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// Package s3blob provides a blob.Bucket S3 driver implementation.
// NB! To minimize breaking changes with older PocketBase releases,
// the driver is based of the previously used gocloud.dev/blob/s3blob,
// hence many of the below doc comments, struct options and interface
// implementations are the same.
// The blob abstraction supports all UTF-8 strings; to make this work with services lacking
// full UTF-8 support, strings must be escaped (during writes) and unescaped
// (during reads). The following escapes are performed for s3blob:
// - Blob keys: ASCII characters 0-31 are escaped to "__0x<hex>__".
// Additionally, the "/" in "../" is escaped in the same way.
// - Metadata keys: Escaped using URL encoding, then additionally "@:=" are
// escaped using "__0x<hex>__". These characters were determined by
// experimentation.
// - Metadata values: Escaped using URL encoding.
// Example:
// drv, _ := s3blob.New(&s3.S3{
// Bucket: "bucketName",
// Region: "region",
// Endpoint: "endpoint",
// AccessKey: "accessKey",
// SecretKey: "secretKey",
// })
// bucket := blob.NewBucket(drv)
package s3blob
import (
const defaultPageSize = 1000
// New creates a new instance of the S3 driver backed by the the internal S3 client.
func New(s3Client *s3.S3) (blob.Driver, error) {
if s3Client.Bucket == "" {
return nil, errors.New("s3blob.New: missing bucket name")
if s3Client.Endpoint == "" {
return nil, errors.New("s3blob.New: missing endpoint")
if s3Client.Region == "" {
return nil, errors.New("s3blob.New: missing region")
return &driver{s3: s3Client}, nil
type driver struct {
s3 *s3.S3
// Close implements [blob/Driver.Close].
func (drv *driver) Close() error {
return nil // nothing to close
// NormalizeError implements [blob/Driver.NormalizeError].
func (drv *driver) NormalizeError(err error) error {
// already normalized
if errors.Is(err, blob.ErrNotFound) {
return err
// normalize base on its S3 error code
var ae s3.ResponseError
if errors.As(err, &ae) {
switch ae.Code {
case "NoSuchBucket", "NoSuchKey", "NotFound":
return errors.Join(err, blob.ErrNotFound)
return err
// ListPaged implements [blob/Driver.ListPaged].
func (drv *driver) ListPaged(ctx context.Context, opts *blob.ListOptions) (*blob.ListPage, error) {
pageSize := opts.PageSize
if pageSize == 0 {
pageSize = defaultPageSize
listParams := s3.ListParams{
MaxKeys: pageSize,
if len(opts.PageToken) > 0 {
listParams.ContinuationToken = string(opts.PageToken)
if opts.Prefix != "" {
listParams.Prefix = escapeKey(opts.Prefix)
if opts.Delimiter != "" {
listParams.Delimiter = escapeKey(opts.Delimiter)
resp, err := drv.s3.ListObjects(ctx, listParams)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
page := blob.ListPage{}
if resp.NextContinuationToken != "" {
page.NextPageToken = []byte(resp.NextContinuationToken)
if n := len(resp.Contents) + len(resp.CommonPrefixes); n > 0 {
page.Objects = make([]*blob.ListObject, n)
for i, obj := range resp.Contents {
page.Objects[i] = &blob.ListObject{
Key: unescapeKey(obj.Key),
ModTime: obj.LastModified,
Size: obj.Size,
MD5: eTagToMD5(obj.ETag),
for i, prefix := range resp.CommonPrefixes {
page.Objects[i+len(resp.Contents)] = &blob.ListObject{
Key: unescapeKey(prefix.Prefix),
IsDir: true,
if len(resp.Contents) > 0 && len(resp.CommonPrefixes) > 0 {
// S3 gives us blobs and "directories" in separate lists; sort them.
sort.Slice(page.Objects, func(i, j int) bool {
return page.Objects[i].Key < page.Objects[j].Key
return &page, nil
// Attributes implements [blob/Driver.Attributes].
func (drv *driver) Attributes(ctx context.Context, key string) (*blob.Attributes, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
resp, err := drv.s3.HeadObject(ctx, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
md := make(map[string]string, len(resp.Metadata))
for k, v := range resp.Metadata {
// See the package comments for more details on escaping of metadata keys & values.
md[blob.HexUnescape(urlUnescape(k))] = urlUnescape(v)
return &blob.Attributes{
CacheControl: resp.CacheControl,
ContentDisposition: resp.ContentDisposition,
ContentEncoding: resp.ContentEncoding,
ContentLanguage: resp.ContentLanguage,
ContentType: resp.ContentType,
Metadata: md,
// CreateTime not supported; left as the zero time.
ModTime: resp.LastModified,
Size: resp.ContentLength,
MD5: eTagToMD5(resp.ETag),
ETag: resp.ETag,
}, nil
// NewRangeReader implements [blob/Driver.NewRangeReader].
func (drv *driver) NewRangeReader(ctx context.Context, key string, offset, length int64) (blob.DriverReader, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
var byteRange string
if offset > 0 && length < 0 {
byteRange = fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", offset)
} else if length == 0 {
// AWS doesn't support a zero-length read; we'll read 1 byte and then
// ignore it in favor of http.NoBody below.
byteRange = fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset)
} else if length >= 0 {
byteRange = fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", offset, offset+length-1)
reqOpt := func(req *http.Request) {
req.Header.Set("Range", byteRange)
resp, err := drv.s3.GetObject(ctx, key, reqOpt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body := resp.Body
if length == 0 {
body = http.NoBody
return &reader{
body: body,
attrs: &blob.ReaderAttributes{
ContentType: resp.ContentType,
ModTime: resp.LastModified,
Size: getSize(resp.ContentLength, resp.ContentRange),
}, nil
// NewTypedWriter implements [blob/Driver.NewTypedWriter].
func (drv *driver) NewTypedWriter(ctx context.Context, key string, contentType string, opts *blob.WriterOptions) (blob.DriverWriter, error) {
key = escapeKey(key)
u := &s3.Uploader{
S3: drv.s3,
Key: key,
if opts.BufferSize != 0 {
u.MinPartSize = opts.BufferSize
if opts.MaxConcurrency != 0 {
u.MaxConcurrency = opts.MaxConcurrency
md := make(map[string]string, len(opts.Metadata))
for k, v := range opts.Metadata {
// See the package comments for more details on escaping of metadata keys & values.
k = blob.HexEscape(url.PathEscape(k), func(runes []rune, i int) bool {
c := runes[i]
return c == '@' || c == ':' || c == '='
md[k] = url.PathEscape(v)
u.Metadata = md
var reqOptions []func(*http.Request)
reqOptions = append(reqOptions, func(r *http.Request) {
r.Header.Set("Content-Type", contentType)
if opts.CacheControl != "" {
r.Header.Set("Cache-Control", opts.CacheControl)
if opts.ContentDisposition != "" {
r.Header.Set("Content-Disposition", opts.ContentDisposition)
if opts.ContentEncoding != "" {
r.Header.Set("Content-Encoding", opts.ContentEncoding)
if opts.ContentLanguage != "" {
r.Header.Set("Content-Language", opts.ContentLanguage)
if len(opts.ContentMD5) > 0 {
r.Header.Set("Content-MD5", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(opts.ContentMD5))
return &writer{
ctx: ctx,
uploader: u,
donec: make(chan struct{}),
reqOptions: reqOptions,
}, nil
// Copy implements [blob/Driver.Copy].
func (drv *driver) Copy(ctx context.Context, dstKey, srcKey string) error {
dstKey = escapeKey(dstKey)
srcKey = escapeKey(srcKey)
_, err := drv.s3.CopyObject(ctx, srcKey, dstKey)
return err
// Delete implements [blob/Driver.Delete].
func (drv *driver) Delete(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
key = escapeKey(key)
return drv.s3.DeleteObject(ctx, key)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// reader reads an S3 object. It implements io.ReadCloser.
type reader struct {
attrs *blob.ReaderAttributes
body io.ReadCloser
// Read implements [io/ReadCloser.Read].
func (r *reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return r.body.Read(p)
// Close closes the reader itself. It must be called when done reading.
func (r *reader) Close() error {
return r.body.Close()
// Attributes implements [blob/DriverReader.Attributes].
func (r *reader) Attributes() *blob.ReaderAttributes {
return r.attrs
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// writer writes an S3 object, it implements io.WriteCloser.
type writer struct {
ctx context.Context
err error // written before donec closes
uploader *s3.Uploader
// Ends of an io.Pipe, created when the first byte is written.
pw *io.PipeWriter
pr *io.PipeReader
donec chan struct{} // closed when done writing
reqOptions []func(*http.Request)
// Write appends p to w.pw. User must call Close to close the w after done writing.
func (w *writer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
// Avoid opening the pipe for a zero-length write;
// the concrete can do these for empty blobs.
if len(p) == 0 {
return 0, nil
if w.pw == nil {
// We'll write into pw and use pr as an io.Reader for the
// Upload call to S3.
w.pr, w.pw = io.Pipe()
w.open(w.pr, true)
return w.pw.Write(p)
// r may be nil if we're Closing and no data was written.
// If closePipeOnError is true, w.pr will be closed if there's an
// error uploading to S3.
func (w *writer) open(r io.Reader, closePipeOnError bool) {
// This goroutine will keep running until Close, unless there's an error.
go func() {
defer func() {
if r == nil {
// AWS doesn't like a nil Body.
r = http.NoBody
var err error
w.uploader.Payload = r
err = w.uploader.Upload(w.ctx, w.reqOptions...)
if err != nil {
if closePipeOnError {
w.err = err
// Close completes the writer and closes it. Any error occurring during write
// will be returned. If a writer is closed before any Write is called, Close
// will create an empty file at the given key.
func (w *writer) Close() error {
if w.pr != nil {
defer w.pr.Close()
if w.pw == nil {
// We never got any bytes written. We'll write an http.NoBody.
w.open(nil, false)
} else if err := w.pw.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return w.err
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// etagToMD5 processes an ETag header and returns an MD5 hash if possible.
// S3's ETag header is sometimes a quoted hexstring of the MD5. Other times,
// notably when the object was uploaded in multiple parts, it is not.
// We do the best we can.
// Some links about ETag:
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTCommonResponseHeaders.html
// https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-net/issues/815
// https://teppen.io/2018/06/23/aws_s3_etags/
func eTagToMD5(etag string) []byte {
// No header at all.
if etag == "" {
return nil
// Strip the expected leading and trailing quotes.
if len(etag) < 2 || etag[0] != '"' || etag[len(etag)-1] != '"' {
return nil
unquoted := etag[1 : len(etag)-1]
// Un-hex; we return nil on error. In particular, we'll get an error here
// for multi-part uploaded blobs, whose ETag will contain a "-" and so will
// never be a legal hex encoding.
md5, err := hex.DecodeString(unquoted)
if err != nil {
return nil
return md5
func getSize(contentLength int64, contentRange string) int64 {
// Default size to ContentLength, but that's incorrect for partial-length reads,
// where ContentLength refers to the size of the returned Body, not the entire
// size of the blob. ContentRange has the full size.
size := contentLength
if contentRange != "" {
// Sample: bytes 10-14/27 (where 27 is the full size).
parts := strings.Split(contentRange, "/")
if len(parts) == 2 {
if i, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64); err == nil {
size = i
return size
// escapeKey does all required escaping for UTF-8 strings to work with S3.
func escapeKey(key string) string {
return blob.HexEscape(key, func(r []rune, i int) bool {
c := r[i]
// S3 doesn't handle these characters (determined via experimentation).
if c < 32 {
return true
// For "../", escape the trailing slash.
if i > 1 && c == '/' && r[i-1] == '.' && r[i-2] == '.' {
return true
return false
// unescapeKey reverses escapeKey.
func unescapeKey(key string) string {
return blob.HexUnescape(key)
// urlUnescape reverses URLEscape using url.PathUnescape. If the unescape
// returns an error, it returns s.
func urlUnescape(s string) string {
if u, err := url.PathUnescape(s); err == nil {
return u
return s