package ast

import (

	omap ""

// Include represents information about included taskfiles
type Include struct {
	Namespace      string
	Taskfile       string
	Dir            string
	Optional       bool
	Internal       bool
	Aliases        []string
	AdvancedImport bool
	Vars           *Vars
	Flatten        bool

// Includes represents information about included tasksfiles
type Includes struct {
	omap.OrderedMap[string, *Include]

// UnmarshalYAML implements the yaml.Unmarshaler interface.
func (includes *Includes) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
	switch node.Kind {
	case yaml.MappingNode:
		// NOTE(@andreynering): on this style of custom unmarshalling,
		// even number contains the keys, while odd numbers contains
		// the values.
		for i := 0; i < len(node.Content); i += 2 {
			keyNode := node.Content[i]
			valueNode := node.Content[i+1]

			var v Include
			if err := valueNode.Decode(&v); err != nil {
				return errors.NewTaskfileDecodeError(err, node)
			v.Namespace = keyNode.Value
			includes.Set(keyNode.Value, &v)
		return nil

	return errors.NewTaskfileDecodeError(nil, node).WithTypeMessage("includes")

// Len returns the length of the map
func (includes *Includes) Len() int {
	if includes == nil {
		return 0
	return includes.OrderedMap.Len()

// Wrapper around OrderedMap.Set to ensure we don't get nil pointer errors
func (includes *Includes) Range(f func(k string, v *Include) error) error {
	if includes == nil {
		return nil
	return includes.OrderedMap.Range(f)

func (include *Include) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
	switch node.Kind {

	case yaml.ScalarNode:
		var str string
		if err := node.Decode(&str); err != nil {
			return errors.NewTaskfileDecodeError(err, node)
		include.Taskfile = str
		return nil

	case yaml.MappingNode:
		var includedTaskfile struct {
			Taskfile string
			Dir      string
			Optional bool
			Internal bool
			Flatten  bool
			Aliases  []string
			Vars     *Vars
		if err := node.Decode(&includedTaskfile); err != nil {
			return errors.NewTaskfileDecodeError(err, node)
		include.Taskfile = includedTaskfile.Taskfile
		include.Dir = includedTaskfile.Dir
		include.Optional = includedTaskfile.Optional
		include.Internal = includedTaskfile.Internal
		include.Aliases = includedTaskfile.Aliases
		include.AdvancedImport = true
		include.Vars = includedTaskfile.Vars
		include.Flatten = includedTaskfile.Flatten
		return nil

	return errors.NewTaskfileDecodeError(nil, node).WithTypeMessage("include")

// DeepCopy creates a new instance of IncludedTaskfile and copies
// data by value from the source struct.
func (include *Include) DeepCopy() *Include {
	if include == nil {
		return nil
	return &Include{
		Namespace:      include.Namespace,
		Taskfile:       include.Taskfile,
		Dir:            include.Dir,
		Optional:       include.Optional,
		Internal:       include.Internal,
		AdvancedImport: include.AdvancedImport,
		Vars:           include.Vars.DeepCopy(),
		Flatten:        include.Flatten,