_Description_: Suggests using constant for [magic numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)#Unnamed_numerical_constants) and string literals.
*`maxLitCount` : (string) maximum number of instances of a string literal that are tolerated before warn.
*`allowStr`: (string) comma-separated list of allowed string literals
*`allowInts`: (string) comma-separated list of allowed integers
*`allowFloats`: (string) comma-separated list of allowed floats
_Description_: Using Boolean literals (`true`, `false`) in logic expressions may make the code less readable. This rule suggests removing Boolean literals from logic expressions.
_Description_: [Cognitive complexity](https://www.sonarsource.com/resources/white-papers/cognitive-complexity.html) is a measure of how hard code is to understand.
While cyclomatic complexity is good to measure "testability" of the code, cognitive complexity aims to provide a more precise measure of the difficulty of understanding the code.
_Description_: By [convention](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#contexts), `context.Context` should be the first parameter of a function. This rule spots function declarations that do not follow the convention.
_Description_: [Cyclomatic complexity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclomatic_complexity) is a measure of code complexity. Enforcing a maximum complexity per function helps to keep code readable and maintainable.
_Description_: Packages exposing functions that can stop program execution by exiting are hard to reuse. This rule looks for program exits in functions other than `main()` or `init()`.
_Description_: This rule warns on some common mistakes when using `defer` statement. It currently alerts on the following situations:
| name | description |
| call-chain| even if deferring call-chains of the form `foo()()` is valid, it does not helps code understanding (only the last call is deferred)|
|loop | deferring inside loops can be misleading (deferred functions are not executed at the end of the loop iteration but of the current function) and it could lead to exhausting the execution stack |
| method-call| deferring a call to a method can lead to subtle bugs if the method does not have a pointer receiver|
| recover | calling `recover` outside a deferred function has no effect|
| return | returning values form a deferred function has no effect|
These gotchas are described [here](https://blog.learngoprogramming.com/gotchas-of-defer-in-go-1-8d070894cb01)
_Configuration_: by default all warnings are enabled but it is possible selectively enable them through configuration. For example to enable only `call-chain` and `loop`:
_Description_: Importing with `.` makes the programs much harder to understand because it is unclear whether names belong to the current package or to an imported package.
More information [here](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#import-dot)
_Description_: In GO it is idiomatic to minimize nesting statements, a typical example is to avoid if-then-else constructions. This rule spots constructions like
_Description_: Sometimes `gofmt` is not enough to enforce a common formatting of a code-base; this rule warns when there are heading or trailing newlines in code blocks.
More information [here](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#error-strings)
_Configuration_: N/A
## errorf
_Description_: It is possible to get a simpler program by replacing `errors.New(fmt.Sprintf())` with `fmt.Errorf()`. This rule spots that kind of simplification opportunities.
_Description_: This rule helps to enforce a common header for all source files in a project by spotting those files that do not have the specified header.
arguments =["This is the text that must appear at the top of source files."]
## flag-parameter
_Description_: If a function controls the flow of another by passing it information on what to do, both functions are said to be [control-coupled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coupling_(computer_programming)#Procedural_programming).
Coupling among functions must be minimized for better maintainability of the code.
This rule warns on boolean parameters that create a control coupling.
_Configuration_: N/A
## function-result-limit
_Description_: Functions returning too many results can be hard to understand/use.
_Configuration_: (int) the maximum allowed return values
_Description_: A function that modifies its parameters can be hard to understand. It can also be misleading if the arguments are passed by value by the caller.
_Description_: A method that modifies its receiver value can have undesired behavior. The modification can be also the root of a bug because the actual value receiver could be a copy of that used at the calling site.
_Description_: Packages should have comments. This rule warns on undocumented packages and when packages comments are detached to the `package` keyword.
_Description_: Range variables in a loop are reused at each iteration; therefore a goroutine created in a loop will point to the range variable with from the upper scope. This way, the goroutine could use the variable with an undesired value.
_Description_: Range variables in a loop are reused at each iteration. This rule warns when assigning the address of the variable, passing the address to append() or using it in a map.
_Description_: By convention, receiver names in a method should reflect their identity. For example, if the receiver is of type `Parts`, `p` is an adequate name for it. Contrary to other languages, it is not idiomatic to name receivers as `this` or `self`.
_Description_: Constant names like `false`, `true`, `nil`, function names like `append`, `make`, and basic type names like `bool`, and `byte` are not reserved words of the language; therefore the can be redefined.
_Description_: explicit type conversion `string(i)` where `i` has an integer type other than `rune` might behave not as expected by the developer (e.g. `string(42)` is not `"42"`). This rule spot that kind of suspicious conversions.
_Description_: This rule allows you to configure a list of regular expressions that string literals in certain function calls are checked against.
This is geared towards user facing applications where string literals are often used for messages that will be presented to users, so it may be desirable to enforce consistent formatting.
_Configuration_: Each argument is a slice containing 2-3 strings: a scope, a regex, and an optional error message.
1. The first string defines a scope. This controls which string literals the regex will apply to, and is defined as a function argument. It must contain at least a function name (`core.WriteError`). Scopes may optionally contain a number specifying which argument in the function to check (`core.WriteError[1]`), as well as a struct field (`core.WriteError[1].Message`, only works for top level fields). Function arguments are counted starting at 0, so `[0]` would refer to the first argument, `[1]` would refer to the second, etc. If no argument number is provided, the first argument will be used (same as `[0]`).
2. The second string is a regular expression (beginning and ending with a `/` character), which will be used to check the string literals in the scope.
3. The third string (optional) is a message containing the purpose for the regex, which will be used in lint errors.
arguments = [
["core.WriteError[1].Message", "/^([^A-Z]|$)/", "must not start with a capital letter"],
["fmt.Errorf[0]", "/(^|[^\\.!?])$/", "must not end in punctuation"],
["panic", "/^[^\\n]*$/", "must not contain line breaks"]]
This rule highlights redundant _else-blocks_ that can be eliminated from the code.
_Configuration_: N/A
## time-naming
_Description_: Using unit-specific suffix like "Secs", "Mins", ... when naming variables of type `time.Duration` can be misleading, this rule highlights those cases.
_Configuration_: N/A
## var-naming
_Description_: This rule warns when [variable](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#variable-names) or [package](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/CodeReviewComments#package-names) naming conventions are not followed.
_Configuration_: This rule accepts two slices of strings, a whitelist and a blacklist of initialisms. By default, the rule behaves exactly as the alternative in `golint` but optionally, you can relax it (see [golint/lint/issues/89](https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/89))
_Description_: Unconditional recursive calls will produce infinite recursion, thus program stack overflow. This rule detects and warns about unconditional (direct) recursive calls.
_Description_: This rule spots and proposes to remove [unreachable code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unreachable_code).
_Configuration_: N/A
## unused-parameter
_Description_: This rule warns on unused parameters. Functions or methods with unused parameters can be a symptom of an unfinished refactoring or a bug.
_Description_: This rule warns on useless `break` statements in case clauses of switch and select statements. GO, unlike other programming languages like C, only executes statements of the selected case while ignoring the subsequent case clauses.
Therefore, inserting a `break` at the end of a case clause has no effect.
Because `break` statements are rarely used in case clauses, when switch or select statements are inside a for-loop, the programmer might wrongly assume that a `break` in a case clause will take the control out of the loop.
_Description_: Function parameters that are passed by value, are in fact a copy of the original argument. Passing a copy of a `sync.WaitGroup` is usually not what the developer wants to do.