The GitHub Actions action for installing Task has graduated from its original home in the experimental `arduino/action`
repository with a move to a dedicated permanent repository at `arduino/setup-task`. This move was accompanied by
significant upgrades to the project infrastructure to facilitate its maintenance and quality assurance.
A 1.0.0 release has been made and a `v1` ref that will track all releases in the major version 1 series. I have updated
the example snippet to use this `v1 ref because this will cause the user's workflows to use stable release versions of
the action while also benefiting from ongoing development to the action at each patch or minor release up until such time
as a new major release is made. At this time the user will be given the opportunity to evaluate whether any changes to
the workflow are required by the breaking change to the action that triggered the major release before manually updating
the major ref in the workflows (e.g., `uses: arduino/setup-task@v2`).
Double -s argument does not make sense according to curl manual page.
-s stands for silent, while -S (capital S) stands for showing the error.
When used in combination, curl shows an error message if it fails, but disables progress meter.
Finally, in the end of sh command there is -d, which stands for debug and contradicts -sS curl arguments.
I suggest to remove curl silencers all together, because more debug is better in CIs. I also suggest to use --location instead of -L for clarity.
- The default didn't work well for me out of the gate.
- This is the modified version to support passing in the arguments easily as well as an example for installing to `/usr/local/bin` for using in Codespaces or equivalent development workflow.