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// This is a trimmed version of the original go-cloud/s3blob driver
// to avoid loading both aws-sdk-go and aws-sdk-go-v2 dependencies.
// It helps reducing the final binary with ~11MB.
// In the future this may get replaced entirely with an even slimmer
// version without relying on aws-sdk-go-v2.
// Copyright 2018 The Go Cloud Development Kit Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package s3blob provides a blob implementation that uses S3. Use OpenBucket
// to construct a *blob.Bucket.
// # URLs
// For blob.OpenBucket, s3blob registers for the scheme "s3".
// The default URL opener will use an AWS session with the default credentials
// and configuration; see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-go/api/aws/session/
// for more details.
// Use "awssdk=v1" or "awssdk=v2" to force a specific AWS SDK version.
// To customize the URL opener, or for more details on the URL format,
// see URLOpener.
// See https://gocloud.dev/concepts/urls/ for background information.
// # Escaping
// Go CDK supports all UTF-8 strings; to make this work with services lacking
// full UTF-8 support, strings must be escaped (during writes) and unescaped
// (during reads). The following escapes are performed for s3blob:
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// Additionally, the "/" in "../" is escaped in the same way.
// - Metadata keys: Escaped using URL encoding, then additionally "@:=" are
// escaped using "__0x<hex>__". These characters were determined by
// experimentation.
// - Metadata values: Escaped using URL encoding.
// # As
// s3blob exposes the following types for As:
// - Bucket: (V1) *s3.S3; (V2) *s3v2.Client
// - Error: (V1) awserr.Error; (V2) any error type returned by the service, notably smithy.APIError
// - ListObject: (V1) s3.Object for objects, s3.CommonPrefix for "directories"; (V2) typesv2.Object for objects, typesv2.CommonPrefix for "directories"
// - ListOptions.BeforeList: (V1) *s3.ListObjectsV2Input or *s3.ListObjectsInput
// when Options.UseLegacyList == true; (V2) *s3v2.ListObjectsV2Input or *[]func(*s3v2.Options), or *s3v2.ListObjectsInput
// when Options.UseLegacyList == true
// - Reader: (V1) s3.GetObjectOutput; (V2) s3v2.GetObjectInput
// - ReaderOptions.BeforeRead: (V1) *s3.GetObjectInput; (V2) *s3v2.GetObjectInput or *[]func(*s3v2.Options)
// - Attributes: (V1) s3.HeadObjectOutput; (V2)s3v2.HeadObjectOutput
// - CopyOptions.BeforeCopy: *(V1) s3.CopyObjectInput; (V2) s3v2.CopyObjectInput
// - WriterOptions.BeforeWrite: (V1) *s3manager.UploadInput, *s3manager.Uploader; (V2) *s3v2.PutObjectInput, *s3v2manager.Uploader
// - SignedURLOptions.BeforeSign:
// (V1) *s3.GetObjectInput; (V2) *s3v2.GetObjectInput, when Options.Method == http.MethodGet, or
// (V1) *s3.PutObjectInput; (V2) *s3v2.PutObjectInput, when Options.Method == http.MethodPut, or
// (V1) *s3.DeleteObjectInput; (V2) [not supported] when Options.Method == http.MethodDelete
package filesystem
import (
awsv2 "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws"
awsv2cfg "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config"
s3managerv2 "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/feature/s3/manager"
s3v2 "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3"
typesv2 "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3/types"
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2019 The Go Cloud Development Kit Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// HexEscape returns s, with all runes for which shouldEscape returns true
// escaped to "__0xXXX__", where XXX is the hex representation of the rune
// value. For example, " " would escape to "__0x20__".
// Non-UTF-8 strings will have their non-UTF-8 characters escaped to
// unicode.ReplacementChar; the original value is lost. Please file an
// issue if you need non-UTF8 support.
// Note: shouldEscape takes the whole string as a slice of runes and an
// index. Passing it a single byte or a single rune doesn't provide
// enough context for some escape decisions; for example, the caller might
// want to escape the second "/" in "//" but not the first one.
// We pass a slice of runes instead of the string or a slice of bytes
// because some decisions will be made on a rune basis (e.g., encode
// all non-ASCII runes).
func HexEscape(s string, shouldEscape func(s []rune, i int) bool) string {
// Do a first pass to see which runes (if any) need escaping.
runes := []rune(s)
var toEscape []int
for i := range runes {
if shouldEscape(runes, i) {
toEscape = append(toEscape, i)
if len(toEscape) == 0 {
return s
// Each escaped rune turns into at most 14 runes ("__0x7fffffff__"),
// so allocate an extra 13 for each. We'll reslice at the end
// if we didn't end up using them.
escaped := make([]rune, len(runes)+13*len(toEscape))
n := 0 // current index into toEscape
j := 0 // current index into escaped
for i, r := range runes {
if n < len(toEscape) && i == toEscape[n] {
// We were asked to escape this rune.
for _, x := range fmt.Sprintf("__%#x__", r) {
escaped[j] = x
} else {
escaped[j] = r
return string(escaped[0:j])
// unescape tries to unescape starting at r[i].
// It returns a boolean indicating whether the unescaping was successful,
// and (if true) the unescaped rune and the last index of r that was used
// during unescaping.
func unescape(r []rune, i int) (bool, rune, int) {
// Look for "__0x".
if r[i] != '_' {
return false, 0, 0
if i >= len(r) || r[i] != '_' {
return false, 0, 0
if i >= len(r) || r[i] != '0' {
return false, 0, 0
if i >= len(r) || r[i] != 'x' {
return false, 0, 0
// Capture the digits until the next "_" (if any).
var hexdigits []rune
for ; i < len(r) && r[i] != '_'; i++ {
hexdigits = append(hexdigits, r[i])
// Look for the trailing "__".
if i >= len(r) || r[i] != '_' {
return false, 0, 0
if i >= len(r) || r[i] != '_' {
return false, 0, 0
// Parse the hex digits into an int32.
retval, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(hexdigits), 16, 32)
if err != nil {
return false, 0, 0
return true, rune(retval), i
// HexUnescape reverses HexEscape.
func HexUnescape(s string) string {
var unescaped []rune
runes := []rune(s)
for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ {
if ok, newR, newI := unescape(runes, i); ok {
// We unescaped some runes starting at i, resulting in the
// unescaped rune newR. The last rune used was newI.
if unescaped == nil {
// This is the first rune we've encountered that
// needed unescaping. Allocate a buffer and copy any
// previous runes.
unescaped = make([]rune, i)
copy(unescaped, runes)
unescaped = append(unescaped, newR)
i = newI
} else if unescaped != nil {
unescaped = append(unescaped, runes[i])
if unescaped == nil {
return s
return string(unescaped)
// URLEscape uses url.PathEscape to escape s.
func URLEscape(s string) string {
return url.PathEscape(s)
// URLUnescape reverses URLEscape using url.PathUnescape. If the unescape
// returns an error, it returns s.
func URLUnescape(s string) string {
if u, err := url.PathUnescape(s); err == nil {
return u
return s
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// UseV2 returns true iff the URL parameters indicate that the provider
// should use the AWS SDK v2.
// "awssdk=v1" will force V1.
// "awssdk=v2" will force V2.
// No "awssdk" parameter (or any other value) will return the default, currently V1.
// Note that the default may change in the future.
func UseV2(q url.Values) bool {
if values, ok := q["awssdk"]; ok {
if values[0] == "v2" || values[0] == "V2" {
return true
return false
// NewDefaultV2Config returns a aws.Config for AWS SDK v2, using the default options.
func NewDefaultV2Config(ctx context.Context) (awsv2.Config, error) {
return awsv2cfg.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx)
// V2ConfigFromURLParams returns an aws.Config for AWS SDK v2 initialized based on the URL
// parameters in q. It is intended to be used by URLOpeners for AWS services if
// UseV2 returns true.
// https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/aws#Config
// It returns an error if q contains any unknown query parameters; callers
// should remove any query parameters they know about from q before calling
// V2ConfigFromURLParams.
// The following query options are supported:
// - region: The AWS region for requests; sets WithRegion.
// - profile: The shared config profile to use; sets SharedConfigProfile.
// - endpoint: The AWS service endpoint to send HTTP request.
func V2ConfigFromURLParams(ctx context.Context, q url.Values) (awsv2.Config, error) {
var opts []func(*awsv2cfg.LoadOptions) error
for param, values := range q {
value := values[0]
switch param {
case "region":
opts = append(opts, awsv2cfg.WithRegion(value))
case "endpoint":
customResolver := awsv2.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(
func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (awsv2.Endpoint, error) {
return awsv2.Endpoint{
PartitionID: "aws",
URL: value,
SigningRegion: region,
}, nil
opts = append(opts, awsv2cfg.WithEndpointResolverWithOptions(customResolver))
case "profile":
opts = append(opts, awsv2cfg.WithSharedConfigProfile(value))
case "awssdk":
// ignore, should be handled before this
return awsv2.Config{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown query parameter %q", param)
return awsv2cfg.LoadDefaultConfig(ctx, opts...)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const defaultPageSize = 1000
func init() {
blob.DefaultURLMux().RegisterBucket(Scheme, new(urlSessionOpener))
type urlSessionOpener struct{}
func (o *urlSessionOpener) OpenBucketURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*blob.Bucket, error) {
opener := &URLOpener{UseV2: true}
return opener.OpenBucketURL(ctx, u)
// Scheme is the URL scheme s3blob registers its URLOpener under on
// blob.DefaultMux.
const Scheme = "s3"
// URLOpener opens S3 URLs like "s3://mybucket".
// The URL host is used as the bucket name.
// Use "awssdk=v1" to force using AWS SDK v1, "awssdk=v2" to force using AWS SDK v2,
// or anything else to accept the default.
// For V1, see gocloud.dev/aws/ConfigFromURLParams for supported query parameters
// for overriding the aws.Session from the URL.
// For V2, see gocloud.dev/aws/V2ConfigFromURLParams.
type URLOpener struct {
// UseV2 indicates whether the AWS SDK V2 should be used.
UseV2 bool
// Options specifies the options to pass to OpenBucket.
Options Options
// OpenBucketURL opens a blob.Bucket based on u.
func (o *URLOpener) OpenBucketURL(ctx context.Context, u *url.URL) (*blob.Bucket, error) {
cfg, err := V2ConfigFromURLParams(ctx, u.Query())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open bucket %v: %v", u, err)
clientV2 := s3v2.NewFromConfig(cfg)
return OpenBucketV2(ctx, clientV2, u.Host, &o.Options)
// Options sets options for constructing a *blob.Bucket backed by fileblob.
type Options struct {
// UseLegacyList forces the use of ListObjects instead of ListObjectsV2.
// Some S3-compatible services (like CEPH) do not currently support
// ListObjectsV2.
UseLegacyList bool
// openBucket returns an S3 Bucket.
func openBucket(ctx context.Context, useV2 bool, clientV2 *s3v2.Client, bucketName string, opts *Options) (*bucket, error) {
if bucketName == "" {
return nil, errors.New("s3blob.OpenBucket: bucketName is required")
if opts == nil {
opts = &Options{}
if clientV2 == nil {
return nil, errors.New("s3blob.OpenBucketV2: client is required")
return &bucket{
useV2: useV2,
name: bucketName,
clientV2: clientV2,
useLegacyList: opts.UseLegacyList,
}, nil
// OpenBucketV2 returns a *blob.Bucket backed by S3, using AWS SDK v2.
func OpenBucketV2(ctx context.Context, client *s3v2.Client, bucketName string, opts *Options) (*blob.Bucket, error) {
drv, err := openBucket(ctx, true, client, bucketName, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return blob.NewBucket(drv), nil
// reader reads an S3 object. It implements io.ReadCloser.
type reader struct {
useV2 bool
body io.ReadCloser
attrs driver.ReaderAttributes
rawV2 *s3v2.GetObjectOutput
func (r *reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return r.body.Read(p)
// Close closes the reader itself. It must be called when done reading.
func (r *reader) Close() error {
return r.body.Close()
func (r *reader) As(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(*s3v2.GetObjectOutput)
if !ok {
return false
*p = *r.rawV2
return true
func (r *reader) Attributes() *driver.ReaderAttributes {
return &r.attrs
// writer writes an S3 object, it implements io.WriteCloser.
type writer struct {
// Ends of an io.Pipe, created when the first byte is written.
pw *io.PipeWriter
pr *io.PipeReader
// Alternatively, upload is set to true when Upload was
// used to upload data.
upload bool
ctx context.Context
useV2 bool
// v2
uploaderV2 *s3managerv2.Uploader
reqV2 *s3v2.PutObjectInput
donec chan struct{} // closed when done writing
// The following fields will be written before donec closes:
err error
// Write appends p to w.pw. User must call Close to close the w after done writing.
func (w *writer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
// Avoid opening the pipe for a zero-length write;
// the concrete can do these for empty blobs.
if len(p) == 0 {
return 0, nil
if w.pw == nil {
// We'll write into pw and use pr as an io.Reader for the
// Upload call to S3.
w.pr, w.pw = io.Pipe()
w.open(w.pr, true)
return w.pw.Write(p)
// Upload reads from r. Per the driver, it is guaranteed to be the only
// write call for this writer.
func (w *writer) Upload(r io.Reader) error {
w.upload = true
w.open(r, false)
return nil
// r may be nil if we're Closing and no data was written.
// If closePipeOnError is true, w.pr will be closed if there's an
// error uploading to S3.
func (w *writer) open(r io.Reader, closePipeOnError bool) {
// This goroutine will keep running until Close, unless there's an error.
go func() {
defer close(w.donec)
if r == nil {
// AWS doesn't like a nil Body.
r = http.NoBody
var err error
w.reqV2.Body = r
_, err = w.uploaderV2.Upload(w.ctx, w.reqV2)
if err != nil {
if closePipeOnError {
w.pr = nil
w.err = err
// Close completes the writer and closes it. Any error occurring during write
// will be returned. If a writer is closed before any Write is called, Close
// will create an empty file at the given key.
func (w *writer) Close() error {
if !w.upload {
if w.pr != nil {
defer w.pr.Close()
if w.pw == nil {
// We never got any bytes written. We'll write an http.NoBody.
w.open(nil, false)
} else if err := w.pw.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return w.err
// bucket represents an S3 bucket and handles read, write and delete operations.
type bucket struct {
name string
useV2 bool
clientV2 *s3v2.Client
useLegacyList bool
func (b *bucket) Close() error {
return nil
func (b *bucket) ErrorCode(err error) gcerrors.ErrorCode {
var code string
var ae smithy.APIError
var oe *smithy.OperationError
if errors.As(err, &oe) && strings.Contains(oe.Error(), "301") {
// V2 returns an OperationError with a missing redirect for invalid buckets.
code = "NoSuchBucket"
} else if errors.As(err, &ae) {
code = ae.ErrorCode()
} else {
return gcerrors.Unknown
switch {
case code == "NoSuchBucket" || code == "NoSuchKey" || code == "NotFound":
return gcerrors.NotFound
return gcerrors.Unknown
// ListPaged implements driver.ListPaged.
func (b *bucket) ListPaged(ctx context.Context, opts *driver.ListOptions) (*driver.ListPage, error) {
pageSize := opts.PageSize
if pageSize == 0 {
pageSize = defaultPageSize
in := &s3v2.ListObjectsV2Input{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
MaxKeys: awsv2.Int32(int32(pageSize)),
if len(opts.PageToken) > 0 {
in.ContinuationToken = awsv2.String(string(opts.PageToken))
if opts.Prefix != "" {
in.Prefix = awsv2.String(escapeKey(opts.Prefix))
if opts.Delimiter != "" {
in.Delimiter = awsv2.String(escapeKey(opts.Delimiter))
resp, err := b.listObjectsV2(ctx, in, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
page := driver.ListPage{}
if resp.NextContinuationToken != nil {
page.NextPageToken = []byte(*resp.NextContinuationToken)
if n := len(resp.Contents) + len(resp.CommonPrefixes); n > 0 {
page.Objects = make([]*driver.ListObject, n)
for i, obj := range resp.Contents {
obj := obj
page.Objects[i] = &driver.ListObject{
Key: unescapeKey(awsv2.ToString(obj.Key)),
ModTime: *obj.LastModified,
Size: awsv2.ToInt64(obj.Size),
MD5: eTagToMD5(obj.ETag),
AsFunc: func(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(*typesv2.Object)
if !ok {
return false
*p = obj
return true
for i, prefix := range resp.CommonPrefixes {
prefix := prefix
page.Objects[i+len(resp.Contents)] = &driver.ListObject{
Key: unescapeKey(awsv2.ToString(prefix.Prefix)),
IsDir: true,
AsFunc: func(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(*typesv2.CommonPrefix)
if !ok {
return false
*p = prefix
return true
if len(resp.Contents) > 0 && len(resp.CommonPrefixes) > 0 {
// S3 gives us blobs and "directories" in separate lists; sort them.
sort.Slice(page.Objects, func(i, j int) bool {
return page.Objects[i].Key < page.Objects[j].Key
return &page, nil
func (b *bucket) listObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, in *s3v2.ListObjectsV2Input, opts *driver.ListOptions) (*s3v2.ListObjectsV2Output, error) {
if !b.useLegacyList {
var varopt []func(*s3v2.Options)
if opts.BeforeList != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
if p, ok := i.(**s3v2.ListObjectsV2Input); ok {
*p = in
return true
if p, ok := i.(**[]func(*s3v2.Options)); ok {
*p = &varopt
return true
return false
if err := opts.BeforeList(asFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.clientV2.ListObjectsV2(ctx, in, varopt...)
// Use the legacy ListObjects request.
legacyIn := &s3v2.ListObjectsInput{
Bucket: in.Bucket,
Delimiter: in.Delimiter,
EncodingType: in.EncodingType,
Marker: in.ContinuationToken,
MaxKeys: in.MaxKeys,
Prefix: in.Prefix,
RequestPayer: in.RequestPayer,
if opts.BeforeList != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(**s3v2.ListObjectsInput)
if !ok {
return false
*p = legacyIn
return true
if err := opts.BeforeList(asFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
legacyResp, err := b.clientV2.ListObjects(ctx, legacyIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var nextContinuationToken *string
if legacyResp.NextMarker != nil {
nextContinuationToken = legacyResp.NextMarker
} else if awsv2.ToBool(legacyResp.IsTruncated) {
nextContinuationToken = awsv2.String(awsv2.ToString(legacyResp.Contents[len(legacyResp.Contents)-1].Key))
return &s3v2.ListObjectsV2Output{
CommonPrefixes: legacyResp.CommonPrefixes,
Contents: legacyResp.Contents,
NextContinuationToken: nextContinuationToken,
}, nil
// func (b *bucket) listObjects(ctx context.Context, in *s3.ListObjectsV2Input, opts *driver.ListOptions) (*s3.ListObjectsV2Output, error) {
// if !b.useLegacyList {
// if opts.BeforeList != nil {
// asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
// if p, ok := i.(**s3.ListObjectsV2Input); ok {
// *p = in
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
// if err := opts.BeforeList(asFunc); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// return b.client.ListObjectsV2WithContext(ctx, in)
// }
// // Use the legacy ListObjects request.
// legacyIn := &s3.ListObjectsInput{
// Bucket: in.Bucket,
// Delimiter: in.Delimiter,
// EncodingType: in.EncodingType,
// Marker: in.ContinuationToken,
// MaxKeys: in.MaxKeys,
// Prefix: in.Prefix,
// RequestPayer: in.RequestPayer,
// }
// if opts.BeforeList != nil {
// asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
// p, ok := i.(**s3.ListObjectsInput)
// if !ok {
// return false
// }
// *p = legacyIn
// return true
// }
// if err := opts.BeforeList(asFunc); err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
// legacyResp, err := b.client.ListObjectsWithContext(ctx, legacyIn)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// var nextContinuationToken *string
// if legacyResp.NextMarker != nil {
// nextContinuationToken = legacyResp.NextMarker
// } else if awsv2.ToBool(legacyResp.IsTruncated) {
// nextContinuationToken = awsv2.String(awsv2.ToString(legacyResp.Contents[len(legacyResp.Contents)-1].Key))
// }
// return &s3.ListObjectsV2Output{
// CommonPrefixes: legacyResp.CommonPrefixes,
// Contents: legacyResp.Contents,
// NextContinuationToken: nextContinuationToken,
// }, nil
// }
// As implements driver.As.
func (b *bucket) As(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(**s3v2.Client)
if !ok {
return false
*p = b.clientV2
return true
// As implements driver.ErrorAs.
func (b *bucket) ErrorAs(err error, i interface{}) bool {
return errors.As(err, i)
// Attributes implements driver.Attributes.
func (b *bucket) Attributes(ctx context.Context, key string) (*driver.Attributes, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
in := &s3v2.HeadObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
resp, err := b.clientV2.HeadObject(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
md := make(map[string]string, len(resp.Metadata))
for k, v := range resp.Metadata {
// See the package comments for more details on escaping of metadata
// keys & values.
md[HexUnescape(URLUnescape(k))] = URLUnescape(v)
return &driver.Attributes{
CacheControl: awsv2.ToString(resp.CacheControl),
ContentDisposition: awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentDisposition),
ContentEncoding: awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentEncoding),
ContentLanguage: awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentLanguage),
ContentType: awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentType),
Metadata: md,
// CreateTime not supported; left as the zero time.
ModTime: awsv2.ToTime(resp.LastModified),
Size: awsv2.ToInt64(resp.ContentLength),
MD5: eTagToMD5(resp.ETag),
ETag: awsv2.ToString(resp.ETag),
AsFunc: func(i interface{}) bool {
p, ok := i.(*s3v2.HeadObjectOutput)
if !ok {
return false
*p = *resp
return true
}, nil
// NewRangeReader implements driver.NewRangeReader.
func (b *bucket) NewRangeReader(ctx context.Context, key string, offset, length int64, opts *driver.ReaderOptions) (driver.Reader, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
var byteRange *string
if offset > 0 && length < 0 {
byteRange = awsv2.String(fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", offset))
} else if length == 0 {
// AWS doesn't support a zero-length read; we'll read 1 byte and then
// ignore it in favor of http.NoBody below.
byteRange = awsv2.String(fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset))
} else if length >= 0 {
byteRange = awsv2.String(fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset+length-1))
in := &s3v2.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
Range: byteRange,
var varopt []func(*s3v2.Options)
if opts.BeforeRead != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
if p, ok := i.(**s3v2.GetObjectInput); ok {
*p = in
return true
if p, ok := i.(**[]func(*s3v2.Options)); ok {
*p = &varopt
return true
return false
if err := opts.BeforeRead(asFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
resp, err := b.clientV2.GetObject(ctx, in, varopt...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body := resp.Body
if length == 0 {
body = http.NoBody
return &reader{
useV2: true,
body: body,
attrs: driver.ReaderAttributes{
ContentType: awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentType),
ModTime: awsv2.ToTime(resp.LastModified),
Size: getSize(awsv2.ToInt64(resp.ContentLength), awsv2.ToString(resp.ContentRange)),
rawV2: resp,
}, nil
// etagToMD5 processes an ETag header and returns an MD5 hash if possible.
// S3's ETag header is sometimes a quoted hexstring of the MD5. Other times,
// notably when the object was uploaded in multiple parts, it is not.
// We do the best we can.
// Some links about ETag:
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTCommonResponseHeaders.html
// https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/issues/815
// https://teppen.io/2018/06/23/aws_s3_etags/
func eTagToMD5(etag *string) []byte {
if etag == nil {
// No header at all.
return nil
// Strip the expected leading and trailing quotes.
quoted := *etag
if len(quoted) < 2 || quoted[0] != '"' || quoted[len(quoted)-1] != '"' {
return nil
unquoted := quoted[1 : len(quoted)-1]
// Un-hex; we return nil on error. In particular, we'll get an error here
// for multi-part uploaded blobs, whose ETag will contain a "-" and so will
// never be a legal hex encoding.
md5, err := hex.DecodeString(unquoted)
if err != nil {
return nil
return md5
func getSize(contentLength int64, contentRange string) int64 {
// Default size to ContentLength, but that's incorrect for partial-length reads,
// where ContentLength refers to the size of the returned Body, not the entire
// size of the blob. ContentRange has the full size.
size := contentLength
if contentRange != "" {
// Sample: bytes 10-14/27 (where 27 is the full size).
parts := strings.Split(contentRange, "/")
if len(parts) == 2 {
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64); err == nil {
size = i
return size
// escapeKey does all required escaping for UTF-8 strings to work with S3.
func escapeKey(key string) string {
return HexEscape(key, func(r []rune, i int) bool {
c := r[i]
switch {
// S3 doesn't handle these characters (determined via experimentation).
case c < 32:
return true
// For "../", escape the trailing slash.
case i > 1 && c == '/' && r[i-1] == '.' && r[i-2] == '.':
return true
return false
// unescapeKey reverses escapeKey.
func unescapeKey(key string) string {
return HexUnescape(key)
// NewTypedWriter implements driver.NewTypedWriter.
func (b *bucket) NewTypedWriter(ctx context.Context, key string, contentType string, opts *driver.WriterOptions) (driver.Writer, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
uploaderV2 := s3managerv2.NewUploader(b.clientV2, func(u *s3managerv2.Uploader) {
if opts.BufferSize != 0 {
u.PartSize = int64(opts.BufferSize)
if opts.MaxConcurrency != 0 {
u.Concurrency = opts.MaxConcurrency
md := make(map[string]string, len(opts.Metadata))
for k, v := range opts.Metadata {
// See the package comments for more details on escaping of metadata
// keys & values.
k = HexEscape(url.PathEscape(k), func(runes []rune, i int) bool {
c := runes[i]
return c == '@' || c == ':' || c == '='
md[k] = url.PathEscape(v)
reqV2 := &s3v2.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
ContentType: awsv2.String(contentType),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
Metadata: md,
if opts.CacheControl != "" {
reqV2.CacheControl = awsv2.String(opts.CacheControl)
if opts.ContentDisposition != "" {
reqV2.ContentDisposition = awsv2.String(opts.ContentDisposition)
if opts.ContentEncoding != "" {
reqV2.ContentEncoding = awsv2.String(opts.ContentEncoding)
if opts.ContentLanguage != "" {
reqV2.ContentLanguage = awsv2.String(opts.ContentLanguage)
if len(opts.ContentMD5) > 0 {
reqV2.ContentMD5 = awsv2.String(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(opts.ContentMD5))
if opts.BeforeWrite != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
// Note that since the Go CDK Blob
// abstraction does not expose AWS's
// Uploader concept, there does not
// appear to be any utility in
// exposing the options list to the v2
// Uploader's Upload() method.
// Instead, applications can
// manipulate the exposed *Uploader
// directly, including by setting
// ClientOptions if needed.
if p, ok := i.(**s3managerv2.Uploader); ok {
*p = uploaderV2
return true
if p, ok := i.(**s3v2.PutObjectInput); ok {
*p = reqV2
return true
return false
if err := opts.BeforeWrite(asFunc); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &writer{
ctx: ctx,
useV2: true,
uploaderV2: uploaderV2,
reqV2: reqV2,
donec: make(chan struct{}),
}, nil
// Copy implements driver.Copy.
func (b *bucket) Copy(ctx context.Context, dstKey, srcKey string, opts *driver.CopyOptions) error {
dstKey = escapeKey(dstKey)
srcKey = escapeKey(srcKey)
input := &s3v2.CopyObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
CopySource: awsv2.String(b.name + "/" + srcKey),
Key: awsv2.String(dstKey),
if opts.BeforeCopy != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
switch v := i.(type) {
case **s3v2.CopyObjectInput:
*v = input
return true
return false
if err := opts.BeforeCopy(asFunc); err != nil {
return err
_, err := b.clientV2.CopyObject(ctx, input)
return err
// Delete implements driver.Delete.
func (b *bucket) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
if _, err := b.Attributes(ctx, key); err != nil {
return err
key = escapeKey(key)
input := &s3v2.DeleteObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
_, err := b.clientV2.DeleteObject(ctx, input)
return err
func (b *bucket) SignedURL(ctx context.Context, key string, opts *driver.SignedURLOptions) (string, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
switch opts.Method {
case http.MethodGet:
in := &s3v2.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
if opts.BeforeSign != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
v, ok := i.(**s3v2.GetObjectInput)
if ok {
*v = in
return ok
if err := opts.BeforeSign(asFunc); err != nil {
return "", err
p, err := s3v2.NewPresignClient(b.clientV2, s3v2.WithPresignExpires(opts.Expiry)).PresignGetObject(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return p.URL, nil
case http.MethodPut:
in := &s3v2.PutObjectInput{
Bucket: awsv2.String(b.name),
Key: awsv2.String(key),
if opts.EnforceAbsentContentType || opts.ContentType != "" {
// https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/issues/1475
return "", errors.New("s3blob: AWS SDK v2 does not supported enforcing ContentType in SignedURLs for PUT")
if opts.BeforeSign != nil {
asFunc := func(i interface{}) bool {
v, ok := i.(**s3v2.PutObjectInput)
if ok {
*v = in
return ok
if err := opts.BeforeSign(asFunc); err != nil {
return "", err
p, err := s3v2.NewPresignClient(b.clientV2, s3v2.WithPresignExpires(opts.Expiry)).PresignPutObject(ctx, in)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return p.URL, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported Method %q", opts.Method)