mirror of https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase.git synced 2025-03-28 08:36:09 +02:00
2024-09-29 21:09:46 +03:00

617 lines
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package apis
import (
const (
expandQueryParam = "expand"
fieldsQueryParam = "fields"
// RecordAuthResponse writes standardized json record auth response
// into the specified request context.
// The authMethod argument specify the name of the current authentication method (eg. password, oauth2, etc.)
// that it is used primarily as an auth identifier during MFA and for login alerts.
// Set authMethod to empty string if you want to ignore the MFA checks and the login alerts
// (can be also adjusted additionally via the OnRecordAuthRequest hook).
func RecordAuthResponse(e *core.RequestEvent, authRecord *core.Record, authMethod string, meta any) error {
token, tokenErr := authRecord.NewAuthToken()
if tokenErr != nil {
return e.InternalServerError("Failed to create auth token.", tokenErr)
return recordAuthResponse(e, authRecord, token, authMethod, meta)
func recordAuthResponse(e *core.RequestEvent, authRecord *core.Record, token string, authMethod string, meta any) error {
originalRequestInfo, err := e.RequestInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
ok, err := e.App.CanAccessRecord(authRecord, originalRequestInfo, authRecord.Collection().AuthRule)
if !ok {
return firstApiError(err, e.ForbiddenError("The request doesn't satisfy the collection requirements to authenticate.", err))
event := new(core.RecordAuthRequestEvent)
event.RequestEvent = e
event.Collection = authRecord.Collection()
event.Record = authRecord
event.Token = token
event.Meta = meta
event.AuthMethod = authMethod
return e.App.OnRecordAuthRequest().Trigger(event, func(e *core.RecordAuthRequestEvent) error {
if e.Written() {
return nil
// MFA
// ---
mfaId, err := checkMFA(e.RequestEvent, e.Record, e.AuthMethod)
if err != nil {
return err
// require additional authentication
if mfaId != "" {
return e.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, map[string]string{
"mfaId": mfaId,
// ---
// create a shallow copy of the cached request data and adjust it to the current auth record
requestInfo := *originalRequestInfo
requestInfo.Auth = e.Record
err = triggerRecordEnrichHooks(e.App, &requestInfo, []*core.Record{e.Record}, func() error {
if e.Record.IsSuperuser() {
// allow always returning the email address of the authenticated model
// expand record relations
expands := strings.Split(e.Request.URL.Query().Get(expandQueryParam), ",")
if len(expands) > 0 {
failed := e.App.ExpandRecord(e.Record, expands, expandFetch(e.App, &requestInfo))
if len(failed) > 0 {
e.App.Logger().Warn("[recordAuthResponse] Failed to expand relations", "error", failed)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if e.AuthMethod != "" && authRecord.Collection().AuthAlert.Enabled {
if err = authAlert(e.RequestEvent, e.Record); err != nil {
e.App.Logger().Warn("[recordAuthResponse] Failed to send login alert", "error", err)
result := map[string]any{
"token": e.Token,
"record": e.Record,
if e.Meta != nil {
result["meta"] = e.Meta
return e.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
// wantsMFA checks whether to enable MFA for the specified auth record based on its MFA rule.
func wantsMFA(e *core.RequestEvent, record *core.Record) (bool, error) {
rule := record.Collection().MFA.Rule
if rule == "" {
return true, nil
requestInfo, err := e.RequestInfo()
if err != nil {
return false, err
var exists bool
query := e.App.RecordQuery(record.Collection()).
AndWhere(dbx.HashExp{record.Collection().Name + ".id": record.Id})
// parse and apply the access rule filter
resolver := core.NewRecordFieldResolver(e.App, record.Collection(), requestInfo, true)
expr, err := search.FilterData(rule).BuildExpr(resolver)
if err != nil {
return false, err
err = query.AndWhere(expr).Limit(1).Row(&exists)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return false, err
return exists, nil
// checkMFA handles any MFA auth checks that needs to be performed for the specified request event.
// Returns the mfaId that needs to be written as response to the user.
// (note: all auth methods are treated as equal and there is no requirement for "pairing").
func checkMFA(e *core.RequestEvent, authRecord *core.Record, currentAuthMethod string) (string, error) {
if !authRecord.Collection().MFA.Enabled || currentAuthMethod == "" {
return "", nil
ok, err := wantsMFA(e, authRecord)
if !ok {
if err != nil {
return "", e.BadRequestError("Failed to authenticate.", fmt.Errorf("MFA rule failure: %w", err))
return "", nil // no mfa needed for this auth record
// read the mfaId either from the qyery params or request body
mfaId := e.Request.URL.Query().Get("mfaId")
if mfaId == "" {
// check the body
data := struct {
MfaId string `form:"mfaId" json:"mfaId" xml:"mfaId"`
if err := e.BindBody(&data); err != nil {
return "", firstApiError(err, e.BadRequestError("Failed to read MFA Id", err))
mfaId = data.MfaId
// first-time auth
// ---
if mfaId == "" {
mfa := core.NewMFA(e.App)
if err := e.App.Save(mfa); err != nil {
return "", firstApiError(err, e.InternalServerError("Failed to create MFA record", err))
return mfa.Id, nil
// second-time auth
// ---
mfa, err := e.App.FindMFAById(mfaId)
deleteMFA := func() {
// try to delete the expired mfa
if mfa != nil {
if deleteErr := e.App.Delete(mfa); deleteErr != nil {
e.App.Logger().Warn("Failed to delete expired MFA record", "error", deleteErr, "mfaId", mfa.Id)
if err != nil || mfa.HasExpired(authRecord.Collection().MFA.DurationTime()) {
return "", firstApiError(err, e.BadRequestError("Invalid or expired MFA session.", err))
if mfa.RecordRef() != authRecord.Id || mfa.CollectionRef() != authRecord.Collection().Id {
return "", e.BadRequestError("Invalid MFA session.", nil)
if mfa.Method() == currentAuthMethod {
return "", e.BadRequestError("A different authentication method is required.", nil)
return "", nil
// EnrichRecord parses the request context and enrich the provided record:
// - expands relations (if defaultExpands and/or ?expand query param is set)
// - ensures that the emails of the auth record and its expanded auth relations
// are visible only for the current logged superuser, record owner or record with manage access
func EnrichRecord(e *core.RequestEvent, record *core.Record, defaultExpands ...string) error {
return EnrichRecords(e, []*core.Record{record}, defaultExpands...)
// EnrichRecords parses the request context and enriches the provided records:
// - expands relations (if defaultExpands and/or ?expand query param is set)
// - ensures that the emails of the auth records and their expanded auth relations
// are visible only for the current logged superuser, record owner or record with manage access
// Note: Expects all records to be from the same collection!
func EnrichRecords(e *core.RequestEvent, records []*core.Record, defaultExpands ...string) error {
if len(records) == 0 {
return nil
info, err := e.RequestInfo()
if err != nil {
return err
return triggerRecordEnrichHooks(e.App, info, records, func() error {
expands := defaultExpands
if param := e.Request.URL.Query().Get(expandQueryParam); param != "" {
expands = append(expands, strings.Split(param, ",")...)
err := defaultEnrichRecords(e.App, info, records, expands...)
if err != nil {
// only log as it is not critical
e.App.Logger().Warn("failed to apply default enriching", "error", err)
return nil
var iterate func(record *core.Record) error
type iterator[T any] struct {
items []T
index int
func (ri *iterator[T]) next() T {
var item T
if ri.index < len(ri.items) {
item = ri.items[ri.index]
return item
func triggerRecordEnrichHooks(app core.App, requestInfo *core.RequestInfo, records []*core.Record, finalizer func() error) error {
it := iterator[*core.Record]{items: records}
enrichHook := app.OnRecordEnrich()
event := new(core.RecordEnrichEvent)
event.App = app
event.RequestInfo = requestInfo
iterate = func(record *core.Record) error {
if record == nil {
return nil
event.Record = record
return enrichHook.Trigger(event, func(ee *core.RecordEnrichEvent) error {
next := it.next()
if next == nil {
if finalizer != nil {
return finalizer()
return nil
event.App = ee.App // in case it was replaced with a transaction
event.Record = next
err := iterate(next)
event.App = app
event.Record = record
return err
return iterate(it.next())
func defaultEnrichRecords(app core.App, requestInfo *core.RequestInfo, records []*core.Record, expands ...string) error {
err := autoResolveRecordsFlags(app, records, requestInfo)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve records flags: %w", err)
if len(expands) > 0 {
expandErrs := app.ExpandRecords(records, expands, expandFetch(app, requestInfo))
if len(expandErrs) > 0 {
errsSlice := make([]error, 0, len(expandErrs))
for key, err := range expandErrs {
errsSlice = append(errsSlice, fmt.Errorf("failed to expand %q: %w", key, err))
return fmt.Errorf("failed to expand records: %w", errors.Join(errsSlice...))
return nil
// expandFetch is the records fetch function that is used to expand related records.
func expandFetch(app core.App, originalRequestInfo *core.RequestInfo) core.ExpandFetchFunc {
requestInfoClone := *originalRequestInfo
requestInfoPtr := &requestInfoClone
requestInfoPtr.Context = core.RequestInfoContextExpand
return func(relCollection *core.Collection, relIds []string) ([]*core.Record, error) {
records, findErr := app.FindRecordsByIds(relCollection.Id, relIds, func(q *dbx.SelectQuery) error {
if requestInfoPtr.Auth != nil && requestInfoPtr.Auth.IsSuperuser() {
return nil // superusers can access everything
if relCollection.ViewRule == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("only superusers can view collection %q records", relCollection.Name)
if *relCollection.ViewRule != "" {
resolver := core.NewRecordFieldResolver(app, relCollection, requestInfoPtr, true)
expr, err := search.FilterData(*(relCollection.ViewRule)).BuildExpr(resolver)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if findErr != nil {
return nil, findErr
enrichErr := triggerRecordEnrichHooks(app, requestInfoPtr, records, func() error {
if err := autoResolveRecordsFlags(app, records, requestInfoPtr); err != nil {
// non-critical error
app.Logger().Warn("Failed to apply autoResolveRecordsFlags for the expanded records", "error", err)
return nil
if enrichErr != nil {
return nil, enrichErr
return records, nil
// autoResolveRecordsFlags resolves various visibility flags of the provided records.
// Currently it enables:
// - export of hidden fields if the current auth model is a superuser
// - email export ignoring the emailVisibity checks if the current auth model is superuser, owner or a "manager".
// Note: Expects all records to be from the same collection!
func autoResolveRecordsFlags(app core.App, records []*core.Record, requestInfo *core.RequestInfo) error {
if len(records) == 0 {
return nil // nothing to resolve
if requestInfo.HasSuperuserAuth() {
hiddenFields := records[0].Collection().Fields.FieldNames()
for _, rec := range records {
// additional emailVisibility checks
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
if !records[0].Collection().IsAuth() {
return nil // not auth collection records
collection := records[0].Collection()
mappedRecords := make(map[string]*core.Record, len(records))
recordIds := make([]any, len(records))
for i, rec := range records {
mappedRecords[rec.Id] = rec
recordIds[i] = rec.Id
if requestInfo.Auth != nil && mappedRecords[requestInfo.Auth.Id] != nil {
if collection.ManageRule == nil || *collection.ManageRule == "" {
return nil // no manage rule to check
// fetch the ids of the managed records
// ---
managedIds := []string{}
query := app.RecordQuery(collection).
Select(app.DB().QuoteSimpleColumnName(collection.Name) + ".id").
AndWhere(dbx.In(app.DB().QuoteSimpleColumnName(collection.Name)+".id", recordIds...))
resolver := core.NewRecordFieldResolver(app, collection, requestInfo, true)
expr, err := search.FilterData(*collection.ManageRule).BuildExpr(resolver)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := query.Column(&managedIds); err != nil {
return err
// ---
// ignore the email visibility check for the managed records
for _, id := range managedIds {
if rec, ok := mappedRecords[id]; ok {
return nil
// hasAuthManageAccess checks whether the client is allowed to have
// [forms.RecordUpsert] auth management permissions
// (e.g. allowing to change system auth fields without oldPassword).
func hasAuthManageAccess(app core.App, requestInfo *core.RequestInfo, record *core.Record) bool {
if !record.Collection().IsAuth() {
return false
manageRule := record.Collection().ManageRule
if manageRule == nil || *manageRule == "" {
return false // only for superusers (manageRule can't be empty)
if requestInfo == nil || requestInfo.Auth == nil {
return false // no auth record
ruleFunc := func(q *dbx.SelectQuery) error {
resolver := core.NewRecordFieldResolver(app, record.Collection(), requestInfo, true)
expr, err := search.FilterData(*manageRule).BuildExpr(resolver)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
_, findErr := app.FindRecordById(record.Collection().Id, record.Id, ruleFunc)
return findErr == nil
var ruleQueryParams = []string{search.FilterQueryParam, search.SortQueryParam}
var superuserOnlyRuleFields = []string{"@collection.", "@request."}
// checkForSuperuserOnlyRuleFields loosely checks and returns an error if
// the provided RequestInfo contains rule fields that only the superuser can use.
func checkForSuperuserOnlyRuleFields(requestInfo *core.RequestInfo) error {
if len(requestInfo.Query) == 0 || requestInfo.HasSuperuserAuth() {
return nil // superuser or nothing to check
for _, param := range ruleQueryParams {
v := requestInfo.Query[param]
if v == "" {
for _, field := range superuserOnlyRuleFields {
if strings.Contains(v, field) {
return router.NewForbiddenError("Only superusers can filter by "+field, nil)
return nil
// firstApiError returns the first ApiError from the errors list
// (this is used usually to prevent unnecessary wraping and to allow bubling ApiError from nested hooks)
// If no ApiError is found, returns a default "Internal server" error.
func firstApiError(errs ...error) *router.ApiError {
var apiErr *router.ApiError
var ok bool
for _, err := range errs {
if err == nil {
// quick assert to avoid the reflection checks
apiErr, ok = err.(*router.ApiError)
if ok {
return apiErr
// nested/wrapped errors
if errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
return apiErr
return router.NewInternalServerError("", errors.Join(errs...))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const maxAuthOrigins = 5
func authAlert(e *core.RequestEvent, authRecord *core.Record) error {
// generating fingerprint
// ---
userAgent := e.Request.UserAgent()
if len(userAgent) > 300 {
userAgent = userAgent[:300]
fingerprint := security.MD5(e.RealIP() + userAgent)
// ---
origins, err := e.App.FindAllAuthOriginsByRecord(authRecord)
if err != nil {
return err
isFirstLogin := len(origins) == 0
var currentOrigin *core.AuthOrigin
for _, origin := range origins {
if origin.Fingerprint() == fingerprint {
currentOrigin = origin
if currentOrigin == nil {
currentOrigin = core.NewAuthOrigin(e.App)
// send email alert for the new origin auth (skip first login)
if !isFirstLogin && currentOrigin.IsNew() && authRecord.Email() != "" {
if err := mails.SendRecordAuthAlert(e.App, authRecord); err != nil {
return err
// try to keep only up to maxAuthOrigins
// (pop the last used ones; it is not executed in a transaction to avoid unnecessary locks)
if currentOrigin.IsNew() && len(origins) >= maxAuthOrigins {
for i := len(origins) - 1; i >= maxAuthOrigins-1; i-- {
if err := e.App.Delete(origins[i]); err != nil {
// treat as non-critical error, just log for now
e.App.Logger().Warn("Failed to delete old AuthOrigin record", "error", err, "authOriginId", origins[i].Id)
// create/update the origin fingerprint
return e.App.Save(currentOrigin)