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synced 2025-03-08 22:39:55 +02:00
There has been a desire from more advanced rclone users to have regexp filtering as well as the glob filtering. This patch adds regexp filtering using this syntax `{{ regexp }}` which is currently a syntax error, so is backwards compatibile. This means regexps can be used everywhere globs can be used, and that they also can be mixed with globs in the same pattern, eg `*.{{jpe?g}}`
210 lines
4.3 KiB
210 lines
4.3 KiB
// rsync style glob parser
package filter
import (
// GlobToRegexp converts an rsync style glob to a regexp
// documented in filtering.md
func GlobToRegexp(glob string, ignoreCase bool) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
var re bytes.Buffer
if ignoreCase {
_, _ = re.WriteString("(?i)")
if strings.HasPrefix(glob, "/") {
glob = glob[1:]
_ = re.WriteByte('^')
} else {
_, _ = re.WriteString("(^|/)")
consecutiveStars := 0
insertStars := func() error {
if consecutiveStars > 0 {
switch consecutiveStars {
case 1:
_, _ = re.WriteString(`[^/]*`)
case 2:
_, _ = re.WriteString(`.*`)
return fmt.Errorf("too many stars in %q", glob)
consecutiveStars = 0
return nil
overwriteLastChar := func(c byte) {
buf := re.Bytes()
buf[len(buf)-1] = c
inBraces := false
inBrackets := 0
slashed := false
inRegexp := false // inside {{ ... }}
inRegexpEnd := false // have received }} waiting for more
var next, last rune
for _, c := range glob {
next, last = c, next
if slashed {
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
slashed = false
if inRegexpEnd {
if c == '}' {
// Regexp is ending with }} choose longest segment
// Replace final ) with }
_ = re.WriteByte(')')
} else {
inRegexpEnd = false
if inRegexp {
if c == '}' && last == '}' {
inRegexp = false
inRegexpEnd = true
// Replace final } with )
} else {
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
if c != '*' {
err := insertStars()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if inBrackets > 0 {
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
if c == '[' {
if c == ']' {
switch c {
case '\\':
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
slashed = true
case '*':
case '?':
_, _ = re.WriteString(`[^/]`)
case '[':
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
case ']':
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched ']' in glob %q", glob)
case '{':
if inBraces {
if last == '{' {
inRegexp = true
inBraces = false
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't nest '{' '}' in glob %q", glob)
} else {
inBraces = true
_ = re.WriteByte('(')
case '}':
if !inBraces {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched '{' and '}' in glob %q", glob)
_ = re.WriteByte(')')
inBraces = false
case ',':
if inBraces {
_ = re.WriteByte('|')
} else {
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
case '.', '+', '(', ')', '|', '^', '$': // regexp meta characters not dealt with above
_ = re.WriteByte('\\')
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
_, _ = re.WriteRune(c)
err := insertStars()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if inBrackets > 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched '[' and ']' in glob %q", glob)
if inBraces {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched '{' and '}' in glob %q", glob)
if inRegexp {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched '{{' and '}}' in glob %q", glob)
_ = re.WriteByte('$')
result, err := regexp.Compile(re.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad glob pattern %q (regexp %q): %w", glob, re.String(), err)
return result, nil
var (
// Can't deal with
// / or ** in {}
// {{ regexp }}
tooHardRe = regexp.MustCompile(`({[^{}]*(\*\*|/)[^{}]*})|\{\{|\}\}`)
// Squash all /
squashSlash = regexp.MustCompile(`/{2,}`)
// globToDirGlobs takes a file glob and turns it into a series of
// directory globs. When matched with a directory (with a trailing /)
// this should answer the question as to whether this glob could be in
// this directory.
func globToDirGlobs(glob string) (out []string) {
if tooHardRe.MatchString(glob) {
// Can't figure this one out so return any directory might match
out = append(out, "/**")
return out
// Get rid of multiple /s
glob = squashSlash.ReplaceAllString(glob, "/")
// Split on / or **
// (** can contain /)
for {
i := strings.LastIndex(glob, "/")
j := strings.LastIndex(glob, "**")
what := ""
if j > i {
i = j
what = "**"
if i < 0 {
if len(out) == 0 {
out = append(out, "/**")
glob = glob[:i]
newGlob := glob + what + "/"
if len(out) == 0 || out[len(out)-1] != newGlob {
out = append(out, newGlob)
return out