mirror of https://github.com/mgechev/revive.git synced 2025-02-07 13:31:42 +02:00

Add names

This commit is contained in:
mgechev 2018-01-24 15:17:19 -08:00
parent cc249b6cfa
commit b2e276ddf8
6 changed files with 324 additions and 292 deletions

fixtures/names.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// Test for name linting.
// Package pkg_with_underscores ...
package pkg_with_underscores // MATCH /don't use an underscore in package name/
import (
net_http "net/http" // renamed deliberately
import "C"
var var_name int // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; var var_name should be varName/
type t_wow struct { // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; type t_wow should be tWow/
x_damn int // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; struct field x_damn should be xDamn/
Url *url.URL // MATCH /struct field Url should be URL/
const fooId = "blah" // MATCH /const fooId should be fooID/
func f_it() { // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func f_it should be fIt/
more_underscore := 4 // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; var more_underscore should be moreUnderscore/
_ = more_underscore
var err error
if isEof := (err == io.EOF); isEof { // MATCH /var isEof should be isEOF/
more_underscore = 7 // should be okay
x := net_http.Request{} // should be okay
_ = x
var ips []net.IP
for _, theIp := range ips { // MATCH /range var theIp should be theIP/
_ = theIp
switch myJson := g(); { // MATCH /var myJson should be myJSON/
_ = myJson
var y net_http.ResponseWriter // an interface
switch tApi := y.(type) { // MATCH /var tApi should be tAPI/
_ = tApi
var c chan int
select {
case qId := <-c: // MATCH /var qId should be qID/
_ = qId
// Common styles in other languages that don't belong in Go.
const (
CPP_CONST = 1 // MATCH /don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase/
kLeadingKay = 2 // MATCH /don't use leading k in Go names; const kLeadingKay should be leadingKay/
HTML = 3 // okay; no underscore
X509B = 4 // ditto
func f(bad_name int) {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func parameter bad_name should be badName/
func g() (no_way int) { return 0 } // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func result no_way should be noWay/
func (t *t_wow) f(more_under string) {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; method parameter more_under should be moreUnder/
func (t *t_wow) g() (still_more string) { return "" } // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; method result still_more should be stillMore/
type i interface {
CheckHtml() string // okay; interface method names are often constrained by the concrete types' method names
F(foo_bar int) // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; interface method parameter foo_bar should be fooBar/
// All okay; underscore between digits
const case1_1 = 1
type case2_1 struct {
case2_2 int
func case3_1(case3_2 int) (case3_3 string) {
case3_4 := 4
_ = case3_4
return ""
type t struct{}
func (t) LastInsertId() (int64, error) { return 0, nil } // okay because it matches a known style violation
//export exported_to_c
func exported_to_c() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
//export exported_to_c_with_arg
func exported_to_c_with_arg(but_use_go_param_names int) // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func parameter but_use_go_param_names should be butUseGoParamNames/
// This is an exported C function with a leading doc comment.
//export exported_to_c_with_comment
func exported_to_c_with_comment() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
//export maybe_exported_to_CPlusPlusWithCamelCase
func maybe_exported_to_CPlusPlusWithCamelCase() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
// WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName is a Go-exported function that
// is also exported to C as a name with underscores.
// Don't do that. If you want to use a C-style name for a C export, make it
// lower-case and leave it out of the Go-exported API.
//export WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName
func WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName() {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName should be WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLettersInACFunctionName/

linter/utils.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package linter
import (
// LintName returns a different name if it should be different.
func LintName(name string) (should string) {
// Fast path for simple cases: "_" and all lowercase.
if name == "_" {
return name
allLower := true
for _, r := range name {
if !unicode.IsLower(r) {
allLower = false
if allLower {
return name
// Split camelCase at any lower->upper transition, and split on underscores.
// Check each word for common initialisms.
runes := []rune(name)
w, i := 0, 0 // index of start of word, scan
for i+1 <= len(runes) {
eow := false // whether we hit the end of a word
if i+1 == len(runes) {
eow = true
} else if runes[i+1] == '_' {
// underscore; shift the remainder forward over any run of underscores
eow = true
n := 1
for i+n+1 < len(runes) && runes[i+n+1] == '_' {
// Leave at most one underscore if the underscore is between two digits
if i+n+1 < len(runes) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i]) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i+n+1]) {
copy(runes[i+1:], runes[i+n+1:])
runes = runes[:len(runes)-n]
} else if unicode.IsLower(runes[i]) && !unicode.IsLower(runes[i+1]) {
// lower->non-lower
eow = true
if !eow {
// [w,i) is a word.
word := string(runes[w:i])
if u := strings.ToUpper(word); commonInitialisms[u] {
// Keep consistent case, which is lowercase only at the start.
if w == 0 && unicode.IsLower(runes[w]) {
u = strings.ToLower(u)
// All the common initialisms are ASCII,
// so we can replace the bytes exactly.
copy(runes[w:], []rune(u))
} else if w > 0 && strings.ToLower(word) == word {
// already all lowercase, and not the first word, so uppercase the first character.
runes[w] = unicode.ToUpper(runes[w])
w = i
return string(runes)
// commonInitialisms is a set of common initialisms.
// Only add entries that are highly unlikely to be non-initialisms.
// For instance, "ID" is fine (Freudian code is rare), but "AND" is not.
var commonInitialisms = map[string]bool{
"ACL": true,
"API": true,
"ASCII": true,
"CPU": true,
"CSS": true,
"DNS": true,
"EOF": true,
"GUID": true,
"HTML": true,
"HTTP": true,
"HTTPS": true,
"ID": true,
"IP": true,
"JSON": true,
"LHS": true,
"QPS": true,
"RAM": true,
"RHS": true,
"RPC": true,
"SLA": true,
"SMTP": true,
"SQL": true,
"SSH": true,
"TCP": true,
"TLS": true,
"TTL": true,
"UDP": true,
"UI": true,
"UID": true,
"UUID": true,
"URI": true,
"URL": true,
"UTF8": true,
"VM": true,
"XML": true,
"XMPP": true,
"XSRF": true,
"XSS": true,

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
package rule
import (
func TestArgumentLimit(t *testing.T) {
program := `
package foo
[@1]func foo(a int, b int, c int)[/@1] {
return a + b + c;
testutil.AssertFailures(t, program, &ArgumentsLimitRule{}, rule.Arguments{"2"})
func TestArgumentLimit2(t *testing.T) {
program := `
package foo
func foo(a int, b int, c int) {
return a + b + c;
testutil.AssertSuccess(t, program, &ArgumentsLimitRule{}, rule.Arguments{"3"})

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -30,6 +29,17 @@ func (r *NamesRule) Apply(file *linter.File, arguments linter.Arguments) []linte
// Package names need slightly different handling than other names.
if strings.Contains(walker.fileAst.Name.Name, "_") && !strings.HasSuffix(walker.fileAst.Name.Name, "_test") {
Failure: "don't use an underscore in package name",
Confidence: 1,
Node: walker.fileAst,
Category: "naming",
URL: "http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#package-names",
ast.Walk(&walker, fileAst)
return failures
@ -40,6 +50,71 @@ func (r *NamesRule) Name() string {
return "imports"
func checkList(fl *ast.FieldList, thing string, w *lintNames) {
if fl == nil {
for _, f := range fl.List {
for _, id := range f.Names {
check(id, thing, w)
func check(id *ast.Ident, thing string, w *lintNames) {
if id.Name == "_" {
if knownNameExceptions[id.Name] {
// Handle two common styles from other languages that don't belong in Go.
if len(id.Name) >= 5 && allCapsRE.MatchString(id.Name) && strings.Contains(id.Name, "_") {
Failure: "don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase",
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
Category: "naming",
URL: "#mixed-caps",
if len(id.Name) > 2 && id.Name[0] == 'k' && id.Name[1] >= 'A' && id.Name[1] <= 'Z' {
should := string(id.Name[1]+'a'-'A') + id.Name[2:]
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("don't use leading k in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
Category: "naming",
URL: "#mixed-caps",
should := linter.LintName(id.Name)
if id.Name == should {
if len(id.Name) > 2 && strings.Contains(id.Name[1:], "_") {
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("don't use underscores in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.9,
Node: id,
Category: "naming",
URL: "http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#mixed-caps",
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
Category: "naming",
URL: "#initialisms",
type lintNames struct {
file *linter.File
fileAst *ast.File
@ -49,12 +124,6 @@ type lintNames struct {
func (w *lintNames) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
// Package names need slightly different handling than other names.
// if strings.Contains(f.f.Name.Name, "_") && !strings.HasSuffix(f.f.Name.Name, "_test") {
// f.errorf(f.f, 1, link("http://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#package-names"), category("naming"), "don't use an underscore in package name")
// }
switch v := n.(type) {
case *ast.AssignStmt:
if v.Tok == token.ASSIGN {
@ -62,11 +131,11 @@ func (w *lintNames) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
for _, exp := range v.Lhs {
if id, ok := exp.(*ast.Ident); ok {
w.check(id, "var")
check(id, "var", w)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
if isTest(w.file) && (strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Example") || strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Test") || strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Benchmark")) {
if w.file.IsTest() && (strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Example") || strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Test") || strings.HasPrefix(v.Name.Name, "Benchmark")) {
return w
@ -79,11 +148,11 @@ func (w *lintNames) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
// not exported in the Go API.
// See https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144.
if ast.IsExported(v.Name.Name) || !isCgoExported(v) {
w.check(v.Name, thing)
check(v.Name, thing, w)
w.checkList(v.Type.Params, thing+" parameter")
w.checkList(v.Type.Results, thing+" result")
checkList(v.Type.Params, thing+" parameter", w)
checkList(v.Type.Results, thing+" result", w)
case *ast.GenDecl:
if v.Tok == token.IMPORT {
return w
@ -100,10 +169,10 @@ func (w *lintNames) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
for _, spec := range v.Specs {
switch s := spec.(type) {
case *ast.TypeSpec:
w.check(s.Name, thing)
check(s.Name, thing, w)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
for _, id := range s.Names {
w.check(id, thing)
check(id, thing, w)
@ -115,150 +184,25 @@ func (w *lintNames) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
if !ok { // might be an embedded interface name
w.checkList(ft.Params, "interface method parameter")
w.checkList(ft.Results, "interface method result")
checkList(ft.Params, "interface method parameter", w)
checkList(ft.Results, "interface method result", w)
case *ast.RangeStmt:
if v.Tok == token.ASSIGN {
return w
if id, ok := v.Key.(*ast.Ident); ok {
w.check(id, "range var")
check(id, "range var", w)
if id, ok := v.Value.(*ast.Ident); ok {
w.check(id, "range var")
check(id, "range var", w)
case *ast.StructType:
for _, f := range v.Fields.List {
for _, id := range f.Names {
w.check(id, "struct field")
check(id, "struct field", w)
return w
func (w *lintNames) check(id *ast.Ident, thing string) {
if id.Name == "_" {
if knownNameExceptions[id.Name] {
// Handle two common styles from other languages that don't belong in Go.
if len(id.Name) >= 5 && allCapsRE.MatchString(id.Name) && strings.Contains(id.Name, "_") {
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase"),
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
if len(id.Name) > 2 && id.Name[0] == 'k' && id.Name[1] >= 'A' && id.Name[1] <= 'Z' {
should := string(id.Name[1]+'a'-'A') + id.Name[2:]
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("don't use leading k in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
should := lintName(id.Name)
if id.Name == should {
if len(id.Name) > 2 && strings.Contains(id.Name[1:], "_") {
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("don't use underscores in Go names; %s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.9,
Node: id,
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("%s %s should be %s", thing, id.Name, should),
Confidence: 0.8,
Node: id,
func (w *lintNames) checkList(fl *ast.FieldList, thing string) {
if fl == nil {
for _, f := range fl.List {
for _, id := range f.Names {
w.check(id, thing)
// lintName returns a different name if it should be different.
func lintName(name string) (should string) {
// Fast path for simple cases: "_" and all lowercase.
if name == "_" {
return name
allLower := true
for _, r := range name {
if !unicode.IsLower(r) {
allLower = false
if allLower {
return name
// Split camelCase at any lower->upper transition, and split on underscores.
// Check each word for common initialisms.
runes := []rune(name)
w, i := 0, 0 // index of start of word, scan
for i+1 <= len(runes) {
eow := false // whether we hit the end of a word
if i+1 == len(runes) {
eow = true
} else if runes[i+1] == '_' {
// underscore; shift the remainder forward over any run of underscores
eow = true
n := 1
for i+n+1 < len(runes) && runes[i+n+1] == '_' {
// Leave at most one underscore if the underscore is between two digits
if i+n+1 < len(runes) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i]) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i+n+1]) {
copy(runes[i+1:], runes[i+n+1:])
runes = runes[:len(runes)-n]
} else if unicode.IsLower(runes[i]) && !unicode.IsLower(runes[i+1]) {
// lower->non-lower
eow = true
if !eow {
// [w,i) is a word.
word := string(runes[w:i])
if u := strings.ToUpper(word); commonInitialisms[u] {
// Keep consistent case, which is lowercase only at the start.
if w == 0 && unicode.IsLower(runes[w]) {
u = strings.ToLower(u)
// All the common initialisms are ASCII,
// so we can replace the bytes exactly.
copy(runes[w:], []rune(u))
} else if w > 0 && strings.ToLower(word) == word {
// already all lowercase, and not the first word, so uppercase the first character.
runes[w] = unicode.ToUpper(runes[w])
w = i
return string(runes)

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import (
@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ var rules = []linter.Rule{
func TestAll(t *testing.T) {
@ -242,118 +242,6 @@ func TestLine(t *testing.T) {
// commonInitialisms is a set of common initialisms.
// Only add entries that are highly unlikely to be non-initialisms.
// For instance, "ID" is fine (Freudian code is rare), but "AND" is not.
var commonInitialisms = map[string]bool{
"ACL": true,
"API": true,
"ASCII": true,
"CPU": true,
"CSS": true,
"DNS": true,
"EOF": true,
"GUID": true,
"HTML": true,
"HTTP": true,
"HTTPS": true,
"ID": true,
"IP": true,
"JSON": true,
"LHS": true,
"QPS": true,
"RAM": true,
"RHS": true,
"RPC": true,
"SLA": true,
"SMTP": true,
"SQL": true,
"SSH": true,
"TCP": true,
"TLS": true,
"TTL": true,
"UDP": true,
"UI": true,
"UID": true,
"UUID": true,
"URI": true,
"URL": true,
"UTF8": true,
"VM": true,
"XML": true,
"XMPP": true,
"XSRF": true,
"XSS": true,
// lintName returns a different name if it should be different.
func lintName(name string) (should string) {
// Fast path for simple cases: "_" and all lowercase.
if name == "_" {
return name
allLower := true
for _, r := range name {
if !unicode.IsLower(r) {
allLower = false
if allLower {
return name
// Split camelCase at any lower->upper transition, and split on underscores.
// Check each word for common initialisms.
runes := []rune(name)
w, i := 0, 0 // index of start of word, scan
for i+1 <= len(runes) {
eow := false // whether we hit the end of a word
if i+1 == len(runes) {
eow = true
} else if runes[i+1] == '_' {
// underscore; shift the remainder forward over any run of underscores
eow = true
n := 1
for i+n+1 < len(runes) && runes[i+n+1] == '_' {
// Leave at most one underscore if the underscore is between two digits
if i+n+1 < len(runes) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i]) && unicode.IsDigit(runes[i+n+1]) {
copy(runes[i+1:], runes[i+n+1:])
runes = runes[:len(runes)-n]
} else if unicode.IsLower(runes[i]) && !unicode.IsLower(runes[i+1]) {
// lower->non-lower
eow = true
if !eow {
// [w,i) is a word.
word := string(runes[w:i])
if u := strings.ToUpper(word); commonInitialisms[u] {
// Keep consistent case, which is lowercase only at the start.
if w == 0 && unicode.IsLower(runes[w]) {
u = strings.ToLower(u)
// All the common initialisms are ASCII,
// so we can replace the bytes exactly.
copy(runes[w:], []rune(u))
} else if w > 0 && strings.ToLower(word) == word {
// already all lowercase, and not the first word, so uppercase the first character.
runes[w] = unicode.ToUpper(runes[w])
w = i
return string(runes)
func TestLintName(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name, want string
@ -387,7 +275,7 @@ func TestLintName(t *testing.T) {
{"IEEE802_16Bit", "IEEE802_16Bit"},
for _, test := range tests {
got := lintName(test.name)
got := linter.LintName(test.name)
if got != test.want {
t.Errorf("lintName(%q) = %q, want %q", test.name, got, test.want)