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lgr - simple logger with some extras

Build Status Coverage Status godoc


go get github.com/go-pkgz/lgr


    l := lgr.New(lgr.Msec, lgr.Debug, lgr.CallerFile, lgr.CallerFunc) // allow debug and caller info, timestamp with milliseconds
    l.Logf("INFO some important message, %v", err)
    l.Logf("DEBUG some less important message, %v", err)

output looks like this:

2018/01/07 13:02:34.000 INFO  {svc/handler.go:101 h.MyFunc1} some important message, can't open file myfile.xyz
2018/01/07 13:02:34.015 DEBUG {svc/handler.go:155 h.MyFunc2} some less important message, file is too small`

Without lgr.Caller* it will drop {caller} part


interfaces and default loggers

  • lgr package provides a single interface lgr.L with a single method Logf(format string, args ...interface{}). Function wrapper lgr.Func allows making lgr.L from a function directly.
  • Default logger functionality can be used without lgr.New (see "global logger")
  • Two predefined loggers available: lgr.NoOp (do-nothing logger) and lgr.Std (passing directly to stdlib log)


lgr.New call accepts functional options:

  • lgr.Debug - turn debug mode on to allow messages with "DEBUG" level (filtered otherwise)
  • lgr.Trace - turn trace mode on to allow messages with "TRACE" abd "DEBUG" levels both (filtered otherwise)
  • lgr.Out(io.Writer) - sets the output writer, default os.Stdout
  • lgr.Err(io.Writer) - sets the error writer, default os.Stderr
  • lgr.CallerFile - adds the caller file info
  • lgr.CallerFunc - adds the caller function info
  • lgr.CallerPkg - adds the caller package
  • lgr.LevelBraces - wraps levels with "[" and "]"
  • lgr.Msec - adds milliseconds to timestamp
  • lgr.Format - sets a custom template, overwrite all other formatting modifiers.
  • lgr.Secret(secret ...) - sets list of the secrets to hide from the logging outputs.
  • lgr.Map(mapper) - sets mapper functions to change elements of the logging output based on levels.
  • lgr.StackTraceOnError - turns on stack trace for ERROR level.

example: l := lgr.New(lgr.Debug, lgr.Msec)

formatting templates:

Several predefined templates provided and can be passed directly to lgr.Format, i.e. lgr.Format(lgr.WithMsec)

	Short      = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05"}} {{.Level}} {{.Message}}`
	WithMsec   = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05.000"}} {{.Level}} {{.Message}}`
	WithPkg    = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05.000"}} {{.Level}} ({{.CallerPkg}}) {{.Message}}`
	ShortDebug = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05.000"}} {{.Level}} ({{.CallerFile}}:{{.CallerLine}}) {{.Message}}`
	FuncDebug  = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05.000"}} {{.Level}} ({{.CallerFunc}}) {{.Message}}`
	FullDebug  = `{{.DT.Format "2006/01/02 15:04:05.000"}} {{.Level}} ({{.CallerFile}}:{{.CallerLine}} {{.CallerFunc}}) {{.Message}}`

User can make a custom template and pass it directly to lgr.Format. For example:

    lgr.Format(`{{.Level}} - {{.DT.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"}} - {{.CallerPkg}} - {{.Message}}`)

Note: formatter (predefined or custom) adds measurable overhead - the cost will depend on the version of Go, but is between 30 and 50% in recent tests with 1.12. You can validate this in your environment via benchmarks: go test -bench=. -run=Bench


lgr.Logf recognize prefixes like INFO or [INFO] as levels. The full list of supported levels - TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC and FATAL.

  • TRACE will be filtered unless lgr.Trace option defined
  • DEBUG will be filtered unless lgr.Debug or lgr.Trace options defined
  • INFO and WARN don't have any special behavior attached
  • ERROR sends messages to both out and err writers
  • FATAL and send messages to both out and err writers and exit(1)
  • PANIC does the same as FATAL but in addition sends dump of callers and runtime info to err.


Elements of the output can be altered with a set of user defined function passed as lgr.Map options. Such a mapper changes the value of an element (i.e. timestamp, level, message, caller) and has separate functions for each level. Note: both level and messages elements handled by the same function for a given level.

A typical use-case is to produce colorful output with a user-define colorization library.

example with fatih/color:

	colorizer := lgr.Mapper{
		ErrorFunc:  func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgHiRed).Sprint(s) },
		WarnFunc:   func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgHiYellow).Sprint(s) },
		InfoFunc:   func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgHiWhite).Sprint(s) },
		DebugFunc:  func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgWhite).Sprint(s) },
		CallerFunc: func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgBlue).Sprint(s) },
		TimeFunc:   func(s string) string { return color.New(color.FgCyan).Sprint(s) },

	logOpts := []lgr.Option{lgr.Msec, lgr.LevelBraces, lgr.Map(colorizer)}


lgr logger can be converted to io.Writer or *log.Logger

  • lgr.ToWriter(l lgr.L, level string) io.Writer - makes io.Writer forwarding write ops to underlying lgr.L
  • lgr.ToStdLogger(l lgr.L, level string) *log.Logger - makes standard logger on top of lgr.L

level parameter is optional, if defined (non-empty) will enforce the level.

  • lgr.SetupStdLogger(opts ...Option) initializes std global logger (log.std) with lgr logger and given options. All standard methods like log.Print, log.Println, log.Fatal and so on will be forwarder to lgr.

global logger

Users should avoid global logger and pass the concrete logger as a dependency. However, in some cases a global logger may be needed, for example migration from stdlib log to lgr. For such cases log "github.com/go-pkgz/lgr" can be imported instead of log package.

Global logger provides lgr.Printf, lgr.Print and lgr.Fatalf functions. User can customize the logger by calling lgr.Setup(options ...). The instance of this logger can be retrieved with lgr.Default()