builds: - binary: task main: ./cmd/task goos: - windows - darwin - linux - freebsd goarch: - '386' - amd64 - arm - arm64 goarm: - '6' ignore: - goos: darwin goarch: '386' env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}' flags: - -trimpath ldflags: - -s -w # Don't set main.version. gomod: proxy: true archives: - name_template: "{{.Binary}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}" files: - - LICENSE - completion/**/* format_overrides: - goos: windows format: zip release: draft: true snapshot: name_template: "{{.Tag}}" checksum: name_template: "task_checksums.txt" nfpms: - vendor: Task homepage: maintainer: Andrey Nering description: Simple task runner written in Go license: MIT conflicts: - taskwarrior formats: - deb - rpm file_name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Os}}_{{.Arch}}" contents: - src: completion/bash/task.bash dst: /etc/bash_completion.d/task - src: completion/fish/ dst: /usr/share/fish/completions/ - src: completion/zsh/_task dst: /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_task brews: - name: go-task description: Task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go license: MIT homepage: folder: Formula repository: owner: go-task name: homebrew-tap test: system "#{bin}/task", "--help" install: |- bin.install "task" bash_completion.install "completion/bash/task.bash" => "task" zsh_completion.install "completion/zsh/_task" => "_task" fish_completion.install "completion/fish/" commit_author: name: task-bot email: winget: - name: Task publisher: Task short_description: A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go description: Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU Make. license: MIT homepage: publisher_url: publisher_support_url: package_identifier: Task.Task commit_author: name: task-bot email: commit_msg_template: "chore: bump {{.PackageIdentifier}} to {{.Tag}}" release_notes_url:{{.Tag}} tags: - build - build-tool - devops - go - make - makefile - runner - task - task-runner - taskfile - tool skip_upload: true repository: owner: microsoft name: winget-pkgs pull_request: enabled: true base: owner: go-task name: winget-pkgs branch: "bump-task-to-{{.Tag}}"