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// Test for name linting.
// Package pkg_with_underscores ...
package pkg_with_underscores // MATCH /don't use an underscore in package name/
import (
net_http "net/http" // renamed deliberately
import "C"
var safeUrl = "HttPS://..iaMHost..Test:443/paTh^A%ef//./%41PaTH/..//?" // MATCH /var safeUrl should be safeURL/
var var_name int // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; var var_name should be varName/
type t_wow struct { // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; type t_wow should be tWow/
x_damn int // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; struct field x_damn should be xDamn/
Url *url.URL // MATCH /struct field Url should be URL/
const fooId = "blah" // MATCH /const fooId should be fooID/
func f_it() { // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func f_it should be fIt/
more_underscore := 4 // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; var more_underscore should be moreUnderscore/
_ = more_underscore
var err error
if isEof := (err == io.EOF); isEof { // MATCH /var isEof should be isEOF/
more_underscore = 7 // should be okay
x := net_http.Request{} // should be okay
_ = x
var ips []net.IP
for _, theIp := range ips { // MATCH /range var theIp should be theIP/
_ = theIp
switch myJson := g(); { // MATCH /var myJson should be myJSON/
_ = myJson
var y net_http.ResponseWriter // an interface
switch tApi := y.(type) { // MATCH /var tApi should be tAPI/
_ = tApi
var c chan int
select {
case qId := <-c: // MATCH /var qId should be qID/
_ = qId
// Common styles in other languages that don't belong in Go.
const (
CPP_CONST = 1 // MATCH /don't use ALL_CAPS in Go names; use CamelCase/
kLeadingKay = 2 // MATCH /don't use leading k in Go names; const kLeadingKay should be leadingKay/
HTML = 3 // okay; no underscore
X509B = 4 // ditto
func f(bad_name int) {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func parameter bad_name should be badName/
func g() (no_way int) { return 0 } // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func result no_way should be noWay/
func (t *t_wow) f(more_under string) {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; method parameter more_under should be moreUnder/
func (t *t_wow) g() (still_more string) { return "" } // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; method result still_more should be stillMore/
type i interface {
CheckHtml() string // okay; interface method names are often constrained by the concrete types' method names
F(foo_bar int) // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; interface method parameter foo_bar should be fooBar/
// All okay; underscore between digits
const case1_1 = 1
type case2_1 struct {
case2_2 int
func case3_1(case3_2 int) (case3_3 string) {
case3_4 := 4
_ = case3_4
return ""
type t struct{}
func (t) LastInsertId() (int64, error) { return 0, nil } // okay because it matches a known style violation
//export exported_to_c
func exported_to_c() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
//export exported_to_c_with_arg
func exported_to_c_with_arg(but_use_go_param_names int) // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func parameter but_use_go_param_names should be butUseGoParamNames/
// This is an exported C function with a leading doc comment.
//export exported_to_c_with_comment
func exported_to_c_with_comment() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
//export maybe_exported_to_CPlusPlusWithCamelCase
func maybe_exported_to_CPlusPlusWithCamelCase() {} // okay: https://github.com/golang/lint/issues/144
// WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName is a Go-exported function that
// is also exported to C as a name with underscores.
// Don't do that. If you want to use a C-style name for a C export, make it
// lower-case and leave it out of the Go-exported API.
//export WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName
func WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName() {} // MATCH /don't use underscores in Go names; func WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLetters_InACFunctionName should be WhyAreYouUsingCapitalLettersInACFunctionName/