| `TASK_EXE` | The Task executable name or path. |
| `ROOT_TASKFILE` | The absolute path of the root Taskfile. |
| `ROOT_DIR` | The absolute path of the root Taskfile directory. |
| `TASKFILE` | The absolute path of the included Taskfile. |
| `TASKFILE_DIR` | The absolute path of the included Taskfile directory. |
| `USER_WORKING_DIR` | The absolute path of the directory `task` was called from. |
| `CHECKSUM` | The checksum of the files listed in `sources`. Only available within the `status` prop and if method is set to `checksum`. |
| `TIMESTAMP` | The date object of the greatest timestamp of the files listed in `sources`. Only available within the `status` prop and if method is set to `timestamp`. |
| `TASK_VERSION` | The current version of task. |
| `ITEM` | The value of the current iteration when using the `for` property. Can be changed to a different variable name using `as:`. |
| `and` | Returns the boolean AND of its arguments by returning the first empty argument or the last argument. That is, `and x y` behaves as `if x then y else x`. Evaluation proceeds through the arguments left to right and returns when the result is determined. |
| `call` | Returns the result of calling the first argument, which must be a function, with the remaining arguments as parameters. Thus `call .X.Y 1 2` is, in Go notation, `dot.X.Y(1, 2)` where `Y` is a func-valued field, map entry, or the like. The first argument must be the result of an evaluation that yields a value of function type (as distinct from a predefined function such as print). The function must return either one or two result values, the second of which is of type error. If the arguments don't match the function or the returned error value is non-nil, execution stops. |
| `html` | Returns the escaped HTML equivalent of the textual representation of its arguments. This function is unavailable in [html/template][html/template], with a few exceptions. |
| `index` | Returns the result of indexing its first argument by the following arguments. Thus `index x 1 2 3` is, in Go syntax, `x[1][2][3]`. Each indexed item must be a map, slice, or array. |
| `slice` | slice returns the result of slicing its first argument by the remaining arguments. Thus `slice x 1 2` is, in Go syntax, `x[1:2]`, while `slice x` is `x[:]`, `slice x 1` is `x[1:]`, and `slice x 1 2 3` is `x[1:2:3]`. The first argument must be a string, slice, or array. |
| `js` | Returns the escaped JavaScript equivalent of the textual representation of its arguments. |
| `len` | Returns the integer length of its argument. |
| `not` | Returns the boolean negation of its single argument. |
| `or` | Returns the boolean OR of its arguments by returning the first non-empty argument or the last argument, that is, `or x y` behaves as `if x then x else y`. Evaluation proceeds through the arguments left to right and returns when the result is determined. |
| `print` | An alias for `fmt.Sprint`. |
| `printf` | An alias for `fmt.Sprintf`. |
| `println` | An alias for `fmt.Sprintln`. |
| `urlquery` | Returns the escaped value of the textual representation of its arguments in a form suitable for embedding in a URL query. This function is unavailable in [html/template][html/template], with a few exceptions. |
### Slim-Sprig Functions
In addition to the built-in functions, Task also provides a set of functions
imported via the [slim-sprig][slim-sprig] package. We only provide a very basic
description here for completeness. For detailed usage, please refer to the
| `trim` | Removes space from either side of a string. |
| `trimAll` | Removes given characters from the front or back of a string. |
| `trimSuffix` | Trims just the suffix from a string. |
| `trimPrefix` | Trims just the prefix from a string. |
| `upper` | Converts the entire string to uppercase. |
| `lower` | Converts the entire string to lowercase. |
| `title` | Converts to title case. |
| `repeat` | Repeats a string multiple times. |
| `substr` | Gets a substring from a string. |
| `trunc` | Truncates a string. |
| `contains` | Tests to see if one string is contained inside of another. |
| `hasPrefix` | Tests whether a string has a given prefix. |
| `hasSuffix` | Tests whether a string has a given suffix. |
| `quote` | Wraps a string in double quotes. |
| `squote` | Wraps a string in single quotes. |
| `cat` | Concatenates multiple strings together into one, separating them with spaces. |
| `indent` | Indents every line in a given string to the specified indent width. |
| `nindent` | Identical to `indent`, but prepends a new line to the beginning of the string. |
| `replace` | Replaces a string. |
| `plural` | Pluralizes a string. |
| `regexMatch`\* | Returns true if the input string contains any match of the regular expression. |
| `regexFindAll`\* | Returns a slice of all matches of the regular expression in the input string. |
| `regexFind`\* | Returns the first (left most) match of the regular expression in the input string. |
| `regexReplaceAll`\* | Returns a copy of the input string, replacing matches of the Regexp with the replacement string replacement. |
| `regexReplaceAllLiteral`\* | Returns a copy of the input string, replacing matches of the Regexp with the replacement string replacement without expanding `$`. |
| `regexSplit`\* | Slices the input string into substrings separated by the expression and returns a slice of the substrings between those expression matches. |
| `regexQuoteMeta`\* | Returns a string that escapes all regular expression metacharacters inside the argument text. |
| `default` | Uses a default value if the given value is considered "zero" or "empty". |
| `empty` | Returns true if a value is considered "zero" or "empty". |
| `coalesce` | Takes a list of values and returns the first non-empty one. |
| `all` | Returns true if all values are non-empty. |
| `any` | Returns true if any value is non-empty. |
| `ternary` | The ternary function takes two values, and a test value. If the test value is true, the first value will be returned. If the test value is empty, the second value will be returned. |
| `splitLines` | Splits Unix (`\n`) and Windows (`\r\n`) styled newlines. |
| `catLines` | Replaces Unix (`\n`) and Windows (`\r\n`) styled newlines with a space. |
| `toSlash` | Does nothing on Unix, but on Windows converts a string from `\` path format to `/`. |
| `fromSlash` | Opposite of `toSlash`. Does nothing on Unix, but on Windows converts a string from `/` path format to `\`. |
| `exeExt` | Returns the right executable extension for the current OS (`".exe"` for Windows, `""` for others). |
| `shellQuote` | (aliased to `q`): Quotes a string to make it safe for use in shell scripts. Task uses [this Go function](https://pkg.go.dev/mvdan.cc/sh/v3@v3.4.0/syntax#Quote) for this. The Bash dialect is assumed. |
| `splitArgs` | Splits a string as if it were a command's arguments. Task uses [this Go function](https://pkg.go.dev/mvdan.cc/sh/v3@v3.4.0/shell#Fields). |
| `joinPath` | Joins any number of arguments into a path. The same as Go's [filepath.Join](https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Join). |
| `relPath` | Converts an absolute path (second argument) into a relative path, based on a base path (first argument). The same as Go's [filepath.Rel](https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Rel). |
| `merge` | Creates a new map that is a copy of the first map with the keys of each subsequent map merged into it. If there is a duplicate key, the value of the last map with that key is used. |
| `spew` | Returns the Go representation of a specific variable. Useful for debugging. Uses the [davecgh/go-spew](https://github.com/davecgh/go-spew) package. |