diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/code.json b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/code.json
index be706914..83261d27 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/code.json
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/code.json
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
"theme.ErrorPageContent.title": {
- "message": "This page crashed.",
+ "message": "Cette page a rencontré un problème.",
"description": "The title of the fallback page when the page crashed"
"theme.ErrorPageContent.tryAgain": {
- "message": "Try again",
+ "message": "Veuillez réessayer",
"description": "The label of the button to try again when the page crashed"
"theme.NotFound.title": {
- "message": "Page Not Found",
+ "message": "Page non trouvée",
"description": "The title of the 404 page"
"theme.NotFound.p1": {
- "message": "We could not find what you were looking for.",
+ "message": "Nous n'avons pas trouvé ce que vous recherchiez.",
"description": "The first paragraph of the 404 page"
"theme.NotFound.p2": {
- "message": "Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.",
+ "message": "Veuillez contacter le propriétaire du site qui vous a lié à l'URL d'origine et lui faire savoir que son lien est rompu.",
"description": "The 2nd paragraph of the 404 page"
"theme.admonition.note": {
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"description": "The default label used for the Note admonition (:::note)"
"theme.admonition.tip": {
- "message": "tip",
+ "message": "conseils",
"description": "The default label used for the Tip admonition (:::tip)"
"theme.admonition.danger": {
@@ -36,138 +36,138 @@
"description": "The default label used for the Info admonition (:::info)"
"theme.admonition.caution": {
- "message": "caution",
+ "message": "attention",
"description": "The default label used for the Caution admonition (:::caution)"
"theme.BackToTopButton.buttonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Scroll back to top",
+ "message": "Retour en haut de la page",
"description": "The ARIA label for the back to top button"
"theme.blog.archive.title": {
- "message": "Archive",
+ "message": "Archiver",
"description": "The page & hero title of the blog archive page"
"theme.blog.archive.description": {
- "message": "Archive",
+ "message": "Archiver",
"description": "The page & hero description of the blog archive page"
"theme.blog.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Blog list page navigation",
+ "message": "Navigation dans la page de la liste des blogs",
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog pagination"
"theme.blog.paginator.newerEntries": {
- "message": "Newer Entries",
+ "message": "Nouvelles entrées",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the newer blog posts page (previous page)"
"theme.blog.paginator.olderEntries": {
- "message": "Older Entries",
+ "message": "Anciennes Entrées",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the older blog posts page (next page)"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Blog post page navigation",
+ "message": "Navigation dans la page d'article du blog",
"description": "The ARIA label for the blog posts pagination"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.newerPost": {
- "message": "Newer Post",
+ "message": "Article récent",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the newer/previous post"
"theme.blog.post.paginator.olderPost": {
- "message": "Older Post",
+ "message": "Article plus ancien",
"description": "The blog post button label to navigate to the older/next post"
"theme.blog.post.plurals": {
- "message": "One post|{count} posts",
+ "message": "Un article|{count} articles",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} posts\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.blog.tagTitle": {
- "message": "{nPosts} tagged with \"{tagName}\"",
+ "message": "{nPosts} tagués avec « {tagName} »",
"description": "The title of the page for a blog tag"
"theme.tags.tagsPageLink": {
- "message": "View All Tags",
+ "message": "Voir tous les tags",
"description": "The label of the link targeting the tag list page"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel": {
- "message": "Switch between dark and light mode (currently {mode})",
+ "message": "Basculer entre le mode sombre et le mode clair (actuellement {mode})",
"description": "The ARIA label for the navbar color mode toggle"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.dark": {
- "message": "dark mode",
+ "message": "mode sombre",
"description": "The name for the dark color mode"
"theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.light": {
- "message": "light mode",
+ "message": "mode clair",
"description": "The name for the light color mode"
"theme.docs.breadcrumbs.home": {
- "message": "Home page",
+ "message": "Page d’accueil",
"description": "The ARIA label for the home page in the breadcrumbs"
"theme.docs.breadcrumbs.navAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Breadcrumbs",
+ "message": "Fil d'Ariane",
"description": "The ARIA label for the breadcrumbs"
"theme.docs.DocCard.categoryDescription": {
- "message": "{count} items",
+ "message": "{count} éléments",
"description": "The default description for a category card in the generated index about how many items this category includes"
"theme.docs.paginator.navAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Docs pages navigation",
+ "message": "Navigation dans les pages",
"description": "The ARIA label for the docs pagination"
"theme.docs.paginator.previous": {
- "message": "Previous",
+ "message": "Précédent",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the previous doc"
"theme.docs.paginator.next": {
- "message": "Next",
+ "message": "Suivant",
"description": "The label used to navigate to the next doc"
"theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle.nDocsTagged": {
- "message": "One doc tagged|{count} docs tagged",
+ "message": "Un document tagué|{count} documents tagués",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} docs tagged\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle": {
- "message": "{nDocsTagged} with \"{tagName}\"",
+ "message": "{nDocsTagged} avec \"{tagName}\"",
"description": "The title of the page for a docs tag"
"theme.docs.versionBadge.label": {
- "message": "Version: {versionLabel}"
+ "message": "Version : {versionLabel}"
"theme.docs.versions.unreleasedVersionLabel": {
- "message": "This is unreleased documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel} version.",
+ "message": "Ceci est une documentation non publiée pour la version {versionLabel} de {siteTitle}.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unreleased doc version"
"theme.docs.versions.unmaintainedVersionLabel": {
- "message": "This is documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel}, which is no longer actively maintained.",
+ "message": "Ceci est la documentation de {siteTitle} {versionLabel}, qui n'est plus activement maintenue.",
"description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unmaintained doc version"
"theme.docs.versions.latestVersionSuggestionLabel": {
- "message": "For up-to-date documentation, see the {latestVersionLink} ({versionLabel}).",
+ "message": "Pour une documentation à jour, consultez la {latestVersionLink} ({versionLabel}).",
"description": "The label used to tell the user to check the latest version"
"theme.docs.versions.latestVersionLinkLabel": {
- "message": "latest version",
+ "message": "dernière version",
"description": "The label used for the latest version suggestion link label"
"theme.common.editThisPage": {
- "message": "Edit this page",
+ "message": "Éditer cette page",
"description": "The link label to edit the current page"
"theme.common.headingLinkTitle": {
- "message": "Direct link to heading",
+ "message": "Lien direct vers l'entête",
"description": "Title for link to heading"
"theme.lastUpdated.atDate": {
- "message": " on {date}",
+ "message": " le {date}",
"description": "The words used to describe on which date a page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.byUser": {
- "message": " by {user}",
+ "message": " par {user}",
"description": "The words used to describe by who the page has been last updated"
"theme.lastUpdated.lastUpdatedAtBy": {
- "message": "Last updated{atDate}{byUser}",
+ "message": "Dernière mise à jour{atDate}{byUser}",
"description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who"
"theme.navbar.mobileVersionsDropdown.label": {
@@ -179,214 +179,214 @@
"description": "The label alongside a tag list"
"theme.AnnouncementBar.closeButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Close",
+ "message": "Fermer",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of announcement bar"
"theme.blog.sidebar.navAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Blog recent posts navigation",
+ "message": "Navigation dans les articles récents du blog",
"description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar"
"theme.CodeBlock.copied": {
- "message": "Copied",
+ "message": "Copié",
"description": "The copied button label on code blocks"
"theme.CodeBlock.copyButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Copy code to clipboard",
+ "message": "Copier le code dans le presse-papiers",
"description": "The ARIA label for copy code blocks button"
"theme.CodeBlock.copy": {
- "message": "Copy",
+ "message": "Copier",
"description": "The copy button label on code blocks"
"theme.CodeBlock.wordWrapToggle": {
- "message": "Toggle word wrap",
+ "message": "Basculer le retour à la ligne automatique",
"description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines"
"theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'",
+ "message": "Plier/Déplier la catégorie '{label}' de la barre latérale",
"description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category"
"theme.navbar.mobileLanguageDropdown.label": {
- "message": "Languages",
+ "message": "Langues",
"description": "The label for the mobile language switcher dropdown"
"theme.TOCCollapsible.toggleButtonLabel": {
- "message": "On this page",
+ "message": "Sur cette page",
"description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component"
"theme.blog.post.readMore": {
- "message": "Read More",
+ "message": "En Savoir Plus",
"description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts"
"theme.blog.post.readMoreLabel": {
- "message": "Read more about {title}",
+ "message": "En savoir plus sur {title}",
"description": "The ARIA label for the link to full blog posts from excerpts"
"theme.blog.post.readingTime.plurals": {
- "message": "One min read|{readingTime} min read",
+ "message": "Une minute de lecture|{readingTime} minutes de lecture",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Collapse sidebar",
+ "message": "Réduire la barre latérale",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Collapse sidebar",
+ "message": "Réduire la barre latérale",
"description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.sidebar.closeSidebarButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Close navigation bar",
+ "message": "Fermer la barre de navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for close button of mobile sidebar"
"theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": {
- "message": "← Back to main menu",
+ "message": "Retour au menu principal",
"description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)"
"theme.docs.sidebar.toggleSidebarButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Toggle navigation bar",
+ "message": "Afficher/Masquer la barre de navigation",
"description": "The ARIA label for hamburger menu button of mobile navigation"
"theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Expand sidebar",
+ "message": "Déplier le menu latéral",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Expand sidebar",
+ "message": "Déplier le menu latéral",
"description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar"
"theme.SearchBar.seeAll": {
- "message": "See all {count} results"
+ "message": "Voir les {count} résultats"
"theme.SearchPage.documentsFound.plurals": {
- "message": "One document found|{count} documents found",
+ "message": "Un document trouvé |{count} documents trouvés",
"description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} documents found\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)"
"theme.SearchPage.existingResultsTitle": {
- "message": "Search results for \"{query}\"",
+ "message": "Résultats de la recherche pour \"{query}\"",
"description": "The search page title for non-empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.emptyResultsTitle": {
- "message": "Search the documentation",
+ "message": "Rechercher dans la documentation",
"description": "The search page title for empty query"
"theme.SearchPage.inputPlaceholder": {
- "message": "Type your search here",
+ "message": "Saisissez votre recherche ici",
"description": "The placeholder for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.inputLabel": {
- "message": "Search",
+ "message": "Rechercher",
"description": "The ARIA label for search page input"
"theme.SearchPage.algoliaLabel": {
- "message": "Search by Algolia",
+ "message": "Recherche par Algolia",
"description": "The ARIA label for Algolia mention"
"theme.SearchPage.noResultsText": {
- "message": "No results were found",
+ "message": "Aucun résultat trouvé",
"description": "The paragraph for empty search result"
"theme.SearchPage.fetchingNewResults": {
- "message": "Fetching new results...",
+ "message": "Recherche de nouveaux résultats...",
"description": "The paragraph for fetching new search results"
"theme.SearchBar.label": {
- "message": "Search",
+ "message": "Rechercher",
"description": "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button"
"theme.SearchModal.searchBox.resetButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Clear the query",
+ "message": "Effacer la recherche",
"description": "The label and ARIA label for search box reset button"
"theme.SearchModal.searchBox.cancelButtonText": {
- "message": "Cancel",
+ "message": "Annuler",
"description": "The label and ARIA label for search box cancel button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.recentSearchesTitle": {
- "message": "Recent",
+ "message": "Récent",
"description": "The title for recent searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.noRecentSearchesText": {
- "message": "No recent searches",
+ "message": "Pas de recherches récentes",
"description": "The text when no recent searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.saveRecentSearchButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Save this search",
+ "message": "Enregistrer cette recherche",
"description": "The label for save recent search button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeRecentSearchButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Remove this search from history",
+ "message": "Supprimer cette recherche de l'historique",
"description": "The label for remove recent search button"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.favoriteSearchesTitle": {
- "message": "Favorite",
+ "message": "Favoris",
"description": "The title for favorite searches"
"theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle": {
- "message": "Remove this search from favorites",
+ "message": "Supprimer cette recherche des favoris",
"description": "The label for remove favorite search button"
"theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.titleText": {
- "message": "Unable to fetch results",
+ "message": "Impossible de récupérer les résultats",
"description": "The title for error screen of search modal"
"theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.helpText": {
- "message": "You might want to check your network connection.",
+ "message": "Vous devriez vérifier votre connexion réseau.",
"description": "The help text for error screen of search modal"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.selectText": {
- "message": "to select",
+ "message": "sélectionner",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for the enter key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.selectKeyAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Enter key",
+ "message": "Touche Entrée",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Enter key button that makes the selection"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateText": {
- "message": "to navigate",
+ "message": "naviguer",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for the Arrow up and Arrow down key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateUpKeyAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Arrow up",
+ "message": "Flèche du haut",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow up key button that makes the navigation"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateDownKeyAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Arrow down",
+ "message": "Flèche du bas",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow down key button that makes the navigation"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.closeText": {
- "message": "to close",
+ "message": "fermer",
"description": "The explanatory text of the action for Escape key"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.closeKeyAriaLabel": {
- "message": "Escape key",
+ "message": "Touche Echap",
"description": "The ARIA label for the Escape key button that close the modal"
"theme.SearchModal.footer.searchByText": {
- "message": "Search by",
+ "message": "Rechercher par",
"description": "The text explain that the search is making by Algolia"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.noResultsText": {
- "message": "No results for",
+ "message": "Aucun résultat pour",
"description": "The text explains that there are no results for the following search"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.suggestedQueryText": {
- "message": "Try searching for",
+ "message": "Essayez de rechercher",
"description": "The text for the suggested query when no results are found for the following search"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsText": {
- "message": "Believe this query should return results?",
+ "message": "Pensez-vous que cette requête aurait dû retourner des résultats ?",
"description": "The text for the question where the user thinks there are missing results"
"theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsLinkText": {
- "message": "Let us know.",
+ "message": "Faites-le nous savoir.",
"description": "The text for the link to report missing results"
"theme.SearchModal.placeholder": {
- "message": "Search docs",
+ "message": "Rechercher dans la documentation",
"description": "The placeholder of the input of the DocSearch pop-up modal"
"theme.common.skipToMainContent": {
- "message": "Skip to main content",
+ "message": "Accéder directement au contenu principal",
"description": "The skip to content label used for accessibility, allowing to rapidly navigate to main content with keyboard tab/enter navigation"
"theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": {
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/authors.yml b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/authors.yml
index e9cfd581..450a93a8 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/authors.yml
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-blog/authors.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: Andrey Nering
- title: Maintainer of Task
+ title: Mainteneur de Task
url: https://github.com/andreynering
image_url: https://github.com/andreynering.png
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json
index f2135103..dc4d77cd 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"version.label": {
- "message": "Next",
+ "message": "Suivant",
"description": "The label for version current"
"sidebar.tutorialSidebar.link.Chinese | 中国人": {
- "message": "Chinese | 中国人",
+ "message": "Chinois | 中国人",
"description": "The label for link Chinese | 中国人 in sidebar tutorialSidebar, linking to https://task-zh.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/"
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community.md b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community.md
index 5153a123..79a1bc75 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community.md
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community.md
@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@ slug: /community/
sidebar_position: 9
-# Community
+# Communauté
-Some of the work to improve the Task ecosystem is done by the community, be it installation methods or integrations with code editor. I (the author) am thankful for everyone that helps me to improve the overall experience.
+Certains travaux d'amélioration de l'écosystème Task sont réalisés par la communauté, que ce soit des méthodes d'installation ou des intégrations avec l'éditeur de code. Moi (l'auteur) suis reconnaissant envers tout le monde qui m'aide à améliorer l'expérience globale.
-## Translations
+## Traductions
-[@DeronW](https://github.com/DeronW) maintains the [Chinese translation](https://task-zh.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/) of the website [on this repository](https://github.com/DeronW/task).
+[@DeronW](https://github.com/DeronW) maintient la [traduction Chinoise](https://task-zh.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/) du site [sur ce dépôt](https://github.com/DeronW/task).
-## Integrations
+## Intégrations
-Many of our integrations are contributed and maintained by the community. You can view the full list of community integrations [here](/integrations#community-integrations).
+Un grand nombre de nos intégrations sont apportées et maintenues par la communauté. Vous pouvez voir la liste complète des intégrations de la communauté [ici](/integrations#community-integrations).
-## Installation methods
+## Méthodes d'installation
-Some installation methods are maintained by third party:
+Certaines méthodes d'installation sont maintenues par un tiers :
-- [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/arduino/setup-task) by [@arduino](https://github.com/arduino)
-- [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/go-task-bin) by [@carlsmedstad](https://github.com/carlsmedstad)
+- [Actions GitHub](https://github.com/arduino/setup-task) par [@arduino](https://github.com/arduino)
+- [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/go-task-bin) par [@carlsmedstad](https://github.com/carlsmedstad)
- [Scoop](https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main/blob/master/bucket/task.json)
- [Fedora](https://packages.fedoraproject.org/pkgs/golang-github-task/go-task/)
- [NixOS](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/tools/go-task/default.nix)
-## More
+## Plus d’infos
-Also, thanks for all the [code contributors](https://github.com/go-task/task/graphs/contributors), [financial contributors](https://opencollective.com/task), all those who [reported bugs](https://github.com/go-task/task/issues?q=is%3Aissue) and [answered questions](https://github.com/go-task/task/discussions).
+Aussi, merci à tous les [contributeurs](https://github.com/go-task/task/graphs/contributors), [contributeurs financiers](https://opencollective.com/task), tous ceux qui [ont signalé des bugs](https://github.com/go-task/task/issues?q=is%3Aissue) et [ont répondu aux questions](https://github.com/go-task/task/discussions).
-If you know something that is missing in this document, please submit a pull request.
+Si vous voyez quelque chose qui manque dans ce document, veuillez soumettre une pull request.
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/donate.md b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/donate.md
index 6b520d7f..c76f0858 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/donate.md
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/donate.md
@@ -3,40 +3,40 @@ slug: /donate/
sidebar_position: 13
-# Donate
+# Faire un don
-If you find this project useful, you can consider donating by using one of the channels listed below.
+Si vous trouvez ce projet utile, vous pouvez envisager de faire un don en utilisant l'un des canaux listés ci-dessous.
-This is just a way of saying "thank you", it won't give you any benefits like higher priority on issues or something similar.
+C'est juste une façon de nous dire "merci", il ne vous donnera pas d'avantages comme une priorité élevée sur des problèmes ou des choses similaires.
-Companies who donate at least $50/month will be featured as a "Gold Sponsor" in the website homepage and on the GitHub repository README. Make contact with [@andreynering][] with the logo you want to be shown. Suspect businesses (gambling, casinos, etc) won't be allowed, though.
+Les entreprises qui font un don d'au moins 50$/mois seront présentées comme un "Sponsor Or" sur la page d'accueil du site and sur le README du dépôt GitHub. Prenez contact avec [@andreynering][] avec le logo que vous voulez afficher. Cependant, les entreprises suspectes (jeux, casinos, etc) ne seront pas autorisées.
-## GitHub Sponsors
+## Sponsors GitHub
-The preferred way to donate to the maintainers is via GitHub Sponsors. Just use the following links to do your donation:
+La façon préférée de faire un don aux mainteneurs du projet est d'utiliser les sponsors GitHub. Utilisez simplement le lien suivant pour faire votre don :
- [@andreynering](https://github.com/sponsors/andreynering)
- [@pd93](https://github.com/sponsors/pd93)
## Open Collective
-If you prefer [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/task) you can donate by using these links:
+Si vous préférez [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/task) vous pouvez faire un don en utilisant ces liens :
-- [$2 per month](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/backer-4034/checkout)
-- [$5 per month](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/supporter-8404/checkout)
-- [$20 per month](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/sponsor-4035/checkout)
-- [$50 per month](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/sponsor-28775/checkout)
-- [Custom value - One-time donation option supported](https://opencollective.com/task/donate)
+- [2$ par mois](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/backer-4034/checkout)
+- [5$ par mois](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/supporter-8404/checkout)
+- [20$ par mois](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/sponsor-4035/checkout)
+- [50$ par mois](https://opencollective.com/task/contribute/sponsor-28775/checkout)
+- [Valeur personnalisée - option de don unique prise en charge](https://opencollective.com/task/donate)
## PayPal
-You can donate to [@andreynering][] via PayPal as well:
+Vous pouvez aussi faire un don à [@andreynering][] via PayPal :
-- [Any value - One-time donation](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=GSVDU63RKG45A¤cy_code=USD&source=url)
+- [N'importe quelle valeur - Don unique](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=GSVDU63RKG45A¤cy_code=USD&source=url)
-## PIX (Brazil only)
+## PIX (Brésil uniquement)
-And if you're Brazilian, you can also donate to [@andreynering][] via PIX by [using this QR Code](/img/pix.png).
+Et si vous êtes Brésilien, vous pouvez également faire un don à [@andreynering][] via PIX en [utilisant ce QR Code](/img/pix.png).
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/faq.md b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/faq.md
index 27abfdd4..eba60cbc 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/faq.md
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/faq.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ sidebar_position: 6
-This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about Task.
+Cette page contient une liste de question fréquemment posée à propos de Task.
- [Why won't my task update my shell environment?](#why-wont-my-task-update-my-shell-environment)
- ['x' builtin command doesn't work on Windows](#x-builtin-command-doesnt-work-on-windows)
diff --git a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
index 4491233c..5e1e7659 100644
--- a/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
+++ b/docs/i18n/fr-FR/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/intro.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
slug: /
sidebar_position: 1
-title: Home
+title: Accueil
# Task
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ title: Home
-Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, [GNU Make][make].
+Task est un exécuteur de tâches / de build qui vise à être plus simple et facile à utiliser que, par exemple, [GNU Make][make].
-Since it's written in [Go][go], Task is just a single binary and has no other dependencies, which means you don't need to mess with any complicated install setups just to use a build tool.
+Comme il est écrit en [Go][go], Task n'est qu'un binaire unique et n'a aucune dépendance. Cela signifie que vous n'avez pas besoin d'une installation compliquée simplement pour utiliser un outil de build.
-Once [installed](installation.md), you just need to describe your build tasks using a simple [YAML][yaml] schema in a file called `Taskfile.yml`:
+Une fois [installé](installation.md), il vous suffit de décrire vos tâches de build en utilisant un simple schéma [YAML][yaml] dans un fichier appelé `Taskfile.yml`:
```yaml title="Taskfile.yml"
version: '3'
@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ tasks:
silent: true
-And call it by running `task hello` from your terminal.
+Et appelez-le en exécutant `task hello` depuis votre terminal.
-The above example is just the start, you can take a look at the [usage](/usage) guide to check the full schema documentation and Task features.
+L'exemple ci-dessus n'est que le début, vous pouvez jeter un coup d'œil au [guide d'utilisation](/usage) pour vérifier la documentation complète du schéma et les fonctionnalités de Task.
-## Features
+## Fonctionnalités
-- [Easy installation](installation.md): just download a single binary, add to `$PATH` and you're done! Or you can also install using [Homebrew][homebrew], [Snapcraft][snapcraft], or [Scoop][scoop] if you want.
-- Available on CIs: by adding [this simple command](installation.md#install-script) to install on your CI script and you're ready to use Task as part of your CI pipeline;
-- Truly cross-platform: while most build tools only work well on Linux or macOS, Task also supports Windows thanks to [this shell interpreter for Go][sh].
-- Great for code generation: you can easily [prevent a task from running](/usage#prevent-unnecessary-work) if a given set of files haven't changed since last run (based either on its timestamp or content).
+- [Installation facile](installation.md): il suffit de télécharger un seul binaire, ajoutez le à `$PATH` et vous avez terminé ! Ou vous pouvez également installer en utilisant [Homebrew][homebrew], [Snapcraft][snapcraft] ou [Scoop][scoop] si vous le souhaitez.
+- Disponible sur les CIs: en ajoutant [cette commande simple](installation.md#install-script) à installer sur votre script CI, vous êtes prêt à utiliser Task dans le cadre de votre pipeline CI ;
+- Multi-plateforme : alors que la plupart des outils de compilation ne fonctionnent bien que sous Linux ou macOS, Task prend également en charge Windows grâce à [cet interpréteur shell pour Go][sh].
+- Idéal pour la génération de code : vous pouvez facilement [empêcher une tâche de s'exécuter](/usage#prevent-unnecessary-work) si un ensemble donné de fichiers n'ont pas changé depuis le dernier lancement (basé soit sur son horodatage soit son contenu).
-## Gold Sponsors
+## Sponsors Or