mirror of https://github.com/umputun/reproxy.git synced 2025-02-10 18:31:30 +02:00
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docker-proxy (dpx) build

Simple edge HTTP(s) proxy for various providers (docker, static, file). One or more providers supply information about requested server, requested url and destination url.

Server can be FQDN, i.e. s.example.com or * (catch all). Requested url can be regex, for example ^/api/(.*) and destination url may have regex matched groups, i.e. http://d.example.com:8080/$1. For the example above http://s.example.com/api/something?foo=bar will be proxied to http://d.example.com:8080/something?foo=bar.

Both HTTP and HTTPS supported for the server. For HTTPS static certificate can be used as well as automated ACME (Let's Encrypt) certificates. Optional assets server can be used to serve static files.

Starting dpx requires at least one provider defined. The rest of parameters are strictly optional and have sane default.

example with a static provider: dbx --static.enabled --rule="example.com/api/(.*),https://api.example.com/$1"



This is the simplest provider defining all mapping rules directly in the command line (or environment). Multiple rules can be defined. Each rule is 2 or 3 comma-separated elements [server,]sourceurl,destination. For example:

  • ^/api/(.*),https://api.example.com/$1 - proxy all request to any host/server with /api prefix to https://api.example.com
  • example.com,/foo/bar,https://api.example.com/zzz - proxy all requests to example.com and with /foo/bar url to https://api.example.com/zzz


dbx --file.enabled --file.name=config.yml

example of config.yml:

- {server: "*", route: "^/api/svc1/(.*)", dest: "$1"}
- {server: "srv.example.com", route: "^/api/svc2/(.*)", dest: "$1/abc"}
- {server: "*", route: "/api/svc3/xyz", dest: ""}


Application Options

  -l, --listen=                     listen on host:port (default: [$LISTEN]
  -t, --timeout=                    proxy timeout (default: 5s) [$TIMEOUT]
      --max=                        max response size (default: 64000) [$MAX_SIZE]
  -g, --gzip                        enable gz compression [$GZIP]
  -x, --header=                     proxy headers [$HEADER]
      --dbg                         debug mode [$DEBUG]

      --ssl.type=[none|static|auto] ssl (auto) support (default: none) [$SSL_TYPE]
      --ssl.cert=                   path to cert.pem file [$SSL_CERT]
      --ssl.key=                    path to key.pem file [$SSL_KEY]
      --ssl.acme-location=          dir where certificates will be stored by autocert manager (default: ./var/acme) [$SSL_ACME_LOCATION]
      --ssl.acme-email=             admin email for certificate notifications [$SSL_ACME_EMAIL]
      --ssl.http-port=              http port for redirect to https and acme challenge [$SSL_HTTP_PORT]

  -a, --assets.location=            assets location [$ASSETS_LOCATION]
      --assets.root=                assets web root (default: /) [$ASSETS_ROOT]

      --docker.enabled              enable docker provider [$DOCKER_ENABLED]
      --docker.host=                docker host (default: unix:///var/run/docker.sock) [$DOCKER_HOST]
      --docker.network=             docker network (default: default) [$DOCKER_NETWORK]
      --docker.exclude=             excluded containers [$DOCKER_EXCLUDE]

      --file.enabled                enable file provider [$FILE_ENABLED]
      --file.name=                  file name (default: dpx.yml) [$FILE_NAME]
      --file.interval=              file check interval (default: 3s) [$FILE_INTERVAL]
      --file.delay=                 file event delay (default: 500ms) [$FILE_DELAY]

      --static.enabled              enable static provider [$STATIC_ENABLED]
      --static.rule=                routing rules [$STATIC_RULES]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                        Show this help message
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