# This is a template for an experiments documentation
# Copy this page and fill in the details as necessary
title: '--- Template ---'
sidebar_position: -1 # Always push to the top
draft: true # Hide in production

# \{Name of Experiment\} (#\{Issue\})


All experimental features are subject to breaking changes and/or removal _at any
time_. We strongly recommend that you do not use these features in a production
environment. They are intended for testing and feedback only.



This experiment breaks the following functionality:

- \{list any existing functionality that will be broken by this experiment\}
- \{if there are no breaking changes, remove this admonition\}



To enable this experiment, set the environment variable: `TASK_X_{feature}=1`.
Check out [our guide to enabling experiments ][enabling-experiments] for more


\{Short description of the feature\}

\{Short explanation of how users should migrate to the new behavior\}

{/* prettier-ignore-start */}
[enabling-experiments]: ./experiments.mdx#enabling-experiments
{/* prettier-ignore-end */}