package fixtures

import (


func f0(param int) {
	param := param

func f1(param int) { // MATCH /parameter 'param' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	if param := fn(); predicate(param) {
		// do stuff

func f2(param int) { // MATCH /parameter 'param' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	switch param := fn(); param {


func f3(param myStruct) {
	a := param.field

func f4(param myStruct, c int) { // MATCH /parameter 'c' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	param.field = "aString"
	param.c = "sss"

func f5(a int, _ float) { // MATCH /parameter 'a' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	fmt.Printf("Hello, Golang\n")
		if true {
			a := 2
			b := a

func f6(unused string) { // MATCH /parameter 'unused' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	switch unused := runtime.GOOS; unused {
	case "darwin":
		fmt.Println("OS X.")
	case "linux":
		fmt.Printf("%s.", unused)
	for unused := 0; unused < 10; unused++ {
		sum += unused
		unused := 1

func f6bis(unused string) {
	switch unused := runtime.GOOS; unused {
	case "darwin":
		fmt.Println("OS X.")
	case "linux":
		fmt.Printf("%s.", unused)
	for unused := 0; unused < 10; unused++ {
		sum += unused
		unused := 1


func f7(pl int) {
	for i := 0; pl < i; i-- {


func getCompareFailCause(n *node, which int, prevValue string, prevIndex uint64) string {
	switch which {
	case CompareIndexNotMatch:
		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v]", prevIndex, n.ModifiedIndex)
	case CompareValueNotMatch:
		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v]", prevValue, n.Value)
		return fmt.Sprintf("[%v != %v] [%v != %v]", prevValue, n.Value, prevIndex, n.ModifiedIndex)

func assertSuccess(t *testing.T, baseDir string, fi os.FileInfo, src []byte, rules []lint.Rule, config map[string]lint.RuleConfig) error { // MATCH /parameter 'src' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	l := lint.New(func(file string) ([]byte, error) {
		return ioutil.ReadFile(baseDir + file)

	ps, err := l.Lint([][]string{[]string{fi.Name()}}, rules, lint.Config{
		Rules: config,
	if err != nil {
		return err

	failures := ""
	for p := range ps {
		failures += p.Failure
	if failures != "" {
		t.Errorf("Expected the rule to pass but got the following failures: %s", failures)
	return nil

func (w lintCyclomatic) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor { // MATCH /parameter 'n' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	f := w.file
	for _, decl := range f.AST.Decls {
		if fn, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
			c := complexity(fn)
			if c > w.complexity {
					Confidence: 1,
					Category:   "maintenance",
					Failure:    fmt.Sprintf("function %s has cyclomatic complexity %d", funcName(fn), c),
					Node:       fn,
	return nil

func ext۰time۰Sleep(fr *frame, args []value) value { // MATCH /parameter 'fr' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _/
	return nil

func (c *chanList) remove(id uint32) {
	id -= c.offset

func (c *chanList) remove1(id uint32) {
	id *= c.offset

func (c *chanList) remove2(id uint32) {
	id /= c.offset

func (c *chanList) remove3(id uint32) {
	id += c.offset

func encodeFixed64Rpc(dAtA []byte, offset int, v uint64, i int) int {
	dAtA[offset+i] = uint8(v)

	return 8