Change lsd command so it doesn't show -1 * Make sure all Fses show -1 for objects Zero for dates etc * Make test? Put the TestRemote names into the Fs description Make use the TestRemote name automatically Run errcheck and go vet in the make file .. Also race detector? Get rid of Storable? Write developer manual Todo * FIXME: More -dry-run checks for object transfer * Might be quicker to check md5sums first? for swift <-> swift certainly, and maybe for small files * swift: Ignoring the pseudo directories * if object.PseudoDirectory { * fmt.Printf("%9s %19s %s\n", "Directory", "-", fs.Remote()) * Make Account wrapper * limit bandwidth for a pool of all individual connectinos * do timeouts by setting a limit, seeing whether io has happened and resetting it if it has * make Account do progress meter * Make logging controllable with flags (mostly done) * -timeout: Make all timeouts be settable with command line parameters * Windows paths? Do we need to translate / and \? * Make a fs.Errorf and count errors and log them at a different level * Add max object size to fs metadata - 5GB for swift, infinite for local, ? for s3 * tie into -max-size flag * FIXME Make NewFs to return err.IsAnObject so can put the LimitedFs creation in common code? Or try for as much as possible? * FIXME Account all the transactons (ls etc) using a different Roundtripper wrapper which wraps the transactions? * FIXME write tests for local file system * FIXME implement tests for single file operations in rclonetest * Need to make directory objects otherwise can't upload an empty directory * Or could upload empty directories only? Ideas * could do encryption - put IV into metadata? * optimise remote copy container to another container using remote copy if local is same as remote - use an optional Copier interface * support * sftp * scp * rsync over ssh * control times sync (which is slow with some remotes) with -a --archive flag? * Copy a glob pattern - could do with LimitedFs s3 * Can maybe set last modified? * * Otherwise can set metadata * Returns etag and last modified in bucket list Bugs * Non verbose - not sure number transferred got counted up? CHECK * When doing copy it recurses the whole of the destination FS which isn't necessary Making a release * go get -u -f -v ./... * make test * make tag * edit * git commit fs/version.go docs/content/ * make retag * . ~/bin/go-cross * make cross * make upload * make upload_website * git push --tags origin master