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synced 2025-03-23 04:34:32 +02:00
Before this change options were read and set in native format. This means for example nanoseconds for durations or an integer for enumerated types, which isn't very convenient for humans. This change enables these types to be set with a string with the syntax as used in the command line instead, so `"10s"` rather than `10000000000` or `"DEBUG"` rather than `8` for log level.
284 lines
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284 lines
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package fs
import (
// BwPair represents an upload and a download bandwidth
type BwPair struct {
Tx SizeSuffix // upload bandwidth
Rx SizeSuffix // download bandwidth
// String returns a printable representation of a BwPair
func (bp *BwPair) String() string {
var out strings.Builder
if bp.Rx != bp.Tx {
return out.String()
// Set the bandwidth from a string which is either
// SizeSuffix or SizeSuffix:SizeSuffix (for tx:rx bandwidth)
func (bp *BwPair) Set(s string) (err error) {
colon := strings.Index(s, ":")
stx, srx := s, ""
if colon >= 0 {
stx, srx = s[:colon], s[colon+1:]
err = bp.Tx.Set(stx)
if err != nil {
return err
if colon < 0 {
bp.Rx = bp.Tx
} else {
err = bp.Rx.Set(srx)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IsSet returns true if either of the bandwidth limits are set
func (bp *BwPair) IsSet() bool {
return bp.Tx > 0 || bp.Rx > 0
// BwTimeSlot represents a bandwidth configuration at a point in time.
type BwTimeSlot struct {
DayOfTheWeek int
HHMM int
Bandwidth BwPair
// BwTimetable contains all configured time slots.
type BwTimetable []BwTimeSlot
// String returns a printable representation of BwTimetable.
func (x BwTimetable) String() string {
var out strings.Builder
bwOnly := len(x) == 1 && x[0].DayOfTheWeek == 0 && x[0].HHMM == 0
for _, ts := range x {
if out.Len() != 0 {
out.WriteRune(' ')
if !bwOnly {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&out, "%s-%02d:%02d,", time.Weekday(ts.DayOfTheWeek).String()[:3], ts.HHMM/100, ts.HHMM%100)
return out.String()
// Basic hour format checking
func validateHour(HHMM string) error {
if len(HHMM) != 5 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid time specification (hh:mm): %q", HHMM)
hh, err := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[0:2])
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("invalid hour in time specification %q: %v", HHMM, err)
if hh < 0 || hh > 23 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid hour (must be between 00 and 23): %q", hh)
mm, err := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[3:])
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("invalid minute in time specification: %q: %v", HHMM, err)
if mm < 0 || mm > 59 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid minute (must be between 00 and 59): %q", hh)
return nil
// Basic weekday format checking
func parseWeekday(dayOfWeek string) (int, error) {
dayOfWeek = strings.ToLower(dayOfWeek)
if dayOfWeek == "sun" || dayOfWeek == "sunday" {
return 0, nil
if dayOfWeek == "mon" || dayOfWeek == "monday" {
return 1, nil
if dayOfWeek == "tue" || dayOfWeek == "tuesday" {
return 2, nil
if dayOfWeek == "wed" || dayOfWeek == "wednesday" {
return 3, nil
if dayOfWeek == "thu" || dayOfWeek == "thursday" {
return 4, nil
if dayOfWeek == "fri" || dayOfWeek == "friday" {
return 5, nil
if dayOfWeek == "sat" || dayOfWeek == "saturday" {
return 6, nil
return 0, errors.Errorf("invalid weekday: %q", dayOfWeek)
// Set the bandwidth timetable.
func (x *BwTimetable) Set(s string) error {
// The timetable is formatted as:
// "dayOfWeek-hh:mm,bandwidth dayOfWeek-hh:mm,bandwidth..." ex: "Mon-10:00,10G Mon-11:30,1G Tue-18:00,off"
// If only a single bandwidth identifier is provided, we assume constant bandwidth.
if len(s) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty string")
// Single value without time specification.
if !strings.Contains(s, " ") && !strings.Contains(s, ",") {
ts := BwTimeSlot{}
if err := ts.Bandwidth.Set(s); err != nil {
return err
ts.DayOfTheWeek = 0
ts.HHMM = 0
*x = BwTimetable{ts}
return nil
for _, tok := range strings.Split(s, " ") {
tv := strings.Split(tok, ",")
// Format must be dayOfWeek-HH:MM,BW
if len(tv) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid time/bandwidth specification: %q", tok)
weekday := 0
HHMM := ""
if !strings.Contains(tv[0], "-") {
HHMM = tv[0]
if err := validateHour(HHMM); err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
hh, _ := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[0:2])
mm, _ := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[3:])
ts := BwTimeSlot{
DayOfTheWeek: i,
HHMM: (hh * 100) + mm,
if err := ts.Bandwidth.Set(tv[1]); err != nil {
return err
*x = append(*x, ts)
} else {
timespec := strings.Split(tv[0], "-")
if len(timespec) != 2 {
return errors.Errorf("invalid time specification: %q", tv[0])
var err error
weekday, err = parseWeekday(timespec[0])
if err != nil {
return err
HHMM = timespec[1]
if err := validateHour(HHMM); err != nil {
return err
hh, _ := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[0:2])
mm, _ := strconv.Atoi(HHMM[3:])
ts := BwTimeSlot{
DayOfTheWeek: weekday,
HHMM: (hh * 100) + mm,
// Bandwidth limit for this time slot.
if err := ts.Bandwidth.Set(tv[1]); err != nil {
return err
*x = append(*x, ts)
return nil
// Difference in minutes between lateDayOfWeekHHMM and earlyDayOfWeekHHMM
func timeDiff(lateDayOfWeekHHMM int, earlyDayOfWeekHHMM int) int {
lateTimeMinutes := (lateDayOfWeekHHMM / 10000) * 24 * 60
lateTimeMinutes += ((lateDayOfWeekHHMM / 100) % 100) * 60
lateTimeMinutes += lateDayOfWeekHHMM % 100
earlyTimeMinutes := (earlyDayOfWeekHHMM / 10000) * 24 * 60
earlyTimeMinutes += ((earlyDayOfWeekHHMM / 100) % 100) * 60
earlyTimeMinutes += earlyDayOfWeekHHMM % 100
return lateTimeMinutes - earlyTimeMinutes
// LimitAt returns a BwTimeSlot for the time requested.
func (x BwTimetable) LimitAt(tt time.Time) BwTimeSlot {
// If the timetable is empty, we return an unlimited BwTimeSlot starting at Sunday midnight.
if len(x) == 0 {
return BwTimeSlot{Bandwidth: BwPair{-1, -1}}
dayOfWeekHHMM := int(tt.Weekday())*10000 + tt.Hour()*100 + tt.Minute()
// By default, we return the last element in the timetable. This
// satisfies two conditions: 1) If there's only one element it
// will always be selected, and 2) The last element of the table
// will "wrap around" until overridden by an earlier time slot.
// there's only one time slot in the timetable.
ret := x[len(x)-1]
mindif := 0
first := true
// Look for most recent time slot.
for _, ts := range x {
// Ignore the past
if dayOfWeekHHMM < (ts.DayOfTheWeek*10000)+ts.HHMM {
dif := timeDiff(dayOfWeekHHMM, (ts.DayOfTheWeek*10000)+ts.HHMM)
if first {
mindif = dif
first = false
if dif <= mindif {
mindif = dif
ret = ts
return ret
// Type of the value
func (x BwTimetable) Type() string {
return "BwTimetable"
// UnmarshalJSON unmarshals a string value
func (x *BwTimetable) UnmarshalJSON(in []byte) error {
var s string
err := json.Unmarshal(in, &s)
if err != nil {
return err
return x.Set(s)
// MarshalJSON marshals as a string value
func (x BwTimetable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
s := x.String()
return json.Marshal(s)