package taskfile

import (



const (
	taskfileUntrustedPrompt = `The task you are attempting to run depends on the remote Taskfile at %q.
--- Make sure you trust the source of this Taskfile before continuing ---
	taskfileChangedPrompt = `The Taskfile at %q has changed since you last used it!
--- Make sure you trust the source of this Taskfile before continuing ---

// A Reader will recursively read Taskfiles from a given source using a directed
// acyclic graph (DAG).
type Reader struct {
	graph       *ast.TaskfileGraph
	node        Node
	insecure    bool
	download    bool
	offline     bool
	timeout     time.Duration
	tempDir     string
	logger      *logger.Logger
	promptMutex sync.Mutex

func NewReader(
	node Node,
	insecure bool,
	download bool,
	offline bool,
	timeout time.Duration,
	tempDir string,
	logger *logger.Logger,
) *Reader {
	return &Reader{
		graph:       ast.NewTaskfileGraph(),
		node:        node,
		insecure:    insecure,
		download:    download,
		offline:     offline,
		timeout:     timeout,
		tempDir:     tempDir,
		logger:      logger,
		promptMutex: sync.Mutex{},

func (r *Reader) Read() (*ast.TaskfileGraph, error) {
	// Recursively loop through each Taskfile, adding vertices/edges to the graph
	if err := r.include(r.node); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return r.graph, nil

func (r *Reader) include(node Node) error {
	// Create a new vertex for the Taskfile
	vertex := &ast.TaskfileVertex{
		URI:      node.Location(),
		Taskfile: nil,

	// Add the included Taskfile to the DAG
	// If the vertex already exists, we return early since its Taskfile has
	// already been read and its children explored
	if err := r.graph.AddVertex(vertex); err == graph.ErrVertexAlreadyExists {
		return nil
	} else if err != nil {
		return err

	// Read and parse the Taskfile from the file and add it to the vertex
	var err error
	vertex.Taskfile, err = r.readNode(node)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create an error group to wait for all included Taskfiles to be read
	var g errgroup.Group

	// Loop over each included taskfile
	_ = vertex.Taskfile.Includes.Range(func(namespace string, include *ast.Include) error {
		vars := compiler.GetEnviron()
		vars.Merge(vertex.Taskfile.Vars, nil)
		// Start a goroutine to process each included Taskfile
		g.Go(func() error {
			cache := &templater.Cache{Vars: vars}
			include = &ast.Include{
				Namespace:      include.Namespace,
				Taskfile:       templater.Replace(include.Taskfile, cache),
				Dir:            templater.Replace(include.Dir, cache),
				Optional:       include.Optional,
				Internal:       include.Internal,
				Flatten:        include.Flatten,
				Aliases:        include.Aliases,
				AdvancedImport: include.AdvancedImport,
				Excludes:       include.Excludes,
				Vars:           include.Vars,
			if err := cache.Err(); err != nil {
				return err

			entrypoint, err := node.ResolveEntrypoint(include.Taskfile)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			include.Dir, err = node.ResolveDir(include.Dir)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			includeNode, err := NewNode(r.logger, entrypoint, include.Dir, r.insecure, r.timeout,
			if err != nil {
				if include.Optional {
					return nil
				return err

			// Recurse into the included Taskfile
			if err := r.include(includeNode); err != nil {
				return err

			// Create an edge between the Taskfiles
			defer r.graph.Unlock()
			edge, err := r.graph.Edge(node.Location(), includeNode.Location())
			if err == graph.ErrEdgeNotFound {
				// If the edge doesn't exist, create it
				err = r.graph.AddEdge(
			} else {
				// If the edge already exists
				edgeData := append(edge.Properties.Data.([]*ast.Include), include)
				err = r.graph.UpdateEdge(
			if errors.Is(err, graph.ErrEdgeCreatesCycle) {
				return errors.TaskfileCycleError{
					Source:      node.Location(),
					Destination: includeNode.Location(),
			return err
		return nil

	// Wait for all the go routines to finish
	return g.Wait()

func (r *Reader) readNode(node Node) (*ast.Taskfile, error) {
	b, err := r.loadNodeContent(node)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var tf ast.Taskfile
	if err := yaml.Unmarshal(b, &tf); err != nil {
		// Decode the taskfile and add the file info the any errors
		taskfileInvalidErr := &errors.TaskfileDecodeError{}
		if errors.As(err, &taskfileInvalidErr) {
			return nil, taskfileInvalidErr.WithFileInfo(node.Location(), b, 2)
		return nil, &errors.TaskfileInvalidError{URI: filepathext.TryAbsToRel(node.Location()), Err: err}

	// Check that the Taskfile is set and has a schema version
	if tf.Version == nil {
		return nil, &errors.TaskfileVersionCheckError{URI: node.Location()}

	// Set the taskfile/task's locations
	tf.Location = node.Location()
	for _, task := range tf.Tasks.Values() {
		// If the task is not defined, create a new one
		if task == nil {
			task = &ast.Task{}
		// Set the location of the taskfile for each task
		if task.Location.Taskfile == "" {
			task.Location.Taskfile = tf.Location

	return &tf, nil

func (r *Reader) loadNodeContent(node Node) ([]byte, error) {
	if !node.Remote() {
		ctx, cf := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), r.timeout)
		defer cf()
		return node.Read(ctx)

	cache, err := NewCache(r.tempDir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if r.offline {
		// In offline mode try to use cached copy
		cached, err :=
		if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
			return nil, &errors.TaskfileCacheNotFoundError{URI: node.Location()}
		} else if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		r.logger.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Fetched cached copy\n", node.Location())

		return cached, nil

	ctx, cf := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), r.timeout)
	defer cf()

	b, err := node.Read(ctx)
	if errors.Is(err, &errors.TaskfileNetworkTimeoutError{}) {
		// If we timed out then we likely have a network issue

		// If a download was requested, then we can't use a cached copy
		if {
			return nil, &errors.TaskfileNetworkTimeoutError{URI: node.Location(), Timeout: r.timeout}

		// Search for any cached copies
		cached, err :=
		if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
			return nil, &errors.TaskfileNetworkTimeoutError{URI: node.Location(), Timeout: r.timeout, CheckedCache: true}
		} else if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		r.logger.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Network timeout. Fetched cached copy\n", node.Location())

		return cached, nil

	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r.logger.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Fetched remote copy\n", node.Location())

	// Get the checksums
	checksum := checksum(b)
	cachedChecksum := cache.readChecksum(node)

	var prompt string
	if cachedChecksum == "" {
		// If the checksum doesn't exist, prompt the user to continue
		prompt = fmt.Sprintf(taskfileUntrustedPrompt, node.Location())
	} else if checksum != cachedChecksum {
		// If there is a cached hash, but it doesn't match the expected hash, prompt the user to continue
		prompt = fmt.Sprintf(taskfileChangedPrompt, node.Location())

	if prompt != "" {
		if err := func() error {
			defer r.promptMutex.Unlock()
			return r.logger.Prompt(logger.Yellow, prompt, "n", "y", "yes")
		}(); err != nil {
			return nil, &errors.TaskfileNotTrustedError{URI: node.Location()}

		// Store the checksum
		if err := cache.writeChecksum(node, checksum); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Cache the file
		r.logger.VerboseOutf(logger.Magenta, "task: [%s] Caching downloaded file\n", node.Location())
		if err = cache.write(node, b); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	return b, nil