mirror of https://github.com/umputun/reproxy.git synced 2024-11-24 08:12:31 +02:00
Umputun a4cffbe922
Mime cache (#59)
* support different caching duration for different mime types #58

* extract main code to run func

* lint: err shadowing
2021-04-26 18:51:48 -05:00

313 lines
11 KiB

package main
import (
log "github.com/go-pkgz/lgr"
var opts struct {
Listen string `short:"l" long:"listen" env:"LISTEN" default:"" description:"listen on host:port"`
MaxSize int64 `short:"m" long:"max" env:"MAX_SIZE" default:"64000" description:"max request size"`
GzipEnabled bool `short:"g" long:"gzip" env:"GZIP" description:"enable gz compression"`
ProxyHeaders []string `short:"x" long:"header" env:"HEADER" description:"proxy headers" env-delim:","`
SSL struct {
Type string `long:"type" env:"TYPE" description:"ssl (auto) support" choice:"none" choice:"static" choice:"auto" default:"none"` //nolint
Cert string `long:"cert" env:"CERT" description:"path to cert.pem file"`
Key string `long:"key" env:"KEY" description:"path to key.pem file"`
ACMELocation string `long:"acme-location" env:"ACME_LOCATION" description:"dir where certificates will be stored by autocert manager" default:"./var/acme"`
ACMEEmail string `long:"acme-email" env:"ACME_EMAIL" description:"admin email for certificate notifications"`
RedirHTTPPort int `long:"http-port" env:"HTTP_PORT" default:"80" description:"http port for redirect to https and acme challenge test"`
FQDNs []string `long:"fqdn" env:"ACME_FQDN" env-delim:"," description:"FQDN(s) for ACME certificates"`
} `group:"ssl" namespace:"ssl" env-namespace:"SSL"`
Assets struct {
Location string `short:"a" long:"location" env:"LOCATION" default:"" description:"assets location"`
WebRoot string `long:"root" env:"ROOT" default:"/" description:"assets web root"`
CacheControl []string `long:"cache" env:"CACHE" description:"cache duration for assets" env-delim:","`
} `group:"assets" namespace:"assets" env-namespace:"ASSETS"`
Logger struct {
StdOut bool `long:"stdout" env:"STDOUT" description:"enable stdout logging"`
Enabled bool `long:"enabled" env:"ENABLED" description:"enable access and error rotated logs"`
FileName string `long:"file" env:"FILE" default:"access.log" description:"location of access log"`
MaxSize int `long:"max-size" env:"MAX_SIZE" default:"100" description:"maximum size in megabytes before it gets rotated"`
MaxBackups int `long:"max-backups" env:"MAX_BACKUPS" default:"10" description:"maximum number of old log files to retain"`
} `group:"logger" namespace:"logger" env-namespace:"LOGGER"`
Docker struct {
Enabled bool `long:"enabled" env:"ENABLED" description:"enable docker provider"`
Host string `long:"host" env:"HOST" default:"unix:///var/run/docker.sock" description:"docker host"`
Network string `long:"network" env:"NETWORK" default:"" description:"docker network"`
Excluded []string `long:"exclude" env:"EXCLUDE" description:"excluded containers" env-delim:","`
AutoAPI bool `long:"auto" env:"AUTO" description:"enable automatic routing (without labels)"`
} `group:"docker" namespace:"docker" env-namespace:"DOCKER"`
File struct {
Enabled bool `long:"enabled" env:"ENABLED" description:"enable file provider"`
Name string `long:"name" env:"NAME" default:"reproxy.yml" description:"file name"`
CheckInterval time.Duration `long:"interval" env:"INTERVAL" default:"3s" description:"file check interval"`
Delay time.Duration `long:"delay" env:"DELAY" default:"500ms" description:"file event delay"`
} `group:"file" namespace:"file" env-namespace:"FILE"`
Static struct {
Enabled bool `long:"enabled" env:"ENABLED" description:"enable static provider"`
Rules []string `long:"rule" env:"RULES" description:"routing rules" env-delim:";"`
} `group:"static" namespace:"static" env-namespace:"STATIC"`
Timeouts struct {
ReadHeader time.Duration `long:"read-header" env:"READ_HEADER" default:"5s" description:"read header server timeout"`
Write time.Duration `long:"write" env:"WRITE" default:"30s" description:"write server timeout"`
Idle time.Duration `long:"idle" env:"IDLE" default:"30s" description:"idle server timeout"`
Dial time.Duration `long:"dial" env:"DIAL" default:"30s" description:"dial transport timeout"`
KeepAlive time.Duration `long:"keep-alive" env:"KEEP_ALIVE" default:"30s" description:"keep-alive transport timeout"`
ResponseHeader time.Duration `long:"resp-header" env:"RESP_HEADER" default:"5s" description:"response header transport timeout"`
IdleConn time.Duration `long:"idle-conn" env:"IDLE_CONN" default:"90s" description:"idle connection transport timeout"`
TLSHandshake time.Duration `long:"tls" env:"TLS" default:"10s" description:"TLS hanshake transport timeout"`
ExpectContinue time.Duration `long:"continue" env:"CONTINUE" default:"1s" description:"expect continue transport timeout"`
} `group:"timeout" namespace:"timeout" env-namespace:"TIMEOUT"`
Management struct {
Enabled bool `long:"enabled" env:"ENABLED" description:"enable management API"`
Listen string `long:"listen" env:"LISTEN" default:"" description:"listen on host:port"`
} `group:"mgmt" namespace:"mgmt" env-namespace:"MGMT"`
Signature bool `long:"signature" env:"SIGNATURE" description:"enable reproxy signature headers"`
Dbg bool `long:"dbg" env:"DEBUG" description:"debug mode"`
var revision = "unknown"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("reproxy %s\n", revision)
p := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.PrintErrors|flags.PassDoubleDash|flags.HelpFlag)
p.SubcommandsOptional = true
if _, err := p.Parse(); err != nil {
if err.(*flags.Error).Type != flags.ErrHelp {
log.Printf("[ERROR] cli error: %v", err)
log.Printf("[DEBUG] options: %+v", opts)
err := run()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("[ERROR] proxy server failed, %v", err)
func run() error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
go func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] run time panic:\n%v", x)
// catch signal and invoke graceful termination
stop := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(stop, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
log.Printf("[WARN] interrupt signal")
providers, err := makeProviders()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make providers: %w", err)
svc := discovery.NewService(providers, time.Second)
if len(providers) > 0 {
go func() {
if e := svc.Run(context.Background()); e != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] discovery failed, %v", e)
sslConfig, sslErr := makeSSLConfig()
if sslErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make config of ssl server params: %w", sslErr)
accessLog := makeAccessLogWriter()
defer func() {
if logErr := accessLog.Close(); logErr != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] can't close access log, %v", logErr)
metrics := mgmt.NewMetrics()
go func() {
mgSrv := mgmt.Server{
Listen: opts.Management.Listen,
Informer: svc,
AssetsLocation: opts.Assets.Location,
AssetsWebRoot: opts.Assets.WebRoot,
Version: revision,
Metrics: metrics,
if opts.Management.Enabled {
if mgErr := mgSrv.Run(ctx); err != nil {
log.Printf("[WARN] management service failed, %v", mgErr)
cacheControl, err := proxy.MakeCacheControl(opts.Assets.CacheControl)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to make cache control: %w", err)
px := &proxy.Http{
Version: revision,
Matcher: svc,
Address: opts.Listen,
MaxBodySize: opts.MaxSize,
AssetsLocation: opts.Assets.Location,
AssetsWebRoot: opts.Assets.WebRoot,
CacheControl: cacheControl,
GzEnabled: opts.GzipEnabled,
SSLConfig: sslConfig,
ProxyHeaders: opts.ProxyHeaders,
AccessLog: accessLog,
StdOutEnabled: opts.Logger.StdOut,
Signature: opts.Signature,
Timeouts: proxy.Timeouts{
ReadHeader: opts.Timeouts.ReadHeader,
Write: opts.Timeouts.Write,
Idle: opts.Timeouts.Idle,
Dial: opts.Timeouts.Dial,
KeepAlive: opts.Timeouts.KeepAlive,
IdleConn: opts.Timeouts.IdleConn,
TLSHandshake: opts.Timeouts.TLSHandshake,
ExpectContinue: opts.Timeouts.ExpectContinue,
ResponseHeader: opts.Timeouts.ResponseHeader,
Metrics: metrics,
err = px.Run(ctx)
if err != nil && err == http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Printf("[WARN] proxy server closed, %v", err) //nolint gocritic
return nil
return err
// make all providers. the order is matter, defines which provider will have priority in case of conflicting rules
// static first, file second and docker the last one
func makeProviders() ([]discovery.Provider, error) {
var res []discovery.Provider
if opts.Static.Enabled {
var msgs []string
for _, rule := range opts.Static.Rules {
msgs = append(msgs, "\""+rule+"\"")
log.Printf("[DEBUG] inject static rules: %s", strings.Join(msgs, " "))
res = append(res, &provider.Static{Rules: opts.Static.Rules})
if opts.File.Enabled {
res = append(res, &provider.File{
FileName: opts.File.Name,
CheckInterval: opts.File.CheckInterval,
Delay: opts.File.Delay,
if opts.Docker.Enabled {
client := provider.NewDockerClient(opts.Docker.Host, opts.Docker.Network)
if opts.Docker.AutoAPI {
log.Printf("[INFO] auto-api enabled for docker")
const refreshInterval = time.Second * 10 // seems like a reasonable default
res = append(res, &provider.Docker{DockerClient: client, Excludes: opts.Docker.Excluded,
AutoAPI: opts.Docker.AutoAPI, RefreshInterval: refreshInterval})
if len(res) == 0 && opts.Assets.Location == "" {
return nil, errors.New("no providers enabled")
return res, nil
func makeSSLConfig() (config proxy.SSLConfig, err error) {
switch opts.SSL.Type {
case "none":
config.SSLMode = proxy.SSLNone
case "static":
if opts.SSL.Cert == "" {
return config, errors.New("path to cert.pem is required")
if opts.SSL.Key == "" {
return config, errors.New("path to key.pem is required")
config.SSLMode = proxy.SSLStatic
config.Cert = opts.SSL.Cert
config.Key = opts.SSL.Key
config.RedirHTTPPort = opts.SSL.RedirHTTPPort
case "auto":
config.SSLMode = proxy.SSLAuto
config.ACMELocation = opts.SSL.ACMELocation
config.ACMEEmail = opts.SSL.ACMEEmail
config.FQDNs = opts.SSL.FQDNs
config.RedirHTTPPort = opts.SSL.RedirHTTPPort
return config, err
func makeAccessLogWriter() (accessLog io.WriteCloser) {
if !opts.Logger.Enabled {
return nopWriteCloser{ioutil.Discard}
log.Printf("[INFO] logger enabled for %s", opts.Logger.FileName)
return &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: opts.Logger.FileName,
MaxSize: opts.Logger.MaxSize,
MaxBackups: opts.Logger.MaxBackups,
Compress: true,
LocalTime: true,
type nopWriteCloser struct{ io.Writer }
func (n nopWriteCloser) Close() error { return nil }
func setupLog(dbg bool) {
if dbg {
log.Setup(log.Debug, log.CallerFile, log.CallerFunc, log.Msec, log.LevelBraces)
log.Setup(log.Msec, log.LevelBraces)