// @ts-check // Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion const { DISCORD_URL, GITHUB_URL, MASTODON_URL, TWITTER_URL } = require('./constants'); const lightCodeTheme = require('./src/themes/prismLight'); const darkCodeTheme = require('./src/themes/prismDark'); const { getTranslationProgress } = require('./src/api/crowdin.js'); const getConfig = async () => { const translationProgress = await getTranslationProgress(); /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */ const config = { title: 'Task', tagline: 'A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go ', url: 'https://taskfile.dev', baseUrl: '/', onBrokenLinks: 'throw', onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'throw', favicon: 'img/favicon.ico', organizationName: 'go-task', projectName: 'task', deploymentBranch: 'gh-pages', i18n: { defaultLocale: 'en', locales: [ 'en', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'ja-JP', 'pt-BR', 'ru-RU', 'tr-TR', 'zh-Hans' ], localeConfigs: { en: { label: 'English', direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'en-US' }, 'es-ES': { label: `Español (${translationProgress['es-ES'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'es-ES' }, 'fr-FR': { label: `Français (${translationProgress['fr'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'fr-FR' }, 'ja-JP': { label: `日本語 (${translationProgress['ja'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'ja-JP' }, 'pt-BR': { label: `Português (${translationProgress['pt-BR'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'pt-BR' }, 'ru-RU': { label: `Pусский (${translationProgress['ru'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'ru-RU' }, 'tr-TR': { label: `Türkçe (${translationProgress['tr'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'tr-TR' }, 'zh-Hans': { label: `简体中文 (${translationProgress['zh-CN'] || 0}%)`, direction: 'ltr', htmlLang: 'zh-Hans' } } }, presets: [ [ 'classic', /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').Options} */ ({ docs: { routeBasePath: '/', sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js') }, blog: false, theme: { customCss: [require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css')] }, gtag: { trackingID: 'G-4RT25NXQ7N', anonymizeIP: true }, sitemap: { changefreq: 'weekly', priority: 0.5, ignorePatterns: ['/tags/**'] } }) ] ], themeConfig: /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */ ({ metadata: [ { name: 'og:image', content: 'https://taskfile.dev/img/og-image.png' } ], navbar: { title: 'Task', logo: { alt: 'Task Logo', src: 'img/logo.svg' }, items: [ { type: 'doc', docId: 'installation', position: 'left', label: 'Installation' }, { type: 'doc', docId: 'usage', position: 'left', label: 'Usage' }, { type: 'doc', docId: 'api_reference', position: 'left', label: 'API' }, { type: 'doc', docId: 'donate', position: 'left', label: 'Donate' }, { type: 'localeDropdown', position: 'left', dropdownItemsAfter: [ { to: '/translate/', label: 'Help Us Translate' } ] }, { href: GITHUB_URL, label: 'GitHub', position: 'right' }, { href: TWITTER_URL, label: 'Twitter', position: 'right' }, { href: MASTODON_URL, label: 'Mastodon', rel: 'me', position: 'right' }, { href: DISCORD_URL, label: 'Discord', position: 'right' } ] }, footer: { style: 'dark', links: [ { title: 'Pages', items: [ { label: 'Installation', to: '/installation/' }, { label: 'Usage', to: '/usage/' }, { label: 'Donate', to: '/donate/' } ] }, { title: 'Community', items: [ { label: 'GitHub', href: GITHUB_URL }, { label: 'Twitter', href: TWITTER_URL }, { label: 'Mastodon', href: MASTODON_URL, rel: 'me' }, { label: 'Discord', href: DISCORD_URL }, { label: 'OpenCollective', href: 'https://opencollective.com/task' } ] }, { items: [ { html: '<a target="_blank" href="https://www.netlify.com"><img src="https://www.netlify.com/v3/img/components/netlify-color-accent.svg" alt="Deploys by Netlify" /></a>' } ] } ] }, prism: { theme: lightCodeTheme, darkTheme: darkCodeTheme }, // NOTE(@andreynering): Don't worry, these keys are meant to be public =) algolia: { appId: '7IZIJ13AI7', apiKey: '34b64ae4fc8d9da43d9a13d9710aaddc', indexName: 'taskfile' } }) }; return config; }; module.exports = getConfig;