// Package cli implements the revive command line application. package cli import ( "flag" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "runtime/debug" "strings" "github.com/fatih/color" "github.com/mgechev/revive/config" "github.com/mgechev/revive/revivelib" "github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir" "github.com/spf13/afero" ) const ( defaultVersion = "dev" defaultCommit = "none" defaultDate = "unknown" defaultBuilder = "unknown" ) var ( version = defaultVersion commit = defaultCommit date = defaultDate builtBy = defaultBuilder //AppFs is used to operations related with user config files AppFs = afero.NewOsFs() ) func fail(err string) { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) os.Exit(1) } // RunRevive runs the CLI for revive. func RunRevive(extraRules ...revivelib.ExtraRule) { // move parsing flags outside of init() otherwise tests dont works properly // more info: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46869#issuecomment-865695953 initConfig() if versionFlag { fmt.Print(getVersion(builtBy, date, commit, version)) os.Exit(0) } conf, err := config.GetConfig(configPath) if err != nil { fail(err.Error()) } revive, err := revivelib.New( conf, setExitStatus, maxOpenFiles, extraRules..., ) if err != nil { fail(err.Error()) } files := flag.Args() packages := []*revivelib.LintPattern{} for _, file := range files { packages = append(packages, revivelib.Include(file)) } for _, file := range excludePatterns { packages = append(packages, revivelib.Exclude(file)) } failures, err := revive.Lint(packages...) if err != nil { fail(err.Error()) } output, exitCode, err := revive.Format(formatterName, failures) if err != nil { fail(err.Error()) } if output != "" { fmt.Println(output) } os.Exit(exitCode) } var ( configPath string excludePatterns revivelib.ArrayFlags formatterName string versionFlag bool setExitStatus bool maxOpenFiles int ) var originalUsage = flag.Usage func getLogo() string { return color.YellowString(` _ __ _____ _(_)__ _____ | '__/ _ \ \ / / \ \ / / _ \ | | | __/\ V /| |\ V / __/ |_| \___| \_/ |_| \_/ \___|`) } func getCall() string { return color.MagentaString("revive -config c.toml -formatter friendly -exclude a.go -exclude b.go ./...") } func getBanner() string { return fmt.Sprintf(` %s Example: %s `, getLogo(), getCall()) } func buildDefaultConfigPath() string { var result string var homeDirFile string configFileName := "revive.toml" configDirFile := filepath.Join(os.Getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"), configFileName) if homeDir, err := homedir.Dir(); err == nil { homeDirFile = filepath.Join(homeDir, configFileName) } if fileExist(configDirFile) { result = configDirFile } else if fileExist(homeDirFile) { result = homeDirFile } else { result = "" } return result } func initConfig() { // Force colorizing for no TTY environments if os.Getenv("REVIVE_FORCE_COLOR") == "1" { color.NoColor = false } flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Println(getBanner()) originalUsage() } // command line help strings const ( configUsage = "path to the configuration TOML file, defaults to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/revive.toml or $HOME/revive.toml, if present (i.e. -config myconf.toml)" excludeUsage = "list of globs which specify files to be excluded (i.e. -exclude foo/...)" formatterUsage = "formatter to be used for the output (i.e. -formatter stylish)" versionUsage = "get revive version" exitStatusUsage = "set exit status to 1 if any issues are found, overwrites errorCode and warningCode in config" maxOpenFilesUsage = "maximum number of open files at the same time" ) defaultConfigPath := buildDefaultConfigPath() flag.StringVar(&configPath, "config", defaultConfigPath, configUsage) flag.Var(&excludePatterns, "exclude", excludeUsage) flag.StringVar(&formatterName, "formatter", "", formatterUsage) flag.BoolVar(&versionFlag, "version", false, versionUsage) flag.BoolVar(&setExitStatus, "set_exit_status", false, exitStatusUsage) flag.IntVar(&maxOpenFiles, "max_open_files", 0, maxOpenFilesUsage) flag.Parse() } // getVersion returns build info (version, commit, date and builtBy) func getVersion(builtBy, date, commit, version string) string { var buildInfo string if date != defaultDate && builtBy != defaultBuilder { buildInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Built\t\t%s by %s\n", date, builtBy) } if commit != defaultCommit { buildInfo = fmt.Sprintf("Commit:\t\t%s\n%s", commit, buildInfo) } if version == defaultVersion { bi, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo() if ok { version = bi.Main.Version if strings.HasPrefix(version, "v") { version = strings.TrimLeft(bi.Main.Version, "v") } if len(buildInfo) == 0 { return fmt.Sprintf("version %s\n", version) } } } return fmt.Sprintf("Version:\t%s\n%s", version, buildInfo) } func fileExist(path string) bool { _, err := AppFs.Stat(path) return err == nil }