mirror of https://github.com/mgechev/revive.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:06 +02:00

Add tests

This commit is contained in:
mgechev 2018-01-23 18:46:13 -08:00
parent 25cfe541d2
commit a955825a28
4 changed files with 576 additions and 133 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
// Test for redundant type declaration.
// Package foo ...
package foo
import (
"nosuchpkg" // export data unavailable
// Q is a test type.
type Q bool
var myInt int = 7 // MATCH /should omit type int from declaration of var myInt; it will be inferred from the right-hand side/
var mux *http.ServeMux = http.NewServeMux() // MATCH /should omit type *http.ServeMux from declaration of var mux; it will be inferred from the right-hand side/
var myZeroInt int = 0 // MATCH /should drop = 0 from declaration of var myZeroInt; it is the zero value/
var myZeroFlt float32 = 0. // MATCH /should drop = 0. from declaration of var myZeroFlt; it is the zero value/
var myZeroF64 float64 = 0.0 // MATCH /should drop = 0.0 from declaration of var myZeroF64; it is the zero value/
var myZeroImg complex64 = 0i // MATCH /should drop = 0i from declaration of var myZeroImg; it is the zero value/
var myZeroStr string = "" // MATCH /should drop = "" from declaration of var myZeroStr; it is the zero value/
var myZeroRaw string = `` // MATCH /should drop = `` from declaration of var myZeroRaw; it is the zero value/
var myZeroPtr *Q = nil // MATCH /should drop = nil from declaration of var myZeroPtr; it is the zero value/
var myZeroRune rune = '\x00' // MATCH /should drop = '\x00' from declaration of var myZeroRune; it is the zero value/
var myZeroRune2 rune = '\000' // MATCH /should drop = '\000' from declaration of var myZeroRune2; it is the zero value/
// No warning because there's no type on the LHS
var x = 0
// This shouldn't get a warning because there's no initial values.
var str fmt.Stringer
// No warning because this is a const.
const k uint64 = 7
const num = 123
// No warning because the var's RHS is known to be an untyped const.
var flags uint32 = num
// No warnings because the RHS is an ideal int, and the LHS is a different int type.
var userID int64 = 1235
var negID int64 = -1
var parenID int64 = (17)
var crazyID int64 = -(-(-(-9)))
// Same, but for strings and floats.
type stringT string
type floatT float64
var stringV stringT = "abc"
var floatV floatT = 123.45
// No warning because the LHS names an interface type.
var data interface{} = googleIPs
var googleIPs []int
// No warning because it's a common idiom for interface satisfaction.
var _ Server = (*serverImpl)(nil)
// Server is a test type.
type Server interface{}
type serverImpl struct{}
// LHS is a different type than the RHS.
var myStringer fmt.Stringer = q(0)
// LHS is a different type than the RHS.
var out io.Writer = os.Stdout
var out2 io.Writer = newWriter() // MATCH /should omit type io.Writer from declaration of var out2; it will be inferred from the right-hand side/
func newWriter() io.Writer { return nil }
// We don't figure out the true types of LHS and RHS here,
// so we suppress the check.
var ni nosuchpkg.Interface = nosuchpkg.NewConcrete()
var y string = q(1).String() // MATCH /should omit type string from declaration of var y; it will be inferred from the right-hand side/
type q int
func (q) String() string { return "I'm a q" }

@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ type Failure struct {
Position FailurePosition Position FailurePosition
Node ast.Node `json:"-"` Node ast.Node `json:"-"`
Confidence float64 Confidence float64
// For future use
ReplacementLine string
} }
// GetFilename returns the filename. // GetFilename returns the filename.

testutil/lint_test.go Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd.
package testutil
import (
var lintMatch = flag.String("lint.match", "", "restrict fixtures matches to this pattern")
var rules = []linter.Rule{&rule.VarDeclarationsRule{}}
func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
baseDir := "../fixtures/"
l := linter.New(func(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return ioutil.ReadFile(baseDir + file)
rx, err := regexp.Compile(*lintMatch)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bad -lint.match value %q: %v", *lintMatch, err)
fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(baseDir)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ioutil.ReadDir: %v", err)
if len(fis) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("no files in %v", baseDir)
for _, fi := range fis {
if !rx.MatchString(fi.Name()) {
//t.Logf("Testing %s", fi.Name())
src, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(baseDir, fi.Name()))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed reading %s: %v", fi.Name(), err)
ins := parseInstructions(t, fi.Name(), src)
if ins == nil {
t.Errorf("Test file %v does not have instructions", fi.Name())
ps, err := l.Lint([]string{fi.Name()}, rules, map[string]linter.Arguments{})
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Linting %s: %v", fi.Name(), err)
failures := []linter.Failure{}
for f := range ps {
failures = append(failures, f)
for _, in := range ins {
ok := false
for i, p := range failures {
if p.Position.Start.Line != in.Line {
if in.Match == p.Failure {
// check replacement if we are expecting one
if in.Replacement != "" {
// ignore any inline comments, since that would be recursive
r := p.ReplacementLine
if i := strings.Index(r, " //"); i >= 0 {
r = r[:i]
if r != in.Replacement {
t.Errorf("Lint failed at %s:%d; got replacement %q, want %q", fi.Name(), in.Line, r, in.Replacement)
// remove this problem from ps
copy(failures[i:], failures[i+1:])
failures = failures[:len(failures)-1]
// t.Logf("/%v/ matched at %s:%d", in.Match, fi.Name(), in.Line)
ok = true
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Lint failed at %s:%d; /%v/ did not match", fi.Name(), in.Line, in.Match)
for _, p := range failures {
t.Errorf("Unexpected problem at %s:%d: %v", fi.Name(), p.Position.Start.Line, p.Failure)
type instruction struct {
Line int // the line number this applies to
Match string // what pattern to match
Replacement string // what the suggested replacement line should be
// parseInstructions parses instructions from the comments in a Go source file.
// It returns nil if none were parsed.
func parseInstructions(t *testing.T, filename string, src []byte) []instruction {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
f, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, filename, src, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Test file %v does not parse: %v", filename, err)
var ins []instruction
for _, cg := range f.Comments {
ln := fset.Position(cg.Pos()).Line
raw := cg.Text()
for _, line := range strings.Split(raw, "\n") {
if line == "" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
if line == "OK" && ins == nil {
// so our return value will be non-nil
ins = make([]instruction, 0)
if strings.Contains(line, "MATCH") {
match, err := extractPattern(line)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("At %v:%d: %v", filename, ln, err)
matchLine := ln
if i := strings.Index(line, "MATCH:"); i >= 0 {
// This is a match for a different line.
lns := strings.TrimPrefix(line[i:], "MATCH:")
lns = lns[:strings.Index(lns, " ")]
matchLine, err = strconv.Atoi(lns)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bad match line number %q at %v:%d: %v", lns, filename, ln, err)
var repl string
if r, ok := extractReplacement(line); ok {
repl = r
ins = append(ins, instruction{
Line: matchLine,
Match: match,
Replacement: repl,
return ins
func extractPattern(line string) (string, error) {
a, b := strings.Index(line, "/"), strings.LastIndex(line, "/")
if a == -1 || a == b {
return "", fmt.Errorf("malformed match instruction %q", line)
return line[a+1 : b], nil
func extractReplacement(line string) (string, bool) {
// Look for this: / -> `
// (the end of a match and start of a backtick string),
// and then the closing backtick.
const start = "/ -> `"
a, b := strings.Index(line, start), strings.LastIndex(line, "`")
if a < 0 || a > b {
return "", false
return line[a+len(start) : b], true
func render(fset *token.FileSet, x interface{}) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := printer.Fprint(&buf, fset, x); err != nil {
return buf.String()
func srcLine(src []byte, p token.Position) string {
// Run to end of line in both directions if not at line start/end.
lo, hi := p.Offset, p.Offset+1
for lo > 0 && src[lo-1] != '\n' {
for hi < len(src) && src[hi-1] != '\n' {
return string(src[lo:hi])
func TestLine(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
src string
offset int
want string
{"single line file", 5, "single line file"},
{"single line file with newline\n", 5, "single line file with newline\n"},
{"first\nsecond\nthird\n", 2, "first\n"},
{"first\nsecond\nthird\n", 9, "second\n"},
{"first\nsecond\nthird\n", 14, "third\n"},
{"first\nsecond\nthird with no newline", 16, "third with no newline"},
{"first byte\n", 0, "first byte\n"},
for _, test := range tests {
got := srcLine([]byte(test.src), token.Position{Offset: test.offset})
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("srcLine(%q, offset=%d) = %q, want %q", test.src, test.offset, got, test.want)
// commonInitialisms is a set of common initialisms.
// Only add entries that are highly unlikely to be non-initialisms.
// For instance, "ID" is fine (Freudian code is rare), but "AND" is not.
var commonInitialisms = map[string]bool{
"ACL": true,
"API": true,
"ASCII": true,
"CPU": true,
"CSS": true,
"DNS": true,
"EOF": true,
"GUID": true,
"HTML": true,
"HTTP": true,
"HTTPS": true,
"ID": true,
"IP": true,
"JSON": true,
"LHS": true,
"QPS": true,
"RAM": true,
"RHS": true,
"RPC": true,
"SLA": true,
"SMTP": true,
"SQL": true,
"SSH": true,
"TCP": true,
"TLS": true,
"TTL": true,
"UDP": true,
"UI": true,
"UID": true,
"UUID": true,
"URI": true,
"URL": true,
"UTF8": true,
"VM": true,
"XML": true,
"XMPP": true,
"XSRF": true,
"XSS": true,
// lintName returns a different name if it should be different.
func lintName(name string) (should string) {
// Fast path for simple cases: "_" and all lowercase.
if name == "_" {
return name
allLower := true
for _, r := range name {
if !unicode.IsLower(r) {
allLower = false
if allLower {
return name
// Split camelCase at any lower->upper transition, and split on underscores.
// Check each word for common initialisms.
runes := []rune(name)
w, i := 0, 0 // index of start of word, scan
for i+1 <= len(runes) {
eow := false // whether we hit the end of a word
if i+1 == len(runes) {
eow = true
} else if runes[i+1] == '_' {
// underscore; shift the remainder forward over any run of underscores
eow = true
n := 1
for i+n+1 < len(runes) && runes[i+n+1] == '_' {
// Leave at most one underscore if the underscore is between two digits
if i+n+1 < len(runes) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i]) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i+n+1]) {
copy(runes[i+1:], runes[i+n+1:])
runes = runes[:len(runes)-n]
} else if unicode.IsLower(runes[i]) && !unicode.IsLower(runes[i+1]) {
// lower->non-lower
eow = true
if !eow {
// [w,i) is a word.
word := string(runes[w:i])
if u := strings.ToUpper(word); commonInitialisms[u] {
// Keep consistent case, which is lowercase only at the start.
if w == 0 && unicode.IsLower(runes[w]) {
u = strings.ToLower(u)
// All the common initialisms are ASCII,
// so we can replace the bytes exactly.
copy(runes[w:], []rune(u))
} else if w > 0 && strings.ToLower(word) == word {
// already all lowercase, and not the first word, so uppercase the first character.
runes[w] = unicode.ToUpper(runes[w])
w = i
return string(runes)
func TestLintName(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name, want string
{"foo_bar", "fooBar"},
{"foo_bar_baz", "fooBarBaz"},
{"Foo_bar", "FooBar"},
{"foo_WiFi", "fooWiFi"},
{"id", "id"},
{"Id", "ID"},
{"foo_id", "fooID"},
{"fooId", "fooID"},
{"fooUid", "fooUID"},
{"idFoo", "idFoo"},
{"uidFoo", "uidFoo"},
{"midIdDle", "midIDDle"},
{"APIProxy", "APIProxy"},
{"ApiProxy", "APIProxy"},
{"apiProxy", "apiProxy"},
{"_Leading", "_Leading"},
{"___Leading", "_Leading"},
{"trailing_", "trailing"},
{"trailing___", "trailing"},
{"a_b", "aB"},
{"a__b", "aB"},
{"a___b", "aB"},
{"Rpc1150", "RPC1150"},
{"case3_1", "case3_1"},
{"case3__1", "case3_1"},
{"IEEE802_16bit", "IEEE802_16bit"},
{"IEEE802_16Bit", "IEEE802_16Bit"},
for _, test := range tests {
got := lintName(test.name)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("lintName(%q) = %q, want %q", test.name, got, test.want)
// exportedType reports whether typ is an exported type.
// It is imprecise, and will err on the side of returning true,
// such as for composite types.
func exportedType(typ types.Type) bool {
switch T := typ.(type) {
case *types.Named:
// Builtin types have no package.
return T.Obj().Pkg() == nil || T.Obj().Exported()
case *types.Map:
return exportedType(T.Key()) && exportedType(T.Elem())
case interface {
Elem() types.Type
}: // array, slice, pointer, chan
return exportedType(T.Elem())
// Be conservative about other types, such as struct, interface, etc.
return true
func TestExportedType(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
typString string
exp bool
{"int", true},
{"string", false}, // references the shadowed builtin "string"
{"T", true},
{"t", false},
{"*T", true},
{"*t", false},
{"map[int]complex128", true},
for _, test := range tests {
src := `package foo; type T int; type t int; type string struct{}`
fset := token.NewFileSet()
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "foo.go", src, 0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Parsing %q: %v", src, err)
// use the package name as package path
config := &types.Config{}
pkg, err := config.Check(file.Name.Name, fset, []*ast.File{file}, nil)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Type checking %q: %v", src, err)
tv, err := types.Eval(fset, pkg, token.NoPos, test.typString)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("types.Eval(%q): %v", test.typString, err)
if got := exportedType(tv.Type); got != test.exp {
t.Errorf("exportedType(%v) = %t, want %t", tv.Type, got, test.exp)
var (
genHdr = []byte("// Code generated ")
genFtr = []byte(" DO NOT EDIT.")
// isGenerated reports whether the source file is generated code
// according the rules from https://golang.org/s/generatedcode.
func isGenerated(src []byte) bool {
sc := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(src))
for sc.Scan() {
b := sc.Bytes()
if bytes.HasPrefix(b, genHdr) && bytes.HasSuffix(b, genFtr) && len(b) >= len(genHdr)+len(genFtr) {
return true
return false
func TestIsGenerated(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
source string
generated bool
{"// Code Generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.", false},
{"// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.", true},
{"// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT", false},
{"// Code generated DO NOT EDIT.", true},
{"// Code generated DO NOT EDIT.", false},
{"\t\t// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.\npackage foo\n", false},
{"// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.\npackage foo\n", true},
{"package foo\n// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.\ntype foo int\n", true},
{"package foo\n // Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.\ntype foo int\n", false},
{"package foo\n// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT. \ntype foo int\n", false},
{"package foo\ntype foo int\n// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.\n", true},
{"package foo\ntype foo int\n// Code generated by some tool. DO NOT EDIT.", true},
for i, test := range tests {
got := isGenerated([]byte(test.source))
if got != test.generated {
t.Errorf("test %d, isGenerated() = %v, want %v", i, got, test.generated)

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
package testutil
import (
var anyRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\[\/?@(\w+)\]`)
var closingRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\[\/@(\w+)\]`)
type pos struct {
start int
end int
func extractFailures(code string) map[string]*pos {
res := anyRe.FindAllStringSubmatchIndex(code, -1)
if len(res) == 0 {
return nil
reduce := 0
started := map[string]*pos{}
if len(res)%2 != 0 {
panic("incorrect test annotations")
for _, el := range res {
substr := code[el[0]:el[1]]
name := code[el[2]:el[3]]
isEnd := closingRe.MatchString(substr)
if isEnd && started[name] == nil {
panic("incorrect test annotation; closed before opened: " + name)
if !isEnd {
started[name] = &pos{start: el[0] - reduce}
} else {
started[name].end = el[0] - reduce
reduce += el[1] - el[0]
return started
func stripAnnotations(code string) string {
return anyRe.ReplaceAllString(code, "")
// AssertSuccess checks if given rule runs correctly with no failures.
func AssertSuccessWithName(t *testing.T, code, name string, testingRule rule.Rule, args rule.Arguments) {
annotations := extractFailures(code)
if annotations != nil {
t.Errorf("There should be no failure annotations when verifying successful rule analysis")
var fileSet token.FileSet
file, err := file.New(name, []byte(stripAnnotations(code)), &fileSet)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Cannot parse testing file: %s", err.Error())
failures := testingRule.Apply(file, args)
failuresLen := len(failures)
if failuresLen != 0 {
failuresText := ""
for idx, f := range failures {
failuresText += f.Failure
if idx < len(failures)-1 {
failuresText += ", "
t.Errorf("Found %d failures in the code: %s", failuresLen, failuresText)
// AssertSuccess checks if given rule runs correctly with no failures.
func AssertSuccess(t *testing.T, code string, testingRule rule.Rule, args rule.Arguments) {
AssertSuccessWithName(t, code, "testing.go", testingRule, args)
// AssertFailures checks if given rule runs correctly with failures.
func AssertFailures(t *testing.T, code string, testingRule rule.Rule, args rule.Arguments) {
annotations := extractFailures(code)
if annotations == nil {
t.Errorf("No failure annotations found in the code")
var fileSet token.FileSet
file, err := file.New("testing.go", []byte(stripAnnotations(code)), &fileSet)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Cannot parse testing file: %s", err.Error())
failures := testingRule.Apply(file, args)
totalFailures := len(failures)
if totalFailures == 0 {
t.Errorf("No failures in the code")
expectedFailures := len(annotations)
if totalFailures != expectedFailures {
t.Errorf("Expecting %d failures but got %d", expectedFailures, totalFailures)
for idx, f := range failures {
if f.Node != nil {
f.Position = rule.ToFailurePosition(f.Node.Pos(), f.Node.End(), file)
failures[idx] = f
for key, val := range annotations {
matched := false
start := file.ToPosition(token.Pos(val.start))
end := file.ToPosition(token.Pos(val.end))
for _, f := range failures {
fmt.Println("#####", f.Position.Start.String(), f.Position.End.String())
if f.Position.Start.String() == start.String() && f.Position.End.String() == end.String() {
matched = true
if !matched {
t.Errorf(`Failure annotation "%s" did not match any of the rule failures`, key)