package auth

import (


type digest_client struct {
	nc        uint64
	last_seen int64

type DigestAuth struct {
	Realm            string
	Opaque           string
	Secrets          SecretProvider
	PlainTextSecrets bool
	IgnoreNonceCount bool
	// Headers used by authenticator. Set to ProxyHeaders to use with
	// proxy server. When nil, NormalHeaders are used.
	Headers *Headers

	   Approximate size of Client's Cache. When actual number of
	   tracked client nonces exceeds
	   ClientCacheSize+ClientCacheTolerance, ClientCacheTolerance*2
	   older entries are purged.
	ClientCacheSize      int
	ClientCacheTolerance int

	clients map[string]*digest_client
	mutex   sync.Mutex

// check that DigestAuth implements AuthenticatorInterface
var _ = (AuthenticatorInterface)((*DigestAuth)(nil))

type digest_cache_entry struct {
	nonce     string
	last_seen int64

type digest_cache []digest_cache_entry

func (c digest_cache) Less(i, j int) bool {
	return c[i].last_seen < c[j].last_seen

func (c digest_cache) Len() int {
	return len(c)

func (c digest_cache) Swap(i, j int) {
	c[i], c[j] = c[j], c[i]

 Remove count oldest entries from DigestAuth.clients
func (a *DigestAuth) Purge(count int) {
	entries := make([]digest_cache_entry, 0, len(a.clients))
	for nonce, client := range a.clients {
		entries = append(entries, digest_cache_entry{nonce, client.last_seen})
	cache := digest_cache(entries)
	for _, client := range cache[:count] {
		delete(a.clients, client.nonce)

 http.Handler for DigestAuth which initiates the authentication process
 (or requires reauthentication).
func (a *DigestAuth) RequireAuth(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if len(a.clients) > a.ClientCacheSize+a.ClientCacheTolerance {
		a.Purge(a.ClientCacheTolerance * 2)
	nonce := RandomKey()
	a.clients[nonce] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
	w.Header().Set(contentType, a.Headers.V().UnauthContentType)
		fmt.Sprintf(`Digest realm="%s", nonce="%s", opaque="%s", algorithm="MD5", qop="auth"`,
			a.Realm, nonce, a.Opaque))

 Parse Authorization header from the http.Request. Returns a map of
 auth parameters or nil if the header is not a valid parsable Digest
 auth header.
func DigestAuthParams(authorization string) map[string]string {
	s := strings.SplitN(authorization, " ", 2)
	if len(s) != 2 || s[0] != "Digest" {
		return nil

	return ParsePairs(s[1])

 Check if request contains valid authentication data. Returns a pair
 of username, authinfo where username is the name of the authenticated
 user or an empty string and authinfo is the contents for the optional
 Authentication-Info response header.
func (da *DigestAuth) CheckAuth(r *http.Request) (username string, authinfo *string) {
	defer da.mutex.Unlock()
	username = ""
	authinfo = nil
	auth := DigestAuthParams(r.Header.Get(da.Headers.V().Authorization))
	if auth == nil {
		return "", nil
	// RFC2617 Section 3.2.1 specifies that unset value of algorithm in
	// WWW-Authenticate Response header should be treated as
	// "MD5". According to section 3.2.2 the "algorithm" value in
	// subsequent Request Authorization header must be set to whatever
	// was supplied in the WWW-Authenticate Response header. This
	// implementation always returns an algorithm in WWW-Authenticate
	// header, however there seems to be broken clients in the wild
	// which do not set the algorithm. Assume the unset algorithm in
	// Authorization header to be equal to MD5.
	if _, ok := auth["algorithm"]; !ok {
		auth["algorithm"] = "MD5"
	if da.Opaque != auth["opaque"] || auth["algorithm"] != "MD5" || auth["qop"] != "auth" {
		return "", nil

	// Check if the requested URI matches auth header
	if r.RequestURI != auth["uri"] {
		// We allow auth["uri"] to be a full path prefix of request-uri
		// for some reason lost in history, which is probably wrong, but
		// used to be like that for quite some time
		// ( explicitly
		// says that auth["uri"] is the request-uri).
		// TODO: make an option to allow only strict checking.
		switch u, err := url.Parse(auth["uri"]); {
		case err != nil:
			return "", nil
		case r.URL == nil:
			return "", nil
		case len(u.Path) > len(r.URL.Path):
			return "", nil
		case !strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, u.Path):
			return "", nil

	HA1 := da.Secrets(auth["username"], da.Realm)
	if da.PlainTextSecrets {
		HA1 = H(auth["username"] + ":" + da.Realm + ":" + HA1)
	HA2 := H(r.Method + ":" + auth["uri"])
	KD := H(strings.Join([]string{HA1, auth["nonce"], auth["nc"], auth["cnonce"], auth["qop"], HA2}, ":"))

	if subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(KD), []byte(auth["response"])) != 1 {
		return "", nil

	// At this point crypto checks are completed and validated.
	// Now check if the session is valid.

	nc, err := strconv.ParseUint(auth["nc"], 16, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil

	if client, ok := da.clients[auth["nonce"]]; !ok {
		return "", nil
	} else {
		if != 0 && >= nc && !da.IgnoreNonceCount {
			return "", nil
		} = nc
		client.last_seen = time.Now().UnixNano()

	resp_HA2 := H(":" + auth["uri"])
	rspauth := H(strings.Join([]string{HA1, auth["nonce"], auth["nc"], auth["cnonce"], auth["qop"], resp_HA2}, ":"))

	info := fmt.Sprintf(`qop="auth", rspauth="%s", cnonce="%s", nc="%s"`, rspauth, auth["cnonce"], auth["nc"])
	return auth["username"], &info

 Default values for ClientCacheSize and ClientCacheTolerance for DigestAuth
const DefaultClientCacheSize = 1000
const DefaultClientCacheTolerance = 100

 Wrap returns an Authenticator which uses HTTP Digest
 authentication. Arguments:

 realm: The authentication realm.

 secrets: SecretProvider which must return HA1 digests for the same
 realm as above.
func (a *DigestAuth) Wrap(wrapped AuthenticatedHandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if username, authinfo := a.CheckAuth(r); username == "" {
			a.RequireAuth(w, r)
		} else {
			ar := &AuthenticatedRequest{Request: *r, Username: username}
			if authinfo != nil {
				w.Header().Set(a.Headers.V().AuthInfo, *authinfo)
			wrapped(w, ar)

 JustCheck returns function which converts an http.HandlerFunc into a
 http.HandlerFunc which requires authentication. Username is passed as
 an extra X-Authenticated-Username header.
func (a *DigestAuth) JustCheck(wrapped http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc {
	return a.Wrap(func(w http.ResponseWriter, ar *AuthenticatedRequest) {
		ar.Header.Set(AuthUsernameHeader, ar.Username)
		wrapped(w, &ar.Request)

// NewContext returns a context carrying authentication information for the request.
func (a *DigestAuth) NewContext(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request) context.Context {
	username, authinfo := a.CheckAuth(r)
	info := &Info{Username: username, ResponseHeaders: make(http.Header)}
	if username != "" {
		info.Authenticated = true
		info.ResponseHeaders.Set(a.Headers.V().AuthInfo, *authinfo)
	} else {
		// return back digest WWW-Authenticate header
		if len(a.clients) > a.ClientCacheSize+a.ClientCacheTolerance {
			a.Purge(a.ClientCacheTolerance * 2)
		nonce := RandomKey()
		a.clients[nonce] = &digest_client{nc: 0, last_seen: time.Now().UnixNano()}
			fmt.Sprintf(`Digest realm="%s", nonce="%s", opaque="%s", algorithm="MD5", qop="auth"`,
				a.Realm, nonce, a.Opaque))
	return context.WithValue(ctx, infoKey, info)

func NewDigestAuthenticator(realm string, secrets SecretProvider) *DigestAuth {
	da := &DigestAuth{
		Opaque:               RandomKey(),
		Realm:                realm,
		Secrets:              secrets,
		PlainTextSecrets:     false,
		ClientCacheSize:      DefaultClientCacheSize,
		ClientCacheTolerance: DefaultClientCacheTolerance,
		clients:              map[string]*digest_client{}}
	return da