mirror of https://github.com/mgechev/revive.git synced 2025-03-17 20:57:58 +02:00

Add all built-in rules

This commit is contained in:
mgechev 2018-01-25 11:34:38 -08:00
parent a3c28563b7
commit 3c3a6b538d
11 changed files with 560 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Test that context.Context is the first arg to a function.
// Package foo ...
package foo
import (
// A proper context.Context location
func x(ctx context.Context) { // ok
// A proper context.Context location
func x(ctx context.Context, s string) { // ok
// An invalid context.Context location
func y(s string, ctx context.Context) { // MATCH /context.Context should be the first parameter of a function/
// An invalid context.Context location with more than 2 args
func y(s string, r int, ctx context.Context, x int) { // MATCH /context.Context should be the first parameter of a function/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Package contextkeytypes verifies that correct types are used as keys in
// calls to context.WithValue.
package contextkeytypes
import (
type ctxKey struct{}
func contextKeyTypeTests() {
fmt.Println() // not in package context
context.TODO() // wrong function
c := context.Background() // wrong function
context.WithValue(c, "foo", "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type string as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, true, "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type bool as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, 1, "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type int as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, int8(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type int8 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, int16(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type int16 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, int32(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type int32 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, rune(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type rune as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, int64(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type int64 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uint(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uint as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uint8(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uint8 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, byte(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type byte as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uint16(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uint16 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uint32(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uint32 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uint64(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uint64 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, uintptr(1), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type uintptr as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, float32(1.0), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type float32 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, float64(1.0), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type float64 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, complex64(1i), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type complex64 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, complex128(1i), "bar") // MATCH /should not use basic type complex128 as key in context.WithValue/
context.WithValue(c, ctxKey{}, "bar") // ok
context.WithValue(c, &ctxKey{}, "bar") // ok
context.WithValue(c, invalid{}, "bar") // ok

fixtures/error-return.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
// Test for returning errors.
// Package foo ...
package foo
// Returns nothing
func f() { // ok
// Check for a single error return
func g() error { // ok
return nil
// Check for a single other return type
func h() int { // ok
return 0
// Check for multiple return but error at end.
func i() (int, error) { // ok
return 0, nil
// Check for multiple return but error at end with named variables.
func j() (x int, err error) { // ok
return 0, nil
// Check for error in the wrong location on 2 types
func k() (error, int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type when returning multiple items/
return nil, 0
// Check for error in the wrong location for > 2 types
func l() (int, error, int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type when returning multiple items/
return 0, nil, 0
// Check for error in the wrong location with named variables.
func m() (x int, err error, y int) { // MATCH /error should be the last type when returning multiple items/
return 0, nil, 0

fixtures/time-names.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// Test of time suffixes.
// Package foo ...
package foo
import (
var rpcTimeoutMsec = flag.Duration("rpc_timeout", 100*time.Millisecond, "some flag") // MATCH /var rpcTimeoutMsec is of type *time.Duration; don't use unit-specific suffix "Msec"/
var timeoutSecs = 5 * time.Second // MATCH /var timeoutSecs is of type time.Duration; don't use unit-specific suffix "Secs"/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
// Test for unexported return types.
// Package foo ...
package foo
type hidden struct{}
// Exported returns a hidden type, which is annoying.
func Exported() hidden { // MATCH /exported func Exported returns unexported type foo.hidden, which can be annoying to use/
return hidden{}
// ExpErr returns a builtin type.
func ExpErr() error { // ok
func (hidden) ExpOnHidden() hidden { // ok
// T is another test type.
type T struct{}
// MethodOnT returns a hidden type, which is annoying.
func (T) MethodOnT() hidden { // MATCH /exported method MethodOnT returns unexported type foo.hidden, which can be annoying to use/
return hidden{}
// ExpT returns a T.
func ExpT() T { // ok
return T{}
func unexp() hidden { // ok
return hidden{}
// This is slightly sneaky: we shadow the builtin "int" type.
type int struct{}
// ExportedIntReturner returns an unexported type from this package.
func ExportedIntReturner() int { // MATCH /exported func ExportedIntReturner returns unexported type foo.int, which can be annoying to use/
return int{}

rule/context-arguments.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package rule
import (
// ContextArgumentsRule lints given else constructs.
type ContextArgumentsRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *ContextArgumentsRule) Apply(file *lint.File, arguments lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
fileAst := file.AST
walker := lintContextArguments{
file: file,
fileAst: fileAst,
onFailure: func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
ast.Walk(walker, fileAst)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *ContextArgumentsRule) Name() string {
return "context-arguments"
type lintContextArguments struct {
file *lint.File
fileAst *ast.File
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w lintContextArguments) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
fn, ok := n.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok || len(fn.Type.Params.List) <= 1 {
return w
// A context.Context should be the first parameter of a function.
// Flag any that show up after the first.
for _, arg := range fn.Type.Params.List[1:] {
if isPkgDot(arg.Type, "context", "Context") {
Node: fn,
Category: "arg-order",
URL: "https://golang.org/pkg/context/",
Failure: "context.Context should be the first parameter of a function",
Confidence: 0.9,
break // only flag one
return w

rule/context-key-type.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package rule
import (
// ContextKeyTypeRule lints given else constructs.
type ContextKeyTypeRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *ContextKeyTypeRule) Apply(file *lint.File, arguments lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
fileAst := file.AST
walker := lintContextKeyTypes{
file: file,
fileAst: fileAst,
onFailure: func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
ast.Walk(walker, fileAst)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *ContextKeyTypeRule) Name() string {
return "context-key-types"
type lintContextKeyTypes struct {
file *lint.File
fileAst *ast.File
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w lintContextKeyTypes) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.CallExpr:
checkContextKeyType(w, n)
return w
func checkContextKeyType(w lintContextKeyTypes, x *ast.CallExpr) {
f := w.file
sel, ok := x.Fun.(*ast.SelectorExpr)
if !ok {
pkg, ok := sel.X.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok || pkg.Name != "context" {
if sel.Sel.Name != "WithValue" {
// key is second argument to context.WithValue
if len(x.Args) != 3 {
key := f.Pkg.TypesInfo.Types[x.Args[1]]
if ktyp, ok := key.Type.(*types.Basic); ok && ktyp.Kind() != types.Invalid {
Confidence: 1,
Node: x,
Category: "content",
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("should not use basic type %s as key in context.WithValue", key.Type),

rule/error-return.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package rule
import (
// ErrorReturnRule lints given else constructs.
type ErrorReturnRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *ErrorReturnRule) Apply(file *lint.File, arguments lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
fileAst := file.AST
walker := lintErrorReturn{
file: file,
fileAst: fileAst,
onFailure: func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
ast.Walk(walker, fileAst)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *ErrorReturnRule) Name() string {
return "error-return"
type lintErrorReturn struct {
file *lint.File
fileAst *ast.File
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w lintErrorReturn) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
fn, ok := n.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok || fn.Type.Results == nil {
return w
ret := fn.Type.Results.List
if len(ret) <= 1 {
return w
// An error return parameter should be the last parameter.
// Flag any error parameters found before the last.
for _, r := range ret[:len(ret)-1] {
if isIdent(r.Type, "error") {
Category: "arg-order",
Confidence: 0.9,
Node: fn,
Failure: "error should be the last type when returning multiple items",
break // only flag one
return w

rule/time-names.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
package rule
import (
// TimeNamesRule lints given else constructs.
type TimeNamesRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *TimeNamesRule) Apply(file *lint.File, arguments lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
onFailure := func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
w := &lintTimeNames{file, onFailure}
ast.Walk(w, file.AST)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *TimeNamesRule) Name() string {
return "time-names"
type lintTimeNames struct {
file *lint.File
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w *lintTimeNames) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
v, ok := node.(*ast.ValueSpec)
if !ok {
return w
for _, name := range v.Names {
origTyp := w.file.Pkg.TypeOf(name)
// Look for time.Duration or *time.Duration;
// the latter is common when using flag.Duration.
typ := origTyp
if pt, ok := typ.(*types.Pointer); ok {
typ = pt.Elem()
if !isNamedType(w.file.Pkg, typ, "time", "Duration") {
suffix := ""
for _, suf := range timeSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(name.Name, suf) {
suffix = suf
if suffix == "" {
Category: "time",
Confidence: 0.9,
Node: v,
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("var %s is of type %v; don't use unit-specific suffix %q", name.Name, origTyp, suffix),
return w
// timeSuffixes is a list of name suffixes that imply a time unit.
// This is not an exhaustive list.
var timeSuffixes = []string{
"Sec", "Secs", "Seconds",
"Msec", "Msecs",
"Milli", "Millis", "Milliseconds",
"Usec", "Usecs", "Microseconds",
"MS", "Ms",
func isNamedType(p *lint.Package, typ types.Type, importPath, name string) bool {
n, ok := typ.(*types.Named)
if !ok {
return false
tn := n.Obj()
return tn != nil && tn.Pkg() != nil && tn.Pkg().Path() == importPath && tn.Name() == name

rule/unexported-return.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package rule
import (
// UnexportedReturnRule lints given else constructs.
type UnexportedReturnRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *UnexportedReturnRule) Apply(file *lint.File, arguments lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
fileAst := file.AST
walker := lintUnexportedReturn{
file: file,
fileAst: fileAst,
onFailure: func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
ast.Walk(walker, fileAst)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *UnexportedReturnRule) Name() string {
return "unexported-return"
type lintUnexportedReturn struct {
file *lint.File
fileAst *ast.File
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w lintUnexportedReturn) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
fn, ok := n.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok {
return w
if fn.Type.Results == nil {
return nil
if !fn.Name.IsExported() {
return nil
thing := "func"
if fn.Recv != nil && len(fn.Recv.List) > 0 {
thing = "method"
if !ast.IsExported(receiverType(fn)) {
// Don't report exported methods of unexported types,
// such as private implementations of sort.Interface.
return nil
for _, ret := range fn.Type.Results.List {
typ := w.file.Pkg.TypeOf(ret.Type)
if exportedType(typ) {
Category: "unexported-type-in-api",
Node: ret.Type,
Confidence: 0.8,
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("exported %s %s returns unexported type %s, which can be annoying to use",
thing, fn.Name.Name, typ),
break // only flag one
return nil
// exportedType reports whether typ is an exported type.
// It is imprecise, and will err on the side of returning true,
// such as for composite types.
func exportedType(typ types.Type) bool {
switch T := typ.(type) {
case *types.Named:
// Builtin types have no package.
return T.Obj().Pkg() == nil || T.Obj().Exported()
case *types.Map:
return exportedType(T.Key()) && exportedType(T.Elem())
case interface {
Elem() types.Type
}: // array, slice, pointer, chan
return exportedType(T.Elem())
// Be conservative about other types, such as struct, interface, etc.
return true

View File

@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ var rules = []lint.Rule{
func TestAll(t *testing.T) {