version: 2 tasks: task-with-summary: deps: [dependend-task-1,dependend-task-2] summary: | summary of task-with-summary - line 1 line 2 line 3 cmds: - echo 'task-with-summary was executed' - echo 'another command' - exit 0 task-without-summary: deps: [dependend-task-1] cmds: - echo 'task-without-summary was executed' other-task-with-summary: summary: summary of other-task-with-summary cmds: - echo 'other-task-with-summary was executed' task-with-summary-containing-empty-line: summary: | First line followed by empty line Last Line cmds: - exit 0 task-without-commands: summary: summary deps: [dependend-task-1] dependend-task-1: cmds: - echo 'dependend-task-1 was executed' - dependend-task-2: cmds: - echo 'dependend-task-2 was executed'