index 2222b5b..4adec92 100644
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6c0edf2..d4e2de8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ List of all available rules. The rules ported from `golint` are left unchanged a
 | [`import-shadowing`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#import-shadowing)   | n/a    | Spots identifiers that shadow an import    |    no    |  no   |
 | [`bare-return`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#bare-return) | n/a  | Warns on bare returns   |    no    |  no   |
 | [`unused-receiver`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unused-receiver)   | n/a    | Suggests to rename or remove unused method receivers    |    no    |  no   |
-| [`unhandled-error`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unhandled-error)   | []string   | Warns on unhandled errors returned by funcion calls    |    no    |  yes   |
+| [`unhandled-error`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unhandled-error)   | []string   | Warns on unhandled errors returned by function calls    |    no    |  yes   |
 | [`cognitive-complexity`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#cognitive-complexity)          |  int   | Sets restriction for maximum Cognitive complexity.              |    no    |  no   |
 | [`string-of-int`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#string-of-int)          |  n/a   | Warns on suspicious casts from int to string            |    no    |  yes   |
 | [`string-format`](./RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#string-format)          |  map   | Warns on specific string literals that fail one or more user-configured regular expressions            |    no    |  no   |
diff --git a/rule/unconditional-recursion.go b/rule/unconditional-recursion.go
index f0e83b0..bad9075 100644
--- a/rule/unconditional-recursion.go
+++ b/rule/unconditional-recursion.go
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ func (*UnconditionalRecursionRule) Name() string {
 type funcDesc struct {
-	reciverID *ast.Ident
-	id        *ast.Ident
+	receiverID *ast.Ident
+	id         *ast.Ident
 func (fd *funcDesc) equal(other *funcDesc) bool {
-	receiversAreEqual := (fd.reciverID == nil && other.reciverID == nil) || fd.reciverID != nil && other.reciverID != nil && fd.reciverID.Name == other.reciverID.Name
+	receiversAreEqual := (fd.receiverID == nil && other.receiverID == nil) || fd.receiverID != nil && other.receiverID != nil && fd.receiverID.Name == other.receiverID.Name
 	idsAreEqual := (fd.id == nil && other.id == nil) || fd.id.Name == other.id.Name
 	return receiversAreEqual && idsAreEqual