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synced 2025-02-15 13:53:15 +02:00
* Adds rule superfluous-else (an extension of indent-error-flow) * Fix superfluous-else rule struct namming. * Adds superfuous-else rule to the rules table * Adds confusing-naming rule * adds multifile test * [WIP] fix multiple file test * draft solution for detecting confusing-names through multiple files * [WIP] confusing-name multiple files * clean-up * draft working version * cleaner version + more informative messages * adds check on struct field names * fix config.go * clean master * new ADS rule: newerr * ADS-print working version * ads-print final version * ads-lost-err working version * confusing-namming: fix tests * moves pick to rule/utils for better reusability
243 lines
5.1 KiB
243 lines
5.1 KiB
package rule
import (
// UnusedParamRule lints unused params in functions.
type UnusedParamRule struct{}
// Apply applies the rule to given file.
func (r *UnusedParamRule) Apply(file *lint.File, _ lint.Arguments) []lint.Failure {
var failures []lint.Failure
onFailure := func(failure lint.Failure) {
failures = append(failures, failure)
w := lintUnusedParamRule{onFailure: onFailure}
ast.Walk(w, file.AST)
return failures
// Name returns the rule name.
func (r *UnusedParamRule) Name() string {
return "unused-parameter"
type lintUnusedParamRule struct {
onFailure func(lint.Failure)
func (w lintUnusedParamRule) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
fv := newFuncVisitor(retrieveNamedParams(n.Type.Params.List))
if n.Body != nil {
ast.Walk(fv, n.Body)
checkUnusedParams(w, fv.params, n)
return nil
return w
type scope struct {
vars map[string]bool
func newScope() scope {
return scope{make(map[string]bool, 0)}
func (s *scope) addVars(exps []ast.Expr) {
for _, e := range exps {
if id, ok := e.(*ast.Ident); ok {
s.vars[id.Name] = true
type scopeStack struct {
stk []scope
func (s *scopeStack) openScope() {
s.stk = append(s.stk, newScope())
func (s *scopeStack) closeScope() {
if len(s.stk) > 0 {
s.stk = s.stk[:len(s.stk)-1]
func (s *scopeStack) currentScope() scope {
if len(s.stk) > 0 {
return s.stk[len(s.stk)-1]
panic("no current scope")
func newScopeStack() scopeStack {
return scopeStack{make([]scope, 0)}
type funcVisitor struct {
sStk scopeStack
params map[string]bool
func newFuncVisitor(params map[string]bool) funcVisitor {
return funcVisitor{sStk: newScopeStack(), params: params}
func walkStmtList(v ast.Visitor, list []ast.Stmt) {
for _, s := range list {
ast.Walk(v, s)
func (v funcVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
varSelector := func(n ast.Node) bool {
id, ok := n.(*ast.Ident)
return ok && id.Obj != nil && id.Obj.Kind.String() == "var"
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.BlockStmt:
walkStmtList(v, n.List)
return nil
case *ast.AssignStmt:
var uses []ast.Node
if isOpAssign(n.Tok) { // Case of id += expr
uses = append(uses, pickFromExpList(n.Lhs, varSelector, nil)...)
} else { // Case of id[expr] = expr
indexSelector := func(n ast.Node) bool {
_, ok := n.(*ast.IndexExpr)
return ok
f := func(n ast.Node) []ast.Node {
ie, ok := n.(*ast.IndexExpr)
if !ok { // not possible
return nil
return pick(ie.Index, varSelector, nil)
uses = append(uses, pickFromExpList(n.Lhs, indexSelector, f)...)
uses = append(uses, pickFromExpList(n.Rhs, varSelector, nil)...)
markParamListAsUsed(uses, v)
cs := v.sStk.currentScope()
case *ast.Ident:
if n.Obj != nil {
if n.Obj.Kind.String() == "var" {
markParamAsUsed(n, v)
case *ast.ForStmt:
if n.Init != nil {
ast.Walk(v, n.Init)
uses := pickFromExpList([]ast.Expr{n.Cond}, varSelector, nil)
markParamListAsUsed(uses, v)
ast.Walk(v, n.Body)
return nil
case *ast.SwitchStmt:
if n.Init != nil {
ast.Walk(v, n.Init)
uses := pickFromExpList([]ast.Expr{n.Tag}, varSelector, nil)
markParamListAsUsed(uses, v)
// Analyze cases (they are not BlockStmt but a list of Stmt)
cases := n.Body.List
for _, c := range cases {
cc, ok := c.(*ast.CaseClause)
if !ok {
uses := pickFromExpList(cc.List, varSelector, nil)
markParamListAsUsed(uses, v)
for _, stmt := range cc.Body {
ast.Walk(v, stmt)
return nil
return v
func retrieveNamedParams(pl []*ast.Field) map[string]bool {
result := make(map[string]bool, len(pl))
for _, p := range pl {
for _, n := range p.Names {
if n.Name != "_" {
result[n.Name] = true
return result
func checkUnusedParams(w lintUnusedParamRule, params map[string]bool, n *ast.FuncDecl) {
for k, v := range params {
if v {
Confidence: 0.8, // confidence is not 1.0 because of shadow variables
Node: n,
Category: "bad practice",
Failure: fmt.Sprintf("parameter '%s' seems to be unused, consider removing or renaming it as _", k),
func markParamListAsUsed(ids []ast.Node, v funcVisitor) {
for _, id := range ids {
markParamAsUsed(id.(*ast.Ident), v)
func markParamAsUsed(id *ast.Ident, v funcVisitor) { // TODO: constraint parameters to receive just a list of params and a scope stack
for _, s := range v.sStk.stk {
if s.vars[id.Name] {
if v.params[id.Name] {
v.params[id.Name] = false
func isOpAssign(aTok token.Token) bool {
return aTok == token.ADD_ASSIGN || aTok == token.AND_ASSIGN ||
aTok == token.MUL_ASSIGN || aTok == token.OR_ASSIGN ||
aTok == token.QUO_ASSIGN || aTok == token.REM_ASSIGN ||
aTok == token.SHL_ASSIGN || aTok == token.SHR_ASSIGN ||
aTok == token.SUB_ASSIGN || aTok == token.XOR_ASSIGN