// Test that exported names have correct comments. // Package pkg does something. package pkg import "time" type T int // MATCH /exported type T should have comment or be unexported/ func (T) F() {} // MATCH /exported method T.F should have comment or be unexported/ // this is a nice type. // MATCH /comment on exported type U should be of the form "U ..." (with optional leading article)/ type U string // this is a neat function. // MATCH /comment on exported method U.G should be of the form "G ..."/ func (U) G() {} // A V is a string. type V string // V.H has a pointer receiver func (*V) H() {} // MATCH /exported method V.H should have comment or be unexported/ var W = "foo" // MATCH /exported var W should have comment or be unexported/ const X = "bar" // MATCH /exported const X should have comment or be unexported/ var Y, Z int // MATCH /exported var Z should have its own declaration/ // Location should be okay, since the other var name is an underscore. var Location, _ = time.LoadLocation("Europe/Istanbul") // not Constantinople // this is improperly documented // MATCH /comment on exported const Thing should be of the form "Thing ..."/ const Thing = "wonderful"