// Test for unexported return types.

// Package foo ...
package foo

type hidden struct{}

// Exported returns a hidden type, which is annoying.
func Exported() hidden { // MATCH /exported func Exported returns unexported type foo.hidden, which can be annoying to use/
	return hidden{}

// ExpErr returns a builtin type.
func ExpErr() error { // ok
  return nil

func (h hidden) ExpOnHidden() hidden { // ok
  return h

func (hidden) ForInterface() error {
  return nil

// Interface is exported.
type Interface interface {
	ForInterface() error

// ExportedAsInterface returns a hidden type as an exported interface, which is fine.
func ExportedAsInterface() Interface { // ok
	return Exported()

// T is another test type.
type T struct{}

// MethodOnT returns a hidden type, which is annoying.
func (T) MethodOnT() hidden { // MATCH /exported method MethodOnT returns unexported type foo.hidden, which can be annoying to use/
	return hidden{}

// ExpT returns a T.
func ExpT() T { // ok
	return T{}

func unexp() hidden { // ok
	return hidden{}

// This is slightly sneaky: we shadow the builtin "int" type.

type int struct{}

// ExportedIntReturner returns an unexported type from this package.
func ExportedIntReturner() int { // MATCH /exported func ExportedIntReturner returns unexported type foo.int, which can be annoying to use/
	return int{}