolverResult{
Identifier: fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.value]]", jeAlias),
Params: dbx.Params{placeholder: bodyItemsRaw},
if multiValuer.IsMultiple() {
r.withMultiMatch = true
if r.withMultiMatch {
placeholder2 := "mm" + placeholder
jeTable2 := fmt.Sprintf("json_each({:%s})", placeholder2)
jeAlias2 := "__mm" + jeAlias
r.multiMatch.joins = append(r.multiMatch.joins, &join{
tableName: jeTable2,
tableAlias: jeAlias2,
r.multiMatch.params[placeholder2] = bodyItemsRaw
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.value]]", jeAlias2)
result.MultiMatchSubQuery = r.multiMatch
return result, nil
func (r *runner) processRequestInfoRelationField(bodyField Field) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
relField, ok := bodyField.(*RelationField)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize data relation field %q", bodyField.GetName())
dataRelCollection, err := r.resolver.loadCollection(relField.CollectionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load collection %q from data field %q", relField.CollectionId, relField.Name)
var dataRelIds []string
if r.resolver.requestInfo != nil && len(r.resolver.requestInfo.Body) != 0 {
dataRelIds = list.ToUniqueStringSlice(r.resolver.requestInfo.Body[relField.Name])
if len(dataRelIds) == 0 {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
r.activeCollectionName = dataRelCollection.Name
r.activeTableAlias = inflector.Columnify("__data_" + dataRelCollection.Name + "_" + relField.Name)
// join the data rel collection to the main collection
fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]]", r.activeTableAlias),
if relField.IsMultiple() {
r.withMultiMatch = true
// join the data rel collection to the multi-match subquery
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = inflector.Columnify("__data_mm_" + dataRelCollection.Name + "_" + relField.Name)
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: r.activeCollectionName,
tableAlias: r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias,
on: dbx.In(
fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]]", r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias),
// leave only the data relation fields
// aka. @request.body.someRel.fieldA.fieldB -> fieldA.fieldB
r.activeProps = r.activeProps[3:]
return r.processActiveProps()
var viaRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\w+)_via_(\w+)$`)
func (r *runner) processActiveProps() (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
totalProps := len(r.activeProps)
for i, prop := range r.activeProps {
collection, err := r.resolver.loadCollection(r.activeCollectionName)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve field %q", prop)
// last prop
if i == totalProps-1 {
return r.processLastProp(collection, prop)
field := collection.Fields.GetByName(prop)
// json field -> treat the rest of the props as json path
if field != nil && field.Type() == FieldTypeJSON {
var jsonPath strings.Builder
for j, p := range r.activeProps[i+1:] {
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(p); err == nil {
} else {
if j > 0 {
jsonPathStr := jsonPath.String()
result := &search.ResolverResult{
NoCoalesce: true,
Identifier: dbutils.JSONExtract(r.activeTableAlias+"."+inflector.Columnify(prop), jsonPathStr),
if r.withMultiMatch {
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = dbutils.JSONExtract(r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias+"."+inflector.Columnify(prop), jsonPathStr)
result.MultiMatchSubQuery = r.multiMatch
return result, nil
if i >= maxNestedRels {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("max nested relations reached for field %q", prop)
// check for back relation (eg. yourCollection_via_yourRelField)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
if field == nil {
parts := viaRegex.FindStringSubmatch(prop)
if len(parts) != 3 {
if r.nullifyMisingField {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve field %q", prop)
backCollection, err := r.resolver.loadCollection(parts[1])
if err != nil {
if r.nullifyMisingField {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load back relation field %q collection", prop)
backField := backCollection.Fields.GetByName(parts[2])
if backField == nil {
if r.nullifyMisingField {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing back relation field %q", parts[2])
if backField.Type() != FieldTypeRelation {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid back relation field %q", parts[2])
backRelField, ok := backField.(*RelationField)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize back relation field %q", backField.GetName())
if backRelField.CollectionId != collection.Id {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid back relation field %q collection reference", backField.GetName())
// join the back relation to the main query
// ---
cleanProp := inflector.Columnify(prop)
cleanBackFieldName := inflector.Columnify(backRelField.Name)
newTableAlias := r.activeTableAlias + "_" + cleanProp
newCollectionName := inflector.Columnify(backCollection.Name)
isBackRelMultiple := backRelField.IsMultiple()
if !isBackRelMultiple {
// additionally check if the rel field has a single column unique index
isBackRelMultiple = !dbutils.HasSingleColumnUniqueIndex(backRelField.Name, backCollection.Indexes)
if !isBackRelMultiple {
dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]] = [[%s.id]]", newTableAlias, cleanBackFieldName, r.activeTableAlias)),
} else {
jeAlias := r.activeTableAlias + "_" + cleanProp + "_je"
"[[%s.id]] IN (SELECT [[%s.value]] FROM %s {{%s}})",
r.activeCollectionName = newCollectionName
r.activeTableAlias = newTableAlias
// ---
// join the back relation to the multi-match subquery
// ---
if isBackRelMultiple {
r.withMultiMatch = true // enable multimatch if not already
newTableAlias2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "_" + cleanProp
if !isBackRelMultiple {
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: newCollectionName,
tableAlias: newTableAlias2,
on: dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]] = [[%s.id]]", newTableAlias2, cleanBackFieldName, r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias)),
} else {
jeAlias2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "_" + cleanProp + "_je"
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: newCollectionName,
tableAlias: newTableAlias2,
on: dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf(
"[[%s.id]] IN (SELECT [[%s.value]] FROM %s {{%s}})",
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = newTableAlias2
// ---
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// check for direct relation
if field.Type() != FieldTypeRelation {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field %q is not a valid relation", prop)
// join the relation to the main query
// ---
relField, ok := field.(*RelationField)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize relation field %q", prop)
relCollection, relErr := r.resolver.loadCollection(relField.CollectionId)
if relErr != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to load field %q collection", prop)
// "id" lookups optimization for single relations to avoid unnecessary joins,
// aka. "user.id" and "user" should produce the same query identifier
if !relField.IsMultiple() &&
// the penultimate prop is "id"
i == totalProps-2 && r.activeProps[i+1] == FieldNameId {
return r.processLastProp(collection, relField.Name)
cleanFieldName := inflector.Columnify(relField.Name)
prefixedFieldName := r.activeTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
newTableAlias := r.activeTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName
newCollectionName := relCollection.Name
if !relField.IsMultiple() {
dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]] = [[%s]]", newTableAlias, prefixedFieldName)),
} else {
jeAlias := r.activeTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName + "_je"
r.resolver.registerJoin(dbutils.JSONEach(prefixedFieldName), jeAlias, nil)
dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]] = [[%s.value]]", newTableAlias, jeAlias)),
r.activeCollectionName = newCollectionName
r.activeTableAlias = newTableAlias
// ---
// join the relation to the multi-match subquery
// ---
if relField.IsMultiple() {
r.withMultiMatch = true // enable multimatch if not already
newTableAlias2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName
prefixedFieldName2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
if !relField.IsMultiple() {
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: inflector.Columnify(newCollectionName),
tableAlias: newTableAlias2,
on: dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]] = [[%s]]", newTableAlias2, prefixedFieldName2)),
} else {
jeAlias2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName + "_je"
r.multiMatch.joins = append(
tableName: dbutils.JSONEach(prefixedFieldName2),
tableAlias: jeAlias2,
tableName: inflector.Columnify(newCollectionName),
tableAlias: newTableAlias2,
on: dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.id]] = [[%s.value]]", newTableAlias2, jeAlias2)),
r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias = newTableAlias2
// ---
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve field %q", r.fieldName)
func (r *runner) processLastProp(collection *Collection, prop string) (*search.ResolverResult, error) {
name, modifier, err := splitModifier(prop)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
field := collection.Fields.GetByName(name)
if field == nil {
if r.nullifyMisingField {
return &search.ResolverResult{Identifier: "NULL"}, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown field %q", name)
if field.GetHidden() && !r.allowHiddenFields {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-filterable field %q", name)
multvaluer, isMultivaluer := field.(MultiValuer)
cleanFieldName := inflector.Columnify(field.GetName())
// arrayable fields with ":length" modifier
// -------------------------------------------------------
if modifier == lengthModifier && isMultivaluer {
jePair := r.activeTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
result := &search.ResolverResult{
Identifier: dbutils.JSONArrayLength(jePair),
if r.withMultiMatch {
jePair2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = dbutils.JSONArrayLength(jePair2)
result.MultiMatchSubQuery = r.multiMatch
return result, nil
// arrayable fields with ":each" modifier
// -------------------------------------------------------
if modifier == eachModifier && isMultivaluer {
jePair := r.activeTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
jeAlias := r.activeTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName + "_je"
r.resolver.registerJoin(dbutils.JSONEach(jePair), jeAlias, nil)
result := &search.ResolverResult{
Identifier: fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.value]]", jeAlias),
if multvaluer.IsMultiple() {
r.withMultiMatch = true
if r.withMultiMatch {
jePair2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "." + cleanFieldName
jeAlias2 := r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias + "_" + cleanFieldName + "_je"
r.multiMatch.joins = append(r.multiMatch.joins, &join{
tableName: dbutils.JSONEach(jePair2),
tableAlias: jeAlias2,
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.value]]", jeAlias2)
result.MultiMatchSubQuery = r.multiMatch
return result, nil
// default
// -------------------------------------------------------
result := &search.ResolverResult{
Identifier: fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]]", r.activeTableAlias, cleanFieldName),
if r.withMultiMatch {
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = fmt.Sprintf("[[%s.%s]]", r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias, cleanFieldName)
result.MultiMatchSubQuery = r.multiMatch
// allow querying only auth records with emails marked as public
if field.GetName() == FieldNameEmail && !r.allowHiddenFields && collection.IsAuth() {
result.AfterBuild = func(expr dbx.Expression) dbx.Expression {
return dbx.Enclose(dbx.And(expr, dbx.NewExp(fmt.Sprintf(
"[[%s.%s]] = TRUE",
// wrap in json_extract to ensure that top-level primitives
// stored as json work correctly when compared to their SQL equivalent
// (https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/issues/4068)
if field.Type() == FieldTypeJSON {
result.NoCoalesce = true
result.Identifier = dbutils.JSONExtract(r.activeTableAlias+"."+cleanFieldName, "")
if r.withMultiMatch {
r.multiMatch.valueIdentifier = dbutils.JSONExtract(r.multiMatchActiveTableAlias+"."+cleanFieldName, "")
return result, nil