package errors

import (

// TaskfileNotFoundError is returned when no appropriate Taskfile is found when
// searching the filesystem.
type TaskfileNotFoundError struct {
	URI  string
	Walk bool

func (err TaskfileNotFoundError) Error() string {
	var walkText string
	if err.Walk {
		walkText = " (or any of the parent directories)"
	return fmt.Sprintf(`task: No Taskfile found at %q%s`, err.URI, walkText)

func (err TaskfileNotFoundError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileNotFound

// TaskfileAlreadyExistsError is returned on creating a Taskfile if one already
// exists.
type TaskfileAlreadyExistsError struct{}

func (err TaskfileAlreadyExistsError) Error() string {
	return "task: A Taskfile already exists"

func (err TaskfileAlreadyExistsError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileAlreadyExists

// TaskfileInvalidError is returned when the Taskfile contains syntax errors or
// cannot be parsed for some reason.
type TaskfileInvalidError struct {
	URI string
	Err error

func (err TaskfileInvalidError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("task: Failed to parse %s:\n%v", err.URI, err.Err)

func (err TaskfileInvalidError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileInvalid

// TaskfileFetchFailedError is returned when no appropriate Taskfile is found when
// searching the filesystem.
type TaskfileFetchFailedError struct {
	URI            string
	HTTPStatusCode int

func (err TaskfileFetchFailedError) Error() string {
	var statusText string
	if err.HTTPStatusCode != 0 {
		statusText = fmt.Sprintf(" with status code %d (%s)", err.HTTPStatusCode, http.StatusText(err.HTTPStatusCode))
	return fmt.Sprintf(`task: Download of %q failed%s`, err.URI, statusText)

func (err TaskfileFetchFailedError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileFetchFailed

// TaskfileNotTrustedError is returned when the user does not accept the trust
// prompt when downloading a remote Taskfile.
type TaskfileNotTrustedError struct {
	URI string

func (err *TaskfileNotTrustedError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`task: Taskfile %q not trusted by user`,

func (err *TaskfileNotTrustedError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileNotTrusted

// TaskfileNotSecureError is returned when the user attempts to download a
// remote Taskfile over an insecure connection.
type TaskfileNotSecureError struct {
	URI string

func (err *TaskfileNotSecureError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`task: Taskfile %q cannot be downloaded over an insecure connection. You can override this by using the --insecure flag`,

func (err *TaskfileNotSecureError) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileNotSecure

// TaskfileCacheNotFound is returned when the user attempts to use an offline
// (cached) Taskfile but the files does not exist in the cache.
type TaskfileCacheNotFound struct {
	URI string

func (err *TaskfileCacheNotFound) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`task: Taskfile %q was not found in the cache. Remove the --offline flag to use a remote copy or download it using the --download flag`,

func (err *TaskfileCacheNotFound) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileCacheNotFound

// TaskfileVersionNotDefined is returned when the user attempts to run a
// Taskfile that does not contain a Taskfile schema version key.
type TaskfileVersionNotDefined struct {
	URI string

func (err *TaskfileVersionNotDefined) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`task: Taskfile %q does not contain a schema version key`,

func (err *TaskfileVersionNotDefined) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileVersionNotDefined

// TaskfileNetworkTimeout is returned when the user attempts to use a remote
// Taskfile but a network connection could not be established within the timeout.
type TaskfileNetworkTimeout struct {
	URI          string
	Timeout      time.Duration
	CheckedCache bool

func (err *TaskfileNetworkTimeout) Error() string {
	var cacheText string
	if err.CheckedCache {
		cacheText = " and no offline copy was found in the cache"
	return fmt.Sprintf(
		`task: Network connection timed out after %s while attempting to download Taskfile %q%s`,
		err.Timeout, err.URI, cacheText,

func (err *TaskfileNetworkTimeout) Code() int {
	return CodeTaskfileNetworkTimeout