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// Package bisync implements bisync
// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Chris Nelson
package bisync
import (
// ListingHeader defines first line of a listing
const ListingHeader = "# bisync listing v1 from"
// lineRegex and lineFormat define listing line format
// flags <- size -> <- hash -> id <------------ modtime -----------> "<----- remote"
// - 3009805 md5:xxxxxx - 2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000-0700 "12 - Wait.mp3"
// flags: "-" for a file and "d" for a directory (reserved)
// hash: "type:value" or "-" (example: "md5:378840336ab14afa9c6b8d887e68a340")
// id: "-" (reserved)
const lineFormat = "%s %8d %s %s %s %q\n"
var lineRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\S) +(\d+) (\S+) (\S+) (\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{9}[+-]\d{4}) (".+")$`)
// timeFormat defines time format used in listings
const timeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000-0700"
// TZ defines time zone used in listings
var TZ = time.UTC
var tzLocal = false
// fileInfo describes a file
type fileInfo struct {
size int64
time time.Time
hash string
id string
flags string
// fileList represents a listing
type fileList struct {
list []string
info map[string]*fileInfo
hash hash.Type
func newFileList() *fileList {
return &fileList{
info: map[string]*fileInfo{},
list: []string{},
func (ls *fileList) empty() bool {
return len(ls.list) == 0
func (ls *fileList) has(file string) bool {
_, found := ls.info[file]
return found
func (ls *fileList) get(file string) *fileInfo {
return ls.info[file]
func (ls *fileList) put(file string, size int64, time time.Time, hash, id string, flags string) {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi != nil {
fi.size = size
fi.time = time
} else {
fi = &fileInfo{
size: size,
time: time,
hash: hash,
id: id,
flags: flags,
ls.info[file] = fi
ls.list = append(ls.list, file)
func (ls *fileList) getTime(file string) time.Time {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return time.Time{}
return fi.time
func (ls *fileList) beforeOther(other *fileList, file string) bool {
thisTime := ls.getTime(file)
thatTime := other.getTime(file)
if thisTime.IsZero() || thatTime.IsZero() {
return false
return thisTime.Before(thatTime)
func (ls *fileList) afterTime(file string, time time.Time) bool {
fi := ls.get(file)
if fi == nil {
return false
return fi.time.After(time)
// save will save listing to a file.
func (ls *fileList) save(ctx context.Context, listing string) error {
file, err := os.Create(listing)
if err != nil {
return err
hashName := ""
if ls.hash != hash.None {
hashName = ls.hash.String()
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(file, "%s %s\n", ListingHeader, time.Now().In(TZ).Format(timeFormat))
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
_ = os.Remove(listing)
return err
for _, remote := range ls.list {
fi := ls.get(remote)
time := fi.time.In(TZ).Format(timeFormat)
hash := "-"
if hashName != "" && fi.hash != "" {
hash = hashName + ":" + fi.hash
id := fi.id
if id == "" {
id = "-"
flags := fi.flags
if flags == "" {
flags = "-"
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(file, lineFormat, flags, fi.size, hash, id, time, remote)
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
_ = os.Remove(listing)
return err
return file.Close()
// loadListing will load listing from a file.
// The key is the path to the file relative to the Path1/Path2 base.
// File size of -1, as for Google Docs, prints a warning and won't be loaded.
func (b *bisyncRun) loadListing(listing string) (*fileList, error) {
file, err := os.Open(listing)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer func() {
_ = file.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
ls := newFileList()
lastHashName := ""
for {
line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
line = strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n")
if line == "" || line[0] == '#' {
match := lineRegex.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if match == nil {
fs.Logf(listing, "Ignoring incorrect line: %q", line)
flags, sizeStr, hashStr := match[1], match[2], match[3]
id, timeStr, nameStr := match[4], match[5], match[6]
sizeVal, sizeErr := strconv.ParseInt(sizeStr, 10, 64)
timeVal, timeErr := time.ParseInLocation(timeFormat, timeStr, TZ)
nameVal, nameErr := strconv.Unquote(nameStr)
hashName, hashVal, hashErr := parseHash(hashStr)
if hashErr == nil && hashName != "" {
if lastHashName == "" {
lastHashName = hashName
hashErr = ls.hash.Set(hashName)
} else if hashName != lastHashName {
fs.Logf(listing, "Inconsistent hash type in line: %q", line)
if (flags != "-" && flags != "d") || id != "-" || sizeErr != nil || timeErr != nil || hashErr != nil || nameErr != nil {
fs.Logf(listing, "Ignoring incorrect line: %q", line)
if ls.has(nameVal) {
fs.Logf(listing, "Duplicate line (keeping latest): %q", line)
if ls.afterTime(nameVal, timeVal) {
ls.put(nameVal, sizeVal, timeVal.In(TZ), hashVal, id, flags)
return ls, nil
func parseHash(str string) (string, string, error) {
if str == "-" {
return "", "", nil
if pos := strings.Index(str, ":"); pos > 0 {
name, val := str[:pos], str[pos+1:]
if name != "" && val != "" {
return name, val, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("invalid hash %q", str)
// makeListing will produce listing from directory tree and write it to a file
func (b *bisyncRun) makeListing(ctx context.Context, f fs.Fs, listing string) (ls *fileList, err error) {
ci := fs.GetConfig(ctx)
depth := ci.MaxDepth
hashType := hash.None
if !b.opt.IgnoreListingChecksum {
// Currently bisync just honors --ignore-listing-checksum
// (note that this is different from --ignore-checksum)
// TODO add full support for checksums and related flags
hashType = f.Hashes().GetOne()
ls = newFileList()
ls.hash = hashType
var lock sync.Mutex
listType := walk.ListObjects
if b.opt.CreateEmptySrcDirs {
listType = walk.ListAll
err = walk.ListR(ctx, f, "", false, depth, listType, func(entries fs.DirEntries) error {
var firstErr error
entries.ForObject(func(o fs.Object) {
//tr := accounting.Stats(ctx).NewCheckingTransfer(o) // TODO
var (
hashVal string
hashErr error
if hashType != hash.None {
hashVal, hashErr = o.Hash(ctx, hashType)
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = hashErr
time := o.ModTime(ctx).In(TZ)
id := "" // TODO
flags := "-" // "-" for a file and "d" for a directory
ls.put(o.Remote(), o.Size(), time, hashVal, id, flags)
//tr.Done(ctx, nil) // TODO
if b.opt.CreateEmptySrcDirs {
entries.ForDir(func(o fs.Directory) {
var (
hashVal string
time := o.ModTime(ctx).In(TZ)
id := "" // TODO
flags := "d" // "-" for a file and "d" for a directory
//record size as 0 instead of -1, so bisync doesn't think it's a google doc
ls.put(o.Remote(), 0, time, hashVal, id, flags)
return firstErr
if err == nil {
err = ls.save(ctx, listing)
if err != nil {
b.abort = true
// checkListing verifies that listing is not empty (unless resynching)
func (b *bisyncRun) checkListing(ls *fileList, listing, msg string) error {
if b.opt.Resync || !ls.empty() {
return nil
fs.Errorf(nil, "Empty %s listing. Cannot sync to an empty directory: %s", msg, listing)
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
return fmt.Errorf("empty %s listing: %s", msg, listing)
// listingNum should be 1 for path1 or 2 for path2
func (b *bisyncRun) loadListingNum(listingNum int) (*fileList, error) {
listingpath := b.basePath + ".path1.lst-new"
if listingNum == 2 {
listingpath = b.basePath + ".path2.lst-new"
if b.opt.DryRun {
listingpath = strings.Replace(listingpath, ".lst-", ".lst-dry-", 1)
fs.Debugf(nil, "loading listing for path %d at: %s", listingNum, listingpath)
return b.loadListing(listingpath)
func (b *bisyncRun) listDirsOnly(listingNum int) (*fileList, error) {
var fulllisting *fileList
var dirsonly = newFileList()
var err error
if !b.opt.CreateEmptySrcDirs {
return dirsonly, err
fulllisting, err = b.loadListingNum(listingNum)
if err != nil {
b.critical = true
b.retryable = true
fs.Debugf(nil, "Error loading listing to generate dirsonly list: %v", err)
return dirsonly, err
for _, obj := range fulllisting.list {
info := fulllisting.get(obj)
if info.flags == "d" {
fs.Debugf(nil, "found a dir: %s", obj)
dirsonly.put(obj, info.size, info.time, info.hash, info.id, info.flags)
} else {
fs.Debugf(nil, "not a dir: %s", obj)
return dirsonly, err