import type {Config} from '@docusaurus/types';
import type * as Preset from '@docusaurus/preset-classic';
import { EnumChangefreq } from 'sitemap';

import remarkGithub from 'remark-github';
import remarkGfm from 'remark-gfm';

import { DISCORD_URL } from './constants';
import { GITHUB_URL } from './constants';
import { MASTODON_URL } from './constants';
import { TWITTER_URL } from './constants';
import { STACK_OVERFLOW } from './constants';
import { ANSWER_OVERFLOW } from './constants';

import lightCodeTheme from './src/themes/prismLight';
import darkCodeTheme from './src/themes/prismDark';

import { getTranslationProgress } from './src/api/crowdin.js';
const translationProgress = getTranslationProgress();

const config: Config = {
  title: 'Task',
  tagline: 'A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go ',
  url: '',
  baseUrl: '/',
  onBrokenLinks: 'warn',
  onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
  favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',

  organizationName: 'go-task',
  projectName: 'task',
  deploymentBranch: 'gh-pages',

  i18n: {
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    locales: ['en'],
    localeConfigs: {
      en: {
        label: 'English',
        direction: 'ltr',
        htmlLang: 'en-US'

  presets: [
        docs: {
          routeBasePath: '/',
          sidebarPath: './sidebars.ts',
          remarkPlugins: [remarkGithub, remarkGfm],
          includeCurrentVersion: true,
          versions: {
            current: {
              label: `Next 🚧`,
              path: 'next',
              badge: false
            latest: {
              label: 'Latest',
              badge: false
        blog: {
          blogSidebarTitle: 'All posts',
          blogSidebarCount: 'ALL'
        theme: {
          customCss: [
        gtag: {
          trackingID: 'G-4RT25NXQ7N',
          anonymizeIP: true
        sitemap: {
          changefreq: EnumChangefreq.WEEKLY,
          priority: 0.5,
          ignorePatterns: ['/tags/**']
      } satisfies Preset.Options,

  scripts: [
      src: '/js/carbon.js',
      async: true

    metadata: [
        name: 'og:image',
        content: ''
    navbar: {
      title: 'Task',
      logo: {
        alt: 'Task Logo',
        src: 'img/logo.svg'
      items: [
          type: 'doc',
          docId: 'intro',
          position: 'left',
          label: 'Docs'
          to: 'blog',
          label: 'Blog',
          position: 'left'
          to: '/donate',
          position: 'left',
          label: 'Donate'
          type: 'docsVersionDropdown',
          position: 'right',
          dropdownActiveClassDisabled: true,
          href: GITHUB_URL,
          position: 'right',
          className: "header-icon-link icon-github",
          href: DISCORD_URL,
          position: 'right',
          className: "header-icon-link icon-discord",
          href: TWITTER_URL,
          position: 'right',
          className: "header-icon-link icon-twitter",
          href: MASTODON_URL,
          rel: 'me',
          position: 'right',
          className: "header-icon-link icon-mastodon",
    footer: {
      style: 'dark',
      links: [
          title: 'Pages',
          items: [
              label: 'Installation',
              to: '/installation/'
              label: 'Usage',
              to: '/usage/'
              label: 'Donate',
              to: '/donate/'
          title: 'Community',
          items: [
              label: 'GitHub',
              href: GITHUB_URL
              label: 'Twitter',
              href: TWITTER_URL
              label: 'Mastodon',
              href: MASTODON_URL,
              rel: 'me'
              label: 'Discord',
              href: DISCORD_URL
              label: 'Stack Overflow',
              href: STACK_OVERFLOW
              label: 'Answer Overflow',
              href: ANSWER_OVERFLOW
              label: 'OpenCollective',
              href: ''
          items: [
              html: '<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt="Deploys by Netlify" /></a>'
    prism: {
      theme: lightCodeTheme,
      darkTheme: darkCodeTheme,
      additionalLanguages: [
        "bash", // aka. shell
    // NOTE(@andreynering): Don't worry, these keys are meant to be public =)
    algolia: {
      appId: '7IZIJ13AI7',
      apiKey: '34b64ae4fc8d9da43d9a13d9710aaddc',
      indexName: 'taskfile'
  } satisfies Preset.ThemeConfig,

export default config;